Zoho CRM Plus bakgrundsoskärpa
Zoho CRM Plus-logotyp
Zoho CRM Plus
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Zoho CRM Plus recensioner och produktdetaljer

Zoho CRM Plus översikt
Vad är Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM Plus tillhandahåller en kundupplevelseplattform som låter dig överbrygga klyftan mellan dina försäljnings-, marknadsförings- och kundtjänstteam så att du kan säkerställa en sömlös och exceptionell kundupplevelse. Zoho CRM Plus kombinerar verktyg som intelligenta chatbots, försäljningsautomatisering, besöksspårning, kundservice, projektledning och e-postmarknadsföring. Det ger också inbyggd AI och djupgående analyser från en enda plattform med lättanvänd instrumentpanel.

Företag Zoho i Spanien
År grundades 2000
Företagsstorlek 10,001 + anställda
Huvudkontoret Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Sociala medier
Zoho CRM Plus-kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
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Ställ frågor om Zoho CRM Plus
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Zoho CRM Plus produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / webbaserad, mobil Android, mobil iPad, mobil iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Zoho CRM Plus-funktioner
Hantering av kundfeedback
Kundtjänst biljettförsäljning
Anpassningsbara instrumentpaneler
Dataimport / export
lead Management
Marketing Automation
Mobil åtkomst
Rapportering och analys
Rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll
Försäljning Pipeline Management
Integrering av sociala medier
Zoho CRM Plus Media
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Zoho CRM Plus skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 06, 2025
Zoho CRM Plus-logotyp
41 Zoho CRM Plus Omdömen
4.3 ut ur 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 16, 2023
Shubham E.
"Zoho CRM tillåter användaren att göra mer anpassning med minimal kod"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

Its user interface and easy to used with minimal support

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

Currently, the support team is working on determining the time needed to resolve the query.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

Allows customer to do more custimistion.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 22, 2022
Ali Sadhik S. avatar
Ali Sadhik S.
Investerare & rådgivare
"Bästa Customer Relationship Management-verktyget på marknaden"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

One pricing for all the most used and relevant tools and dashboards required for customer relationship management and sales funnel management

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

Just like all the CRM tools, small to medium startup struggle to configure the tool to fit in to the process

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

Sales Funnel Management and Customer Relationship Management with helpdesk, surveys, social media management etc.,

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 14, 2022
Achal S. avatar
Achal S.
"Fantastisk upplevelse med Zoho CRM Plus"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM Plus is a package of many powerful tools which helps increase the productivity of the organization. SalesIQ is one of the best features of Zoho CRM Plus which helps in live chat and visitors tracking.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

The user interface needs little improvement, but overall having a good experience with Zoho CRM Plus.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

Zoho CRM Plus is a very helpful tool in our business operations. It helps in email marketing, tracking visitors, conducting surveys, and having live chat with customers.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 06, 2022
Carlos C. avatar
Carlos C.
Direktör Regional De Ti
"Utmärkt molnbaserad CRM-programvara med funktioner som du förväntar dig att se i dyrare CRM"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

Ease of deployment, ease of use, customization capabilities, multichannel communications, integration with Whatsapp and social media, tasks and leads follow up and automated reminders

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

It was kind of tricky when importing data from previous CRM; importing templates tends to be restrictive in terms of getting data from CVS files or other DB Info

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

Leads follow Up; agenda follows up forsales reps; Omnichanel comunications with existing and propspecting customers; marketing campaigns follow up and segmentation

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
September 27, 2022
Ashwath G.
Data Analyst
"Zoho CRM lämpar sig bäst för små till medelstora företag."
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

1. The ability to create different/multiple modules for each department. 2. Easy provision of different roles, profiles, and user permissions 3. Workflows are a great plus point for automating tasks.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

1. Mass deletion of records of 50000 plus is not possible. 2. The history of records when changes are made by bulk import is not shown in the history tab. 3. In the view section, 100 is the limit. It can be extended to more than 100 to view more records on a page.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

1. Many of the manual field updates are now solved by implementing Workflows 2. Easy trace of changes or updates made to records via feed notification. This makes communication easier.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
September 16, 2022
Balaji V. avatar
Balaji V.
Biträdande chef
"Det hjälper till att hantera mina klienters aktivitet"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

It helps me to interact with clients on a timely basis. It helps us to set reminders. The reminders are being notified through pop up and emails. This feature is too good.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

We are unable to edit the previous notes or the saved notes.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

It helps to set tasks and manages the daily, monthly and yearly activities. The fields available in the ZOHO CRM are clear. This feature has increased the business performance and has enhanced the productivity.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 18, 2022
Robert P.
"Letar du efter en av de bästa CRM:erna?"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

As a CRM you would be hard pressed to find a better one. Creating a tasks list has been very important.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

sending mass communications has been difficult in the past

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

For those who find the grind of managing a pipeline difficult, ZOHO makes this easier.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 07, 2022
Jessica R. avatar
Jessica R
Team Leader, Hilgenberg & Associates, Certified Probate & Trust Realtors
"Bra mångsidigt CRM-alternativ, och jag har försökt och använt massor"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

I love the phone app associated with Zoho. I used to use it daily when I was in outside sales. It has several functions I wished many other CRMs would add. I do like the customization you can do also.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

I began using Zoho in the early stages I believe. I was greatly impressed with the program, the flexibility, and the support. When the prices increased and the support when down, I migrated to another platform.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

I was using it as a full CRM tool for my company. I began to get overwhelmed when they were adding so many different things like ZOHO one and sales IQ. The program allowed me to work online and not be tied to a desk and the app integrated beautifully.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 12, 2022
Emily A.
"Bra tjänst för att spåra webbplatsbesökare och mer!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

It's very helpful to see who is visiting our website, and where clicks are coming from. Zoho is great at tracking all the data for us.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

It's a bit limited but overall I don't have any dislikes that stand out!

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

Tracking website visitors! Zoho solves this problem seamlessly!

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
December 24, 2021
Ahmed A. avatar
Ahmed A.
Aml & Ctf Compliance Analyst
"Den bästa integrerade CRM och Account Management och Gamification Dashboard"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM provides us a good experience in accounts leads and accounts Management beside the Zoho CRM Dashboard which the most I like it ,This Dashboard helps us alot in creating challenges between sales team for new campaigns as the Dashboard viewed also from the Management so it gives sales team motivation for new campaigns beside the branding for bills and invoices which issued for our customers

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM having no major issues it works fine but sometimes Customer support delay in responding and some reports related to new projects not appear on the Dashboard which related to he account leads and won leads

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

We are using Zoho CRM in managing new customers and new leads from the sales team and to see the history of the account from who created the account till the lead becomes successful also for new projects to see the sales team performance and progress in these campaigns beside providing reports for new deals within specific period or specific territory

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
December 14, 2021
Girish M.
Senior Executive Business Developmentq
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

integration of all contacts, filters and sorting is easy

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

cost is on the higher side can be a bit on the lower side

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

day to day tracking of leads is on the more accessible sides.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 20, 2023
Aaditya S. avatar
Aaditya S.
Data Analyst
"Gör affärer enklare med Zoho CRM Plus"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

Easy Navigation: I kind of love how easy it is to find their way around the platform. The simple layout makes it hassle-free for everyone on the team. Time-Saving Automation: I find the automation features super handy. It helps them automate repetitive tasks, like sending follow-ups, making their work more efficient. Easy Integration: I appreciate how Zoho CRM Plus integrates smoothly with other Zoho apps. Everything feels connected, saving time and effort.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

Support Response Time: I sometimes feel that the support response time could be quicker during peak times or urgent issues.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

Zoho CRM Plus is solving the problem of managing customer relationships smoothly. It benefits us by bringing everything together in one place. We can easily keep track of their interactions with customers, organize information, and work better as a team. It helps them save time by automating repetitive tasks and gives valuable insights about customers, helping them make smarter decisions to grow their business.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Maj 21, 2023
Yogesh C.
"Bra verktyg att använda."
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM is very simple to use, the User interface is great and the data provided by Zoho CRM is precise. The tool also allows you to get filtered information & at your fingertips.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

In my opinion, the UI should have been more attractive. I think a tool with so many great features, an excellent & beautiful UI would have made Zoho CRM reach more audience.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

The data fetching & the reporting part are the parts we are using. With my experience, I would say Zoho CRM helps a lot in making things done in a quicker way saving a lot of time.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 20, 2022
Roger M.
"Zoho CRM Plus är en fantastisk CRM-produkt"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

It has useful dashboards and everything in a very easy to access user interface. I can access Customer details, Notes, Attachments, contact details, Tasks, Emails related to a contact, Deals etc in one place.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

Sometimes the server is a bit slow, they can improve the speed of access. Also customer service can be improved a bit.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

We use Zoho CRM to store all our customer details and use it for invoicing and account maintenance purposes.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 10, 2022
Abhinav C. avatar
Abhinav C.
"Det perfekta verktyget för en fantastisk kundupplevelse!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

The best feature for us using the CRM plus version is the seamless workflow automation, which helps us trigger more advanced features required for our usage.Also the email blaster is an excellent to-have feature which saves a lot of time in bulk emailing.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

The only tricky part for us was customer ticket management, as it became a tedious task to create or ask a customer to create it. Also, on more annoying thing is the email integration with outlook it is just not easy, and we have to manage two inboxes at times.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

We majorly use it for customer and campaign management as these were the primary requirements of our teams. Our older support system was a pain, and we wanted to use it to ease our resources and manage campaigns easily.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 23, 2022
Ankit R. avatar
Ankit R.
"En snabb enkätguide till min resa med ZOHO CRM som administratör"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM is such a niche product easy to implement for the organization and optimized enough to customize the product as per sales flow needs. It has easy to develop workflow environment.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

ZOHO CRM has a very inefficient marketplace. If you are looking for pre-built extensions then ZOHO CRM lacks in that matter. Also, configuring email to Zoho CRM is not very effective as it shares all the emails with its peers. which in some cases is not suitable for the organization.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

It is a well-established platform in terms of salesforce. Also in terms of workforce automation. We are currently managing all the sales process through the CRM which give a prominent overview of the entire sales cycle. Using the ZOHO CRM we have an overview of the sales cycle it helps the organization to take effective steps toward the growth and can understand the blockage in the sales process.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 10, 2022
Roshan R. avatar
Roshan R.
"Utöka ditt företag med ZOHO"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

We had used Zoho to introduce automation in the sales and marketing strategy of the company. Our sales persons use Zoho CRM plus to analyze the sales effort for existing and new customers. I use the territory management feature to track sales by representatives. This is also a feature unique to Zoho CRM Plus. This helps us track commissions for the reps.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

We have faced some issues with the customization of the system. It would be great if we had a complete explanation of the customization process. I would also like to suggest improving the integration with cell phones. While there is a way to deduplicate contacts, leads and accounts, there currently is not a way to deduplicate products. I would like this feature added.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

In this competitive world, technology is the only key to survival and growth. Thus, we had used Zoho CRM to automate the sales and marketing efforts of the organization for better results. Zoho CRM plus also helps to make the Sales team on track with their sales pipeline management.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 21, 2020
Jamie P.
"Mycket användarvänlig och lätt att modifiera - vissa grundläggande utvecklarfärdigheter är användbara men inte nödvändiga!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

When I'm making modifications the system is designed to guide me around the setup section without seeking support. However, if needed, live chat is available most of the time and a remote session is possible for more difficult tasks which tend to be resolved quickly and efficiently.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

It can be difficult to achieve some more sophisticated automation; specifically with email and marketing. I find that the system is really targeted around the way the customer journey works whereas more scalable systems have this incorporated within their setup e.g. salesforce

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

I have been able to manage processes for users within our organisation more effectively to reduce time that was being wasted and standardise the way in which staff operate to enable valuable reporting.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
April 21, 2020
Sukrit G. avatar
Sukrit G.
"Användarvänligt och prisvärt CRM"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

The sorting filters are really good. It's appropriate for a small business particularly for e-commerce businesses. Also the new features like Sales Automation, Visitor Tracking and Customer Survey are a huge add on.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

It takes a bit of time to sort or process large amount of data. If that particular process could be shortened then I guess ZOHO could be as good as Salesforce.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

There are a couple of features which are very helpful in ZOHO CRM plus like the sales automation, visitor tracking and customer survey. These features makes any salespersons work a lot easier. It's easier for a salesperson to close sales and analyse data using the new inbred features like Marketing Automation and Social Media.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 06, 2019
TJ H. avatar
Tj H.
"Zoho CRM Plus"
Vad tycker du bäst om Zoho CRM Plus?

I love that I can customize the forms and reports so I can collect the specific information I need and run reports using that information. This way I get what I need in a way that works for me and my business. I can add on as my business expands. Their product suite is extensive and I can get what I need in the size that suits me best. Before I purchased they were very willing to answer all my questions. After I purchased they checked in on me to make sure everything was going well and to answer any additional questions I had.

Vad ogillar du med Zoho CRM Plus?

With the advanced and increased functionality comes a longer and steeper learning curve. So the time it takes to learn all the moving parts can be daunting. I suggest setting aside a lengthy miigration / transition period. There are so many componets and moving pieces it was easy to get overwhelmed. Some of the fields couldn't be modified in a way I needed them so I had to create new fields. It wasn't as clean as I would like.

Vad är problem Zoho CRM Plus-lösning och hur gynnar det dig?

I wanted a product that allowed my to gather information from the website and feed it directly into my CRM without having to re-type the info. I can automate the process for what to do with information based on what form gathered it.The duplication of effort is removed saving time and keeping my data clean,

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