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Teamwork Logotyp
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Teamwork recensioner & produktdetaljer

Lagarbete översikt
Vad är Teamwork?

Teamwork är en projektlednings- och teamledningslösning som ger företag verktygen och insikterna för att maximera resurserna och se till att varje minut är lönsam. Det ger en helhetsbild av varje projekt, från planering, budgetering, tidsövervakning och mer. Från IT, teknik, kreativitet, drift och marknadsföring erbjuder Teamwork dussintals mallar paketerade i ett användarvänligt gränssnitt som kan användas direkt. Det finns en gratis Forever-plan och olika prisnivåer per användare.

Företag Ltd.
År grundades 2007
Företagsstorlek 51-200 anställda
Huvudkontoret Cork, Irland
Sociala medier
Hanteras av:
Khalid Mohamed
UX/UI webbdesign
Lagarbetskategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om lagarbete
Vilket lagarbete är bäst för?
Hur jämförs Teamwork med Asana?
Vilka är fördelarna och nackdelarna med Teamwork?
Teamwork Produktdetaljer
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / webbaserad, mobil Android, mobil iPad, mobil iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Lagarbete för och nackdelar
  • Perfekt för att spåra milstolpar och mål
  • Projektmallar för att komma igång
  • Tidsregistrering och fakturering ingår
  • Agila, anpassade arbetsflöden
  • Bra chattapplikation
  • Kan vara lite klumpig på sina ställen
  • Inte den bästa kundsupporten
  • Rapporteringsfunktionen är inte särskilt omfattande
  • Övergripande plattformsdesign är inte bra
  • Saknar bilduppmärkning eller PDF-alternativ
Lagarbete funktioner
Stöd för agila metoder
klient Portal
Anpassningsbara instrumentpaneler
Gantt Diagram
Integration med appar från tredje part
Mobil åtkomst
Aviseringar och varningar
Projekt planering
projekt~~POS=TRUNC mallar
Rapportering och Analytics
Rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll
Lagarbete Media
Lagarbete 0
Lagarbete 1
Lagarbete 2
Lagarbete 3
Lagarbete 4
Teamwork Skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 12, 2025
Teamwork Logotyp
1,074 Teamwork Omdömen
4.4 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 20, 2019
Adam S. avatar
Adam S.
"Vi älskar lagarbete"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

I honestly like how it's setup so our project manager can just handle things. I get work assigned, I do it, the interface makes it easy to track tasks and time, it's really a great tool for a growing agency or a giant one all the same.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

Sometimes it's confusing when you have SO many things on your Dashboard. I know you can customize that but I rarely have time. I'd love there to be a quick zoom view or something that shows what's due to today, tomorror and the next day.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Client communication in there is pretty easy. Our team hubs everything so we don't lose things in the craziness of the day.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 20, 2019
Jeremy M. avatar
Jeremy M.
Seo & Marketing Cowboy
"Fyller många interna roller mycket väl"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Teamwork is really easy to use, robust but also very easy to disable features if they're not needed. Integration with many 3rd party services and they're own extensions/additional services.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

There's not much to say here, Teamwork is constantly polishing and adding new features!

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Organization, communication, and ownership both of the day-to-day tasks as well as birds eye view of our ongoing projects.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 20, 2019
Jorge A. Dietmar C. avatar
Jorge A. Dietmar C.
"En fantastisk sida för att organisera dina projekt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

One of the things that I like most is the possibility of have task and subtasks for a list of "to do" also the possibility of register time, progress and be able to gave an amount for this work time, is such an amazing tool

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

I think the cost of the subscription for people that is starting are a lil'bit high but is a great tool so... I think it worth it

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Be able of have multiple projects with friends and collegues, keep track of progress, deadlines and dates, is a great tool

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
September 09, 2019
Janine W. avatar
Janine W.
"Effektivt verktyg för våra projekt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Team work project is the best application for keeping an eye on my time every time whether I am in the office or not. The best part for me in this particular product is that it comes with variety of plans that suits everybody according to their needs and demands. Moreover, it allow me a cross platform access so that am able to use this amazing product on my all devices whether am using a PC, Mac or any sort of phone as well.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

All the features are much more amazing to go with this certain product so by having all these qualities in just one product is more than amazing thing. Thus, I don’t find anything bigger in it, that could be a disaster only few issues occurred while it updates and it became a little slower and that’s not a pretty bigger thing to get worried.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

The great thing about this product is if I have pre-approved permissions for device access then I can easily restart remote devices, wake up sleeping computers and also I can install necessary remote applications on it. File transfer ability of this product is my most favorite as I can easily transfer all sorts of files through it without any trouble. So, these entire things are so much useful for my daily routine work.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
September 08, 2019
Kevin S. avatar
Kevin S.
"Teamwork-projekt är ett väldigt bra verktyg för projektledning."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Teamwork projects is intuitive project management software. This software helps us to manage our projects and collaborate with the clients in a more efficient way. By using this software, we can easily see the process of every project in a more efficient way. It also helps us to track our activities in a more easier way. Moreover, it is a useful tool to manage projects and tasks.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

For the new users, they faced a lot of problems such as they cannot easily manage newly projects and tasks assignments. As well as sharing the project is another great challenge for the beginners. Moreover, it is not affordable for everyone. It also requires more efficient features because sometimes it cannot efficiently control them.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Teamwork project is so great and awesome software for everyone. I can easily use this software in a more convenient way. This software provide the great customer services too. This software is very useful for every type of business companies.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
September 07, 2019
Celia M. avatar
Celia M.
Senior marknadsföring
"Teamwork-projekt är ett riktigt bra verktyg för projektledning."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Teamwork is an amazon tool that not only manages your tasks well but also manages your projects and handles them perfectly. This software helps you in managing your team well to built best project with excellent collaborations. This teamwork is originally help us to work as a team. Teamwork projects has so many features to manage your project and it is easy to assign task to each team members. You can handle multiple projects at the same time.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

The main problem about this software is that the chat should classify the channels by the positions of the members of the organization. Teamwork projects has many really good features but sometimes it is not easy to use because all its features are very difficult. The another problem about this software is that their goal was to create a tool that would work in many different ways, so they didn't support one method over another.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

It is an excellent project management software and also easiest software. I like to use this software because it is very easy way to manage the projects and tasks in a more efficient way. This is really fantastic and useful software for our business. This is not more expensive and everybody can easily afford this software.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
September 05, 2019
Lisa J. avatar
Lisa J.
"Teamwork är den bästa spårningsmjukvaran för flera projekt."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Teamwork is a great customizable software. The best thing about the Teamwork software is that we can track all of our important tasks and multiple projects at a one time and it is only possible through the Teamwork software. We can easily collaborate with our team members and colleagues in a more efficient way. I can always use this efficient software for better manage my personal projects.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

The disadvantage of this software is that for the new users they faced a lot of problems about the sharing of multiple projects with our colleagues and team members at a one time. Hence, sharing of projects is so difficult. This software lack a lot of features which is very essential for the new users.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Teamwork software is the best project management software. Teamwork is an outstanding software for the project and management. I can share all of my important projects with my friends and team members but one by one. I would recommended this software everyone.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
September 02, 2019
James M. avatar
James M.
"Övergripande erfarenhet av Teamwork Projects."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

The interface is simple and easy to understand, the number of efficient features is phenomenal and integrations with enterprise systems like sales force are easy to complete. The flexibility of privacy setting truly allows for complete communication tracking without requiring communications being omitted to ensure a client didn't see it.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

This system is very good in its context. However, I think they could offer four projects at a time instead of just two in the free version.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

This software helps manage all aspects of our business from workflow to billing. It has a lot of features that helps in managing projects from start to the end. It allows us to manage multiple large projects at one time and collaborate with employees that were not heavy users.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
September 02, 2019
Awais N.
"Teamwork Project hantera ditt arbete"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Project management is a backbone of any assignment or project, where teamwork project helps you a lot to make your project successful, It have a lot prefecture availability that may support and can handle any bad condition, This is the way where all or team members people is connected in one place and you can check the status of project update, Very informative and detailed dashboard is available after you login all projects and tasks you see the deadlines and connect that or commit that with vendors or customer

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

Mobile application is performing slightly slow but truly valuable

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

If you are anywhere you can connect it with your team members and gets the idea's about the situation, before we did not have any platform where peoples are connected after the office time, if someone update something all team member get updates on email

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 29, 2019
Jeff M. avatar
Jeff M.
"Det bästa PM-verktyget som finns"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

The feature set is very complete, and they add to it all the time. And their support is top-notch. I have never had a support ticket go more than 1hr unanswered.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

Not much to dislike. Unless you don’t like complete feature sets. But they do a good job of hiding unneeded functionality.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

They make working with remote teams and clients a snap.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 23, 2019
Hamza J. avatar
Hamza J.
Senior Software Engineer
"Lagarbete är som syre i framgångsrika projekt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

When you are using Teamwork Project you will easily to handle Managing projects plus tracking progress plus working as a team, which is backbone of every project we always preferred and enjoy the short term and long term solutions for project management

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

I always thinks that and it might be dislike from my side that there is no automatic email reporting to update management on tasks

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Some below problems has been solved * keeping track * assign tasks *get instant updates

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Augusti 22, 2019
Imran T.
"Hantera dina uppgifter och uppdaterade spår"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

This teamwork is originally helps to work as a team. you can say in two words this is application where you can say with you team, which is "ONE TEAM" For every or any other project it have ability to creates and add templates for create timelines on specific projects to be completed. where team can communicate outside of office as well, On this one place we can manage multiple projects and see the updated status of every project.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

The user interface is complicated for new joiners who are working on it,

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

You can manage your all tasks and project who is assigned to your team workers and you can see the status of deadline and you can easily give the timelines and updated status to clients

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 22, 2019
Usman W.
Forskning Analyst
"Teamwork Project Track plus hantera dina projekt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Many of my team members are freelance and work their own schedules across various time zones. and in this we can create a task list with responsibilities. we can Manage notes, messages and files with permission levels grouped by companies

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

UI interface is little bit confusing, need to improve and make it user friendly

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Teamwork real helping to do the work like team members this is best online platform that integrates project management with messaging platform to enhance teamwork operation and collaboration.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 19, 2019
Clare M. avatar
Clare M.
"Mjukvara för teamarbetesprojekt."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

First, this platform has free demos which provides and amazing insight on all project management régime which attracts multiple clients. Also this software being cloud-based its easy to access companies information at all levels and everywhere. An amazing time and workflow tracking regime and has really helped in monitoring all transations within our company entirely. Its the best project and portfolio management platform our company has ever used before . Also teamwork Projects is an impressive user-customer collaboration platform which eases communication between our clients and our team at all levels. It has amazing customization features and its easy to fit all our clients needs completely. Also in aspects of product and order management this is the best software we have ever used.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

Sometimes software's features are outdated and this makes it hard to offer services to our customers. Low speed due to traffic of multiple features. Pricing régime is very high and this does not favor both small business as well as mid-sized businesses. I would ask management team to look on these downfalls and implement intuitive solutions.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Problems in project management, poor product management, poor portfolio management, poor customization options, poor user-customer collaboration, poor integration as well as time and workflow tracking. Through teamwork projects software we have been able counter all these predicaments completely and we are saying thank you so much Teamwork projects

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 19, 2019
Syed Yasir S.
Juridisk analytiker
"Projekthanteringsverktyg, där du hanterar ditt projekt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Teamwork Project is best management application where we have a features there we can manage and align our co workers in project and create tasks and assign task to responsible persons, There are a lot thing which can help us within Project, This is best product who help you within project and make your project beneficial

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

this is my suggestion to make some recording feature in dashboard

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

First problem which we face in every project that is team alignment with the support of using this product it help us a lot,

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 18, 2019
Patrick N. avatar
Patrick N.
"Den bästa programvaran för projektledning som främjar samarbete."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

I like this system since it enables you to handle multiple projects at same time, signing of task among team members has also been made easy by this software.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

The system works effectively and I have nothing to dislike.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

This software has helped in ensuring that everyone stay updated,it has also ensured easy management of workflows in our organization and we are also able to perform multiple projects.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 16, 2019
Chepter J. avatar
Chepter J.
"Utmärkt projektledningssystem."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

Some features in teamwork projects such as project scheduling feature allows project managers to define project tasks, assign them to people and track in-progress assignments any time he/she needs to.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

Occasional feature updates can modify the user experience and this may be a challenge to some users.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Using client biking feature I'm able to generate invoices based on hours worked, expenses incurred and moving projects and tasks around to various people in our company.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 15, 2019
Patrick C. avatar
Patrick C.
lead Developer
"Ett av de bästa PM-verktygen som finns"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

The ability to control minute things such as company logo are important. I like being able to share info with clients via Teamwork, yet by default have them restricted to collaborator accounts.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

As trivial as it may seem, signing in can be confusing. We have a regular account and a Google sign in account connected. I don't see anywhere to sync.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

We have clients that live in varying timelines in their web related worlds. Teamwork removes the overhead of yet another piece of management software by using simply checklists we can share with clients. It gives both of us a sense of accomplishment and it allows us to communicate with clients more effectively and timely. By removing all the potential required services and allowing us one central location to share files, collaborate, and create time sensitive tasks it really is an all in one solution for us in terms of task management.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Augusti 06, 2019
Arslan W.
Senior Android-utvecklare
"Verktyg där du kan hantera dina projekt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

This is efficient tool regarding project engagement , add your all team members and assign them to their tasks and track that what tasks has been completed and which is pending and what is due date to achieve maximum output in your project use your project in this management and thoroughly you can manage your project

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

User interface is difficult for new users

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

Manage your all projects and coordinate with your team workers at one place

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 05, 2019
Mary I. avatar
Mary I.
Vad tycker du bäst om med Teamwork?

I like the way this software is ease to use. I like the online features of project management.

Vad ogillar du med Teamwork?

So far this software has not presented any drawbacks. So no obvious dislikes.

Vilka problem löser Teamwork och hur gynnar det dig?

We have been using this software to manage group objectives, communicate and establish business process.

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