WooCommerce bakgrundsoskärpa
WooCommerce logotyp
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WooCommerce recensioner och produktdetaljer

WooCommerce översikt
Vad är WooCommerce?

WooCommerce är det bästa valet för e-handelsföretag på WordPress. Även om det inte är en fristående webbplatsbyggare, fungerar den sömlöst med WordPress miljö som gör den lätt att använda och enkel, även för nybörjare. Någon som känner till WordPress kommer att finna WooCommerce ett bra verktyg när de försöker bygga ut sin webbplats. WooCommerce fungerar bra med tillägg och integrationer, med verktyg som inkluderar e-postmarknadsföring, försäljning av sociala medier och merförsäljning med ett klick. Det kräver grundläggande kunskap om kodning och utvecklarinsikt när du skalar webbplatsen, men att lära sig plattformens ins och outs gör i slutändan hanteringen av webbplatsen så mycket enklare.

Företag Automattic
År grundades 2005
Företagsstorlek 1001-5000 anställda
Huvudkontoret fjärr
Sociala medier
WooCommerce-kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om WooCommerce
Vad är WooCommerce bäst för?
Hur jämför WooCommerce med Shopify?
Vilka är fördelarna och nackdelarna med WooCommerce?
WooCommerce produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone, On-Premise Linux, On-Premise Windows
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
WooCommerce för- och nackdelar
  • "Utmärkt för SEO och innehållsmarknadsföring (som WordPress)
  • Utökningsbar med massor av appar och widgets
  • Massor av anpassningar och teman tillgängliga
  • Mycket support tillgängligt från WordPress experter
  • Mycket effektiv för marknadsföring och marknadsföring
  • Kommer att kräva lite utvecklarstöd
  • Kräver extra investering i en WordPress webbplats
Övergiven Cart Recovery
Affiliate Program
Customer Management
Anpassningsbara mallar
Spårning av bedrägerier
Inventory Management
Multi-Currency Support
Försäljning i flera kanaler
Flerspråkigt stöd
Betalning Processing
Product Management
Rapportering och analys
Returnerar hantering
SEO Verktyg
Integrering av sociala medier
WooCommerce Media
WooCommerce 0
WooCommerce 1
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WooCommerce 3
WooCommerce 4
WooCommerce skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 06, 2025
WooCommerce logotyp
1,131 WooCommerce Omdömen
4.4 ut ur 5
Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Augusti 31, 2023
Navneet N. avatar
Navneet N.
Digital marknadsföringsspecialist | Lead Digital Transformation Officer | E-handelschef
"Den bästa e-handelsplattformen"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

I Have been Running our Website on this Engine fo the last 6 years ity has served us really well

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Nothing to Dislike it is a full Customizable Platform With Full Editable capabilities

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

We have used it t Create our Online Store

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 28, 2023
Muhammad J. avatar
Muhammad J.
Frilansande webbutvecklare
"Övergripande #1 e-handelsverktyg som jag har hittat"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

the best thing that I like about Woocommerce is that designing a store in WordPress is more difficult and complex with this plugin. I like this plugin most because it is much easier for a man who does not know WordPress can easily design an online shop using Woocommerce.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Sorry I have not found anything that I dislike about Woocommerce. But the Woocommerce themes have more cost than normal themes because of their super fast speed and minimalist look.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Woocommerce solved my all problems in designing an online store. Because I was thinking that I have to pay hundreds of dollars to developers to design a store and it is a very complex job I can't do it without experience but when I installed this plugin I was amazed that it is much easier to create your store in WordPress.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 25, 2023
palak sid. avatar
Palak P.
"Billigare och användarvänlig e-handel"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

Great SEO support and e-commerce plugins also easily avalable at cheapest rate

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Security reason and sometimes theme issues in it

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

cart and checkout customixation options

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 24, 2023
Tahir M. avatar
Tahir M.
Digital marknadsföring, SEO, e-handel och webbutveckling
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

WooCommerce's seamless integration with WordPress, empowering them to create customizable and feature-rich online stores. Its extensive library of plugins and themes allows for tailored e-commerce solutions. Moreover, WooCommerce's user-friendly interface makes managing products, orders, and payments efficient for businesses of all sizes.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

WooCommerce's scalability for larger online stores, as performance issues might arise with a significant number of products and customers. Additionally, setting up and configuring advanced features can be daunting for those with limited technical knowledge. Lastly, occasional compatibility issues between WooCommerce and certain WordPress themes or plugins have been reported, requiring troubleshooting.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

WooCommerce addresses the problem of creating and managing an online store by providing a user-friendly platform that integrates seamlessly with WordPress. It benefits businesses by offering a cost-effective solution for setting up an e-commerce presence, enabling them to reach a wider audience and sell products online. As an AI, I don't directly benefit from WooCommerce, but I can provide information and guidance to users looking to understand its features, benefits, and implementation, which in turn enhances their online business endeavors.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 11, 2023
Komal . avatar
Komal .
Forskning Analyst
"WooCommerce är den bästa e-handelsplattformen."
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

Its a strong platform to make us reliable on wordpress site. It helps its users in selling merchandise, services, and just about anything you want possible in a few clicks. Its user friendly platform and free to use.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Its makes you dependent on wordpress as it best for wordpress platform. Its needs other plugins to perform better in which some are free but others are chargable. Updates available can create issue in the uses.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Its the best sales plateform, all we need to do is to find plugin in wordpress marketplace. After that, activate it and we can begin building our store. It’s very simple and totally free.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 30, 2023
Ryan R.
"Lätt att köra ecom på wordpress"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

Easy to customize and run any store tan through wordpress. No need for another platform.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Some customizations can get clunky with 3rd party apps but that is normal.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

We create ecommerce stores for companies thru their website and we dont need to use another application.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 26, 2023
Abhijit M.
"Amazon som e-handelsbutik på några minuter"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

The setup is very easy and fast. It is free and opensource which is the best thing.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Some plugins don't have lifetime purchase but only monthly or yearly licenses which is a bummer in case you need to sell a product.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Instant e-commerce stores for myself and all my clients with wide analytical view on the dashboard.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juli 17, 2023
Chetna D.
"Gratis och lätt att använda"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

The service of website is very good, there are different templates you can use to create a beautiful website for your business. Also it's free you just need to pay for the hosting and domain fee.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

There's nothing as such I do not like about the website

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

It gives platform to create easy and attractive website to sell online products. There are many platforms but woocommerce is one of the best.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 11, 2023
Dennis H.
"WooCommerce: Guldstandarden för gör-det-själv-onlinebutiker"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

When it comes to creating and managing your own online shop, WooCommerce stands tall as the gold standard in the world of e-commerce. As a powerful and versatile plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce offers a wide range of features and customization options that empower entrepreneurs and businesses to build their online stores with ease. One of the most impressive aspects of WooCommerce is its user-friendly nature. Even those without advanced technical skills can navigate the platform comfortably and set up their online shops effortlessly. The installation process is straightforward, and with the help of intuitive wizards, users can quickly configure their stores, choose themes, and add products in a matter of minutes. WooCommerce's greatest strength lies in its extensive range of extensions and plugins. These robust add-ons provide a wealth of functionalities, allowing users to customize their stores to suit their specific needs. Whether it's integrating payment gateways, managing inventory, implementing shipping options, or setting up subscription services, WooCommerce offers a vast selection of tools to enhance the shopping experience for both store owners and customers. Another remarkable feature of WooCommerce is its scalability. From small independent ventures to large enterprises, the platform adapts seamlessly to the growth of your business. With its flexible architecture and compatibility with numerous themes and plugins, WooCommerce allows you to expand your store's capabilities as your customer base increases and your requirements evolve.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

While I like that I only pay for the plugins I need, It can add up pretty quickly.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

I need an ecommerce shop for my website. Woocommerce does this perfectly.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 21, 2023
Taylor F.
Strategisk kontoansvarig
"Ett exceptionellt komplement till alla e-handelsföretag"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

One of the things we like and appreciate most about WooCommerce is the ability to automate promotion and sales processes with remarkable ease. We use it to promote and sell products, which works very well with WordPress e-commerce websites. Another valuable capability we found using WooCommerce is that it makes it easy to track online sales, manage inventory, and generate reports. It makes it much easier to process customer orders through our e-commerce platform and even facilitates checkout.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

The base is good to start with, but as you use it, there is a need to purchase add-ons that inflate the price of the license, which ends up being a bit costly. It is also important to note that it may depend on other add-ons.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Our experience with WooCommerce, in general, has been excellent; it has allowed us to automate online sales processes, promotions, customer acquisition and conversions to leads. It is compatible with many integrations, among which WordPress is one of the most important for us. It fits efficiently with the web pages' needs, it is highly customizable, and the payment management it integrates is complete.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 20, 2023
Amit K. avatar
Amit K.
Wordpress Utvecklare
"Bästa verktyget, om någon vill skapa WordPress e-handelswebbplats."
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

I'm a WordPress website developer and designer, using WooCommerce for the last three years. in my opinion, this is the best WordPress plugin to create a e-commerce website. I will get all the options required for an e-commerce website in this plugin. We can customize easily according to our uses. We can create the best e-commerce website using this plugin. I'm using this plugin for many clients' websites and my website. So if anyone wants to create an e-commerce website on WordPress. Then I highly recommend you choose WooCommerce.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Generally, I don't dislike anything about WooCommerce, One thing that WooCommerce improve their trees; they can add more option for more features. Sometimes I face glitches on this plugin; This thing can also be enhanced.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

It helps me to create a complete e-commerce website on WordPress. Well, I've been using WordPress for the last 3, end to create an E-Commerce website on WordPress; I always use WooCommerce, Because this is the best plugin in the market.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 13, 2023
Mario C. avatar
Mario C.
Diseñador Web
"Un estupendo plugging que nos allowe crear una tienda super profesional y sin sabre de informática."
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

Me encanta la sencillez del plugging y las multiples opciones tanto de customizacion como de diseño. Es gratuito y si lo unes a una plantilla de wordpress chula el potencial es enorme. Ademas todas las posibilidades de intergacion con otras app como mailchimp o pasarelas de pago, son de agradecer. Una opcion muy muy recomendada si quieres montarte tu propia tienda y estar funcionando en pocos días.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

En su version más básica, sin apoyarnos con temas de pago ni nada, quizas echo en falta más opciones de diseño en cuanto a los avisos de "on sale", "sold", etc.. Aunque este tema del diseño viene muy ligado al tema que tienes instalado en wordpress, pero lo dicho, quizas se podria mejorar por ahi un poco. Luego, si quieres tener una tienda sin carrito, por la razon que sea, resulta un poco engorroso eliminar todas esas opciones de "carrito", "comprar", etc... tienes que estar quitandolo de tres o cuatro sitios diferentes.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Me da la posibilidad de crear mi propia tienda online profesional sin tener que buscarme un programador. Y si eres un diseñador web, esto hace que se abaraten los costos en proyectos de este tipo, haciendote competitivo contra agencias con departamentos de programación.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 08, 2023
Piyush P.
"Woocommerce är en fantastisk plattform för att bygga en e-handelswebbplats"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

WooCommerce offers extensive flexibility and customization options, allowing you to create an online store that perfectly suits your business needs.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Setting up and managing a WooCommerce store may require a learning curve, especially for users with limited technical knowledge.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics is the problem woocommerce is solving.WooCommerce provides detailed reporting and analytics features that give you valuable insights into your store's performance.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 08, 2023
Elena C.
"Woocommerce det är bra för liten e-handel"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

Easy setup a lot of pluginand good theme

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

not support thousand products and become slow

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

ideal for servise, virtual product

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 08, 2023
Ankit J. avatar
Ankit J.
"Ingenting kan besegra denna gratis E-Comm-plattform!"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

The flexibility and customization options of WooCommerce are outstanding, allowing me to create a unique and personalized online store tailored to my brand's identity and customer needs.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

I occasionally find the need to rely on third-party extensions for certain advanced features or requirements, which can add complexity and additional costs to my online store.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

WooCommerce solves the problem of building and managing an e-commerce store by providing a user-friendly platform with extensive features, customization options, and seamless integration. This benefits me by empowering me to create a professional online store, cater to my customers' needs, and efficiently manage my inventory and orders.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 08, 2023
Jester J. avatar
Jester J.
"WooCommere för e-handel i WordPress"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

The most helpful part of WooCommerce is inputting the list of products in Excel format.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

The least helpful in WooCommerce is none for me.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Business problems that WooCommerce solve is creating a E-Commerce website using WordPress

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 07, 2023
Erwin R.
"WordPress och Woocommerce bästa kombinationen"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

It's easy to use. Massive developer base (ease of online help articles). Works perfectly in the WordPress core template system. And being part of Automatic / WordPress, it's guaranteed to work with continuous development.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

We would like to see more control of admin items for the back-end users, getting easily rid of any superfluous stuff which will make it even more user-friendly.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

We use Woocommerce for clients looking for an online shop or catalogue-type website.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 19, 2023
Javier F. avatar
Javier F.
VD, administratör, webbansvarig, community manager
"WooCommerce: Una herramienta esencial para el comercio electrónico"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

WooCommerce es, sin duda, una de las mejores plataformas de comercio electrónico que he utilizado. Su integración sin problemas con WordPress es un gran punto a favor, permitiendo a los usuarios como yo crear y personalizar nuestra tienda con facilidad. La variedad de extensiones disponibles es impresionante, lo que me permite agregar funcionalidades adicionales según las necesidades de mi negocio. Además, su interfaz de usuario es intuitiva y fácil de usar, lo que hace que la gestión de productos y pedidos sea un proceso sencillo. En términos de escalabilidad, WooCommerce es excelente, ya que puede manejar tanto pequeñas como grandes tiendas. He probado prestashop y magenta y, aunque puede ser visualmente más atractivo, woocommerce es mil veces más sencillo de instalar y administrar.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

Para los principiantes, la curva de aprendizaje puede ser bastante empinada, especialmente si no están familiarizados con WordPress, pero como digo, en otras alternativas también. Aunque hay muchas extensiones disponibles, muchas de ellas no son gratuitas, lo que puede aumentar los gastos. Además, aunque WooCommerce en sí es bastante rápido, la velocidad de tu tienda puede verse afectada si utilizas muchas extensiones o si tu alojamiento no está optimizado para WooCommerce, aunque prácticamente todos lo están. Finalmente, aunque el soporte técnico es útil, a veces puede ser lento, lo que puede ser frustrante cuando te enfrentas a un problema urgente.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Woocommerce permite a cualquiera sin apenas experiencia tener una tienda online. Además puedes personalizarla a tope, es fácil de usar sobre todo si conoces WordPress, es totalmente escalable y se integra con muchas aplicaciones lo que lo convierte en una opción muy potente y mi preferida.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 16, 2023
Terri R. avatar
Terri R.
Varför kongressen desperat letade efter denna passiva inkomststrategs lösningar
"Med WooCommerce äger du din e-handelswebbplats"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is very easy to design your custom website. It allows you to pick the best design possible for your business classification. Unlike Shopify, you own your WooCommerce website.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

The only problem that I encountered was a shipping plug in was not up to date and the integration was not easy. But once we got past the initial hurdle it was okay.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Many companies were pushing me towards Shopify, but I did not like the idea of not owning my own website. WooCoomerce offered the best solution for me. This fact alone has given me a great deal of piece of mind.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 13, 2023
Prateek A.
Backend webbutvecklare
"Det bästa e-handelsplugin med öppen källkod för WordPress"
Vad gillar du bäst med WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a very user-friendly, easy to install, ready-to-go WordPress plugin. I have used it for over five years for most of our e-commerce projects. Product listing and searching are seamless. So many payment gateway options are available for integration.

Vad ogillar du med WooCommerce?

So far, I have disliked nothing about WooCommerce; it would be beneficial if woo commerce were also available for selling services, not just virtual and physical products.

Vilka problem löser WooCommerce och hur gynnar det dig?

Woocomerce is helping my clients, and me sell our products online with a seamless experience. Its analytic section helps me analyze our daily, weekly, monthly and annual sales. I can easily manage products and track orders with WooCommerce. It is also helpful for our customers for letting them track their order histories and status.

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