ClickUp är mer än bara ett uppgiftshanteringsverktyg, en 360-graders produktivitetssvit som erbjuder funktioner som expanderar och skalas tillsammans med ett företags växande behov. Med mer än 15 visningar och över 35 appar låter det team av alla storlekar från olika discipliner sätta strategiska projektmål, hantera arbetsflöden, samarbeta, iterera och optimera och spåra framsteg. Det finns unika funktioner för varje team som buggspårning och rapportering (teknik), försäljningsautomatisering (försäljning och marknadsföring) och personalintroduktion (HR) bara för att nämna några. ClickUp kommer förladdade med mallar som kan användas direkt när de erbjuder rika anpassningsalternativ.
Capabilities |
Segmentet |
konfiguration | Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone |
Support | 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport |
Utbildning | Dokumentation |
Språk | Engelska |
När det gäller projektledningsverktyg, Klicka på Upp har vuxit fram som en heltäckande lösning som vänder sig till ett brett spektrum av användare. Från frilansare som sköter sina egna uppgifter till stora företag som koordinerar komplexa projekt, ClickUp syftar till att förenkla och effektivisera processen. Men håller den sitt löfte? I den här recensionen kommer vi att ta en närmare titt på ClickUp och analysera dess funktioner, användargränssnitt, support och prisstruktur. Vårt mål är att tillhandahålla en opartisk och grundlig granskning av denna programvara, vilket hjälper dig att avgöra om den passar dina behov. Så, utan vidare, låt oss gräva in i ClickUps värld.
ClickUp är en molnbaserad produktivitetsplattform som syftar till att centralisera allt ditt arbete och dina uppgifter på ett ställe. Det är ett omfattande projektledningsverktyg utformat för att hjälpa individer och team att planera, organisera och samarbeta i projekt.
Programvaran erbjuder ett brett utbud av funktioner inklusive uppgiftshantering, tidsspårning, målsättning, dokumentdelning och mer. Den tillhandahåller också flera vyer för projektspårning, såsom listvy, brädvy och Gantt-diagramvy, så att användarna kan anpassa sin arbetsyta efter sina önskemål.
ClickUps målanvändare sträcker sig från frilansare och småföretag till stora företag. Det är designat för att vara flexibelt och anpassningsbart, och passar olika branscher och projekttyper. Oavsett om du hanterar en marknadsföringskampanj, utvecklar programvara eller planerar ett evenemang, syftar ClickUp till att tillhandahålla de verktyg du behöver för att hålla ditt projekt på rätt spår.
I huvudsak är ClickUp mer än bara ett projektledningsverktyg. Det är en produktivitetsplattform som försöker eliminera behovet av att använda flera, osammanhängande verktyg genom att tillhandahålla en enhetlig allt-i-ett-lösning.
ClickUp är packad med en mängd funktioner som är utformade för att öka produktiviteten och effektivisera projekthanteringen. Här är några av dess kärnfunktioner:
Klicka på Upp erbjuder en mängd olika prisplaner för att tillgodose olika användarbehov. Här är en uppdelning av deras prissättningsstruktur:
Plan | Startmånadspris | Max. Antal användare | Funktioner |
Fri | $0 | Obegränsat | Obegränsade uppgifter, obegränsat antal medlemmar, 100 MB lagringsutrymme |
Obegränsat | 5 $ per användare | Obegränsat | Obegränsad lagring, vyer, integrationer, instrumentpaneler och anpassade fält |
Företag | 12 $ per användare | Obegränsat | Alla funktioner i Unlimited plus 2FA, Google SSO, målmappar och anpassad export |
Business Plus | 19 $ per användare | Obegränsat | Alla funktioner i Business plus ytterligare automatiseringar, instrumentpanelswidgets och prioritetsstöd |
Gratisplanen är en bra utgångspunkt för små team eller individer som vill testa ClickUps grundläggande funktioner. Unlimited-planen erbjuder mer flexibilitet och anpassningsalternativ, vilket gör det till ett bra val för växande team. Business och Business Plus-planerna erbjuder avancerade funktioner och ökad automatisering, vilket gör dem lämpliga för större team eller företag med komplexa projektledningsbehov.
Kom ihåg att det är viktigt att välja en plan som passar ditt teams storlek, budget och krav. Du kan alltid börja med en plan på lägre nivå och uppgradera allt eftersom dina behov utvecklas.
Mjukvara | Startmånadspris | Pröva På | Tidsuppföljning | Budgeteringsverktyg | Uppgiftsvisningsvyer | Realtidschatt | Videoinspelning i appen |
Klicka på Upp | 5 $ per användare | Ja | Ja | Ja | Lista, tavla, tidslinje, kalender, ruta, Gantt, aktivitet, tankekartor, arbetsbelastningar, tabell, karta | Ja | Ja | | $8 per användare (minst tre användare) | Ja, 14 dagar | Ja | Ja | Styrelse, tidslinje, Gantt, kalender, lista, filer, karta, diagram | Nej | Nej |
Trello | 5 $ per användare | Ja, 14 dagar | Nej | Nej | Lista, tavla, kalender, tidslinje, tabell, instrumentpanel, karta, arbetsytatabell, arbetsytaskalender | Nej | Nej |
Asana | $10.99 per användare | Ja, 30 dagar | Nej | Nej | Lista, tavla, tidslinje, kalender, framsteg, formulär, tabell, karta | Nej | Nej |
Som du kan se har varje verktyg sina egna styrkor och svagheter. ClickUp sticker ut för sitt breda utbud av uppgiftsvisningsvyer, realtidschatt och videoinspelningsfunktioner i appen. Men andra verktyg som och Asana erbjuder också robusta funktioner, även om de saknar realtidschatt och videoinspelning i appen. Trello, å andra sidan, är ett mer budgetvänligt alternativ, men det saknar tidsspårning och budgeteringsverktyg.
Absolut! ClickUps gratisplan är verkligen gratis, utan dolda kostnader eller villkor. Denna plan erbjuder en robust uppsättning funktioner inklusive obegränsade uppgifter, obegränsade medlemmar och upp till 100 MB lagringsutrymme. Det är ett bra alternativ för individer eller små team som precis har börjat med projektledningsprogramvara.
Även om gratisplanen har vissa begränsningar jämfört med de betalda planerna (som lagringsgränser och tillgång till premiumfunktioner), ger den fortfarande en omfattande verktygsuppsättning för att hantera uppgifter och projekt. Så du kan definitivt börja använda ClickUp gratis och sedan bestämma om du vill uppgradera till en betald plan när dina behov växer.
Projektledningsprogramvara är ett digitalt verktyg som hjälper team att planera, organisera och hantera uppgifter. Det underlättar samarbete, schemaläggning, resursallokering och framstegsspårning, vilket gör projektexekveringen mer effektiv och strömlinjeformad.
ClickUp är ett robust och mångsidigt projektledningsverktyg som avsevärt kan gynna företag av alla storlekar. Dess omfattande funktioner för uppgiftshantering, samarbete och projektspårning gör den till ett utmärkt val för team som strävar efter att effektivisera sina arbetsflöden och förbättra produktiviteten. Även om den har en rik uppsättning funktioner, är den designad med användarvänlighet i åtanke, vilket gör den tillgänglig även för de som är nybörjare inom projekthanteringsprogramvara.
ClickUp allows you to track and coordinate any project from one place.
I am not fond of the Docs portion, it would be nice to have a Docs Homepage that lets you see folders with the different docs inside.
ClickUp allows me and my team to be on the same page in all our tickets and projects.
I really love that it is both a note-taking app, and a project management app all in one place. The features and configuration make it easy to stay on top of multiple projects as well as viewing dashboards for all tasks.
The way to format is a little hard to get used to but there are still some great options and templates to help.
before i was having to track tasks in one app and notes in another, i love having everyhing together where I can tag items and search.
I noticed that ClickUp has improved a lot in the last 12 months. They launched ClickUp 3.0 with AI features, and besides the visual enhancements, I particularly noticed the improved loading performance. This time it's better than ever, and I admire the tool even more as I use it. I have noticed some enhacements in the mobie app as well!
Sometimes I find ClickUp to be too expensive. I also think that it could have some predefined or platform-native templates focused on tracking: - Projects; - Contracts; - CRM (Sales); - Financial matters.
It is solving the customization problem that my company needs for project management. In addition, we are using it to store documentation, passwords and tutorials.
Click up is easy to use- has the perfect Project Management and organizational features I need to run my business- and I know I will be able to scale as I grow!
I haven't found anything I dislike- other than some of the training on ClickupU is outdated, and could have more examples of how to set up ClickUp for project management for small/solo businesses.
I love how ClickUp has everything I need in one place. And it is so customizable- I can track the information I want to. I love ClickUp!
The user interphase and amount of features. I like the Spaces and list organization, time tracker, dashboards and more.
The task lists are looking a bit overcrowded. I first land on the Overview, have to click on list, and then I have one row for Space name and automation, a second row for View mode and customize, a third row, Group, filter, and more, fourth row the tasks columns name and then the tasks, it's a bit too much.
My work organization. I work with many different clients and many times with different projects or business areas for one client. ClickUp makes it super easy to organize a business like mine, organizing tasks, tracking time and overall making my day more productive and my business more profitable.
The ease of use and the versatility of the platform.
The minor bugs in the app. The desktop version is extremely easy to use, but the app could be more user friendly or needs to mimic the desktop version.
ClickUp put everything I need in one place, including a calendar. It also allows me to seperate my personal life from work life with having a program like this handle my day to day in the business world.
I AM OBSESSED WITH EVERYTHING. The AI tool is such an amazing value add. I love the variety of view options under each space. I love the inclusive options for repetitive tasks. I love the easy and clear commenting features, it makes it very easy for my team to all stay in the loop while collective working on various tasks. It is overall just the best task management software on the market and I have tried them all!
I wish there was an inherent integration with Zoho Mail. I know Zoho isn't quite as popular as Micrsoft/Gmail but it is very popular and they love integrations!
I was an absolute mess before ClickUp trying to manage my teams tasks on a team level and individual level. I had various tools that didn't all perform everything in one location and it was hard to keep track of my employee's workload. I also have not found any other task management software with such comprehensive options for repetitive tasks. ClickUp solves problems I didn't even know I had!
The best thing about ClickUp is how I can manage many different projects, people, and timelines all in one place. I know quickly if work is getting done. The new inbox is amazing and so easy to use. It's my one-stop shop for all my projects. Today I was onboarding a new VA, she was using an Excel spreadsheet to do work tracking with a previous job. I showed her around ClickUp, and she immediately loved it and said it would be very easy to implement. Integrating her into our workflow was quick and seamless.
So much more than what I need. It's great that there is so much available but sometimes the enormity of the software can be a bit intimidating.
I would work with people around the world. Live meetings are not always an option. We ClickUp I can prepare work tasks for specific individuals knowing they will reply back "task specific" and show up in my inbox. The tread of communication is continuous/uninterrupted.
its so easy to use and user experiance is superb. as a UX engineer sometimes I'm also copying their patterns to enhance my work. Before click up our organization used Jira and after switching first it seems bit confusing but after 2, 3 days it was really easy to work with. mariking tasks whcih is currently working to changing swim lanes are supre easy and tracking the tasks also piece of cake. Loading speed also superb which actually increased my clickup usage of freaquency rather than jira. Also intergrating figma files are so easy.
lately clickup is adding new featues some times distracting current superb work flow. also some icons are not prioratized as they want. specaially Priority flag icons .. i would rather use much more prominent icon which has more fill area. further if task has pass a due date then showing small banner on top or due date can be bold or add a "!" mark near to task would be better to track . lastly they can minimize color useage little bit which will be easy on tracking only on work
task tracking and time tracking is never been easy with click up, also activity log is superb of tracking when multiple team members working on same task and track who did changes.
When they say one app to replace others, they aren't kidding. I have consolidated all my sheets, apps and notes and CRM into Clickup.
I wish the calendar was more visually appealing.
I can see everything in one screen and I can store all my images and videos with it.
- Possibilidade de ter tudo em um lugar só: tarefas, editor de documento. - Possibilidade de organizar documentos em níveis diferentes. - Múltiplas maneiras de adicionar texto e organizar arquivos e tarefas.
- Features premium que são muito bons mas não estão disponíveis no plano free.
Planejamento de projetos e tarefas.
I have currently preferred using ClickUp over other platforms due to the simplicity of how tasks can be accomplished in the software. The system is extremely intuitive, making moments of uncertainty about functionality rare. And even though it is easy to use, it remains an extremely powerful tool. It is possible to generate various insights through dashboards, in addition to having good process automation features. I use ClickUp almost every business day, and it has been a great tool. I've also taken full advantage of the integrations with Bitbucket, which help track open pull requests (PRs).
A slight downside is that I feel there is a lack of shortcuts in the application. Many tasks require the use of the mouse, which diminishes productivity for those accustomed to predominantly using the keyboard.
ClickUp solves the pain of having to maintain each stage of the software development lifecycle in separate places. On the platform, it's possible to do almost everything needed to track the software lifecycle: documentation, bug tracking, kanban, product roadmap, etc. Everything is in one place, making it easy to reference, and it doesn't compromise organization.
ClickUp has beautiful design for all of it's major features and its task management system is intuitive and fun to use. It's recent Gen AI applications--e.g., content generation--has helped make my team 10x more efficient in our everyday activity, whether it's marketing plans, thought collateral, or customer outreach templates.
Some minor usability issues such as the need to title boards at top (rather than it saying 'board' when you create multiple boards). Integrations with PPT (I've not seen, though they may have) so that I can sync my word products with ClickUp (e.g., investor decks) would be helpful rather than me pasting a link into the tasks' comment field). Having the usability of a LucidChart when building diagrams / flows would also be helpful.
Project mangement. I use ClickUp mostly for managing the products & features I'm building into my product.
ClickUp is incredibly intuitive and user friendly. That user friendliness has only grown since the release of V3. I use it every single day in my business to keep myself on top of my personal projects and my client's projects. Additionally, the price for what I'm getting is absolutely worth every penny.
The only real downside I've experienced is that in order to access forms, I would need to upgrade and it does not make sense to do so when I can use another system. If they moved the Forms feature down a notch, I would have no complaints!
It has made it possible for me to keep on task for my clients and ensure that their needs are being met.
We've tried almost every project management tool and ended up with click up, it does everything better. Super easy to set up and get integrated, clear clutter free views of your tasks and the ability to heavily customise your dashboards/lists and spaces is what makes clickup the better choice.
Genuinely haven't found an issues, it has been a perfect tool for my team.
As an agency it's hard to find a good software that can easily have seperate spaces for each client/project, clickup does this simply and better than all the competition that I have tried. It has become our only task management tool and works best for agency use.
The possibilite to create many lists with colors
The recorrent tasks are allowed only in The paid version
I can see all my tasks togheter
Managing tasks has never been easier with ClickUp! This tool has successfully automated and streamlined cross-department projects and initiatives, eliminating any bottlenecks.
The dashboard functions are tricky and take some experimenting. This has been consistently the area that all teams have struggled to integrate and use.
Clickup has been instrumental in helping our company automate task management and cross-functional project management. It has also helped with capacity planning across the organization.
The simple way to delegate tasks to my team .
Sometimes the server is slow and difficult to connect
The ability to coordinate a team of diverse people.
I honestly love everything about ClickUp and I have suggested it to other businesses
I just wish there was a better way of automating the due dates in templates
It helps me track tasks in all my projects
It's all inclusize and very diverse. No matter the project or the stage/aspect, Click up helps to keep everything organized and flowing as it should. I was first intorduced to it through my job as a wrap shop admin so I use it daily. And now I even implement it in my personal projects of video game creation! Its jsut fantastic!
The only downside to it is that it can be a bit difficult to learn and understand all the features it offers. To undestand the basics, its super easy to use. However, when you get a bit deeper and start finding everything you can do with it, it can be a bit intimidating. However, they are constatnly offering tutorials and webinar to help explain everything. So, if you take advantage of those, you'll be a pro in no time!
It is solving our issue of organization. It helps to keep everything in its right place and flowing smoothly.