WebinarNinja bakgrundsoskärpa
Bästa webinarprogramvaran för kreatörer och coacher
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WebinarNinja recensioner och produktinformation

WebinarNinja Översikt
Vad är WebinarNinja?

För live och automatiserade sessioner och inspelade webbseminarier är WebinarNinja din centraliserade plattform. Användare kan enkelt ladda upp PowerPoint-bilder, skapa frågor och svar, köra omröstningar, dela skärmar och till och med blockera deltagare under livestreamar. Standardfunktioner inkluderar registreringsdata för deltagare, interaktiva funktioner som omröstningar, frågor och chattar. Dessutom kan användare exportera registrantdata för att få djupare insikt i deras målgruppsanalyser, konverterings- och retentionsfrekvenser.

Företag WebinarNinja
År grundades 2014
Företagsstorlek 11-50 anställda
Huvudkontoret Sydney, New South Wales, Australien
Sociala medier
WebinarNinja Kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om WebinarNinja
Vad är WebinarNinja bäst för?
Hur jämför WebinarNinja med BlueJeans Virtual Events?
Vilka är fördelarna och nackdelarna med WebinarNinja?
WebinarNinja Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat, Desktop Chromebook, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
WebinarNinja För- och nackdelar
  • Mycket effektiva svarstider för livechatt
  • Omedelbar skärmdelningsfunktion
  • Stöder integration med mer än tusen appar med Zapier
  • Back-end är svårt att navigera för nybörjare
  • Erbjuder ingen pengarna-tillbaka-garanti
  • Underhåll utförs ofta utan omfattande förvarning
Analytics och rapportering
Automatiserade e-postinbjudningar
Automatiserade webbseminarier
Breakout Rum
Anpassningsbar branding
Anpassningsbara registreringsformulär
HD-video och ljud
Integration med CRM
Verktyg för att generera potentiella kunder
Direktsända omröstning
Mobil åtkomst
Flerspråkig Support
Webbinarier på begäran
Undersökningar efter webbseminarium
Inspelning och uppspelning
Integrering av sociala medier
Undersökningar och feedback
Virtuella bakgrunder
WebinarNinja Media
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WebinarNinja Skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 05, 2025
37 WebinarNinja Omdömen
3.2 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 18, 2023
Belinda S.
VD / Creative Director
"Lägger kontinuerligt till tjänster!"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

Webinarninja has been great since its beginnings years ago. They provide a variety of services for live, evergreen and hybrid webinar services. Their training and continued webinars teaching on different aspects of the program are inspiring, interesting, and easy to learn. I've always been impressed by all they do with a focus on serving their customers not just selling to customers.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

I haven't found any downsides with WebinarNinja. They are responsive to customers, have a great product that they are consistently upgrading. Even when they did a big platform change some time ago, they took care of us during the transition.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

It's an easy platform to run evergreen webinars and move people into courses (on the same platform). It does a variety things to help connect me with my customers so I don't need to use several different software programs to collect leads, send emails and follow up, and run webinars or courses. It really has everything: automated email, landing pages, analytics, chat, downloads and integrations to run other CRM programs (not sure why you'd need to) and take payment for the courses or webinars. It's affordable for me and saves me from the hassle and cost of using multiple products.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 23, 2021
Jyll H.
Intuition och energiexpert
"Exceptionell produkt och service"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

Training and Customer Service/Support on WebinarNinja are THE BEST.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

I haven't discovered any downsides or dislikes. Oh wait, niche selection could be improved to include intuition, energy healing, and other spiritual tools/modalities.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

I am creating one-and-done opt-ins and recorded Webinars which save me a lot of time and energy.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 13, 2020
Eugen V.
"Bra verktyg för liveevenemang"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

I am fond of this service - it provides high quality to life events - video quality, audio, opportunity to share slides and manage a live chat.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

For me it is extremely expensive in contrast to other services. Therefore I only test this service ofr several weeks.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

WebinarNinja helps me to create a live event for 500+ attendees. The main benefit is a stylish design.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 11, 2019
Mercedes E. avatar
Mercedes E.
"Bästa webinarplattform där ute!"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

WebinarNinja's user-friendly interface allows beginners to create their first webinar in just minutes!

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

There isn't a thing I "dislike" about WebinarNinja.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

I am able to meet my leads "live" and close more business.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 02, 2019
Jennifer H. avatar
Jennifer H
Passionerad onlineentreprenör och mamma till 5
"Ingen krångel webinarlösning"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

Unlike many of the webinar solutions out there, Webinar Ninja is easy to use even if you aren't tech savvy. The interface is straightforward and makes setting up your webinar quick. It allows for live, automated, and hybrid webinars, it allows for integrations with Stripe so you can have paid webinars, and for Zapier integrations so you can easily build a list from your webinar registrations. They also have great tutorials and helpful webinars and seem to be continually striving to improve the product.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

There are no real downsides to Webinar Ninja that aren't seen in all Webinar solutions. Once you go over 100 seats in your webinar room, it can become a little pricy, but no more than other comparable solutions.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

Webinar Ninja has allowed me to automate the marketing of my business and get new clients on auto-pilot by setting up a webinar that prospects can watch when they want. It also helps me introduce new products and services through live webinars and hold teaching webinars with existing clients.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 03, 2019
Vikram A. avatar
Vikram A.
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

a. Clean user interface b. Quick webinar creation c. Intuitive end user experience d. Reminder email setup is fast and convenient. e. Sensible pricing.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

a. Lack of recurring live webinar feature. b. Offer button appears immediately during a replay. c. Cannot select how many times slots will be shown for an automated webinar. d. Automated webinar can have only one recurring time slot.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

WebinarNinja has helped me gain better traction with my cold leads from Facebook and sell more online courses.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 10, 2019
Zev A.
VD och koncernchef
"Webinar Ninja Webinar Platform"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

Webinar Ninja has thought of everything I would need to successfully create a webinar. Preparing content and marketing a webinar is tough enough so working with an intuitive, easy-to-use all-in-one platform is a huge relief. I especially like the easy access to help/support and here again, they've covered everything from a knowledge base to chat.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

I have had some challenges with Chrome but worked through it with the support team. I don't believe this is a Webinar Ninja issue but with Chrome.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

I am running private webinar as a training service for my clients - it is important for me to have a reliable platform that is easy to register for and to run. I've tested other platforms and love Webinar Ninja for "making me look good"

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 21, 2019
Katherine N.
Affärsstrateg / Mastermind Facilitator / Speaker
"LOVE Webinar Ninja"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

So happy for the Infusion Soft connection. The platform is easy to use, automatically records and we can set up replays as well.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

We haven't played with Infusion Soft connection yet and we don't use it to its fullest. So really can't answer this one.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

Doing webinars is helping us get more interest. And webinars, more than most mediums, really allows our crazy, kooky personality to show as we teach and provide value.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 04, 2022
Trish H.
Huvudskapare av onlinekurser för hästmänniskor på Working Equitation Simpliied.
"Så lätt att installera och använda"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

That it is easy. Both for me and for the end user. I really like how easy it is to automatically send emails which I can edit or add more to. And it's easy to add and time polls and offers.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

I did have some trouble on my last webinar of people not being able to see the video I uploaded and when they tried logging in again it wouldn't let them. But when I let Webinar Ninja know they were already working on fixing it.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

I use Webinar Ninja for workshops, and webinars leading into a paid upsell to a course.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 11, 2021
Michelle S. avatar
Michelle S.
Master Cruise Counselor
"De har kommit långt, älskling!"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

We joined so long ago that we have WN for life. There were many bumps along the way, but their product is MUCH more refined now. They keep improving and we love them.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

Can't think of anything right now. Our last few webinars were smooth.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

It's great to use to get people familiar with our products and services. Our first webinar paid for the lifetime access and then some!

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 28, 2021
Benedict C. avatar
Benedict C.
"Professionell och hjälpsam"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

* Proactive * Dedicated to support * Easy interface

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

So far, so good. A very innovative and creative product from professionals.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

The webinar product allows us to present our solutions to clients in a professional manner, and cost-effectively.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 12, 2020
Paula S.
"Lättanvänd webinarprogramvara som blir bättre"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

I have been using WebinarNinja's platform since 2016. I've watched them grow and improve and learn. The company is fully invested in helping its users have a great experience with the service. I love the training, their responsiveness, and their willingness to feature their users and help promote the webinars we create. They recognize that they succeed by helping their users succeed, and I'm excited for the improvements and new features I know are just around the corner. Like, seriously excited!

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

I wish they had more payment platforms that I could use for my paid webinars. I like their registration pages and the fact that I can take payments, but I have had to do a few creative workarounds through my website for payments and I'd rather keep all of it within the same registration process.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

I have used WebinarNinja not only for live training classes, but also to just record myself doing a mix of webcam and screen sharing videos that I can download and use in other places like my Youtube channel. I've also taken some classes from them and attended members only webinars that have helped me do a better job of marketing my webinars. I have templates, SOPs and examples to pull from for getting more people to sign up for, and pay for, my webinars.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 14, 2022
Gabriel A. avatar
Gabriel A
"Webinr ninja är ett bra alternativ som gör livet lättare att göra webbseminarier"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

It is very easy to set up webinar. You can create a webinar quickly and without a big learning curve. In addition, you have different webinar options, such as live, evergreen or hybrid webinars.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

What I don't like is that direct integration with other tools is limited, for example, in my case, I can't integrate directly with moosend, which is the email marketing platform I use.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

For me it was the software that made it easy for me to start giving webinars, it is a very intuitive tool, without complications in configuration. Which allowed me to focus on the content of the webinar, and not on technical issues

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 14, 2022
Michelle P.
"Utmärkt och innovativt verktyg, men har några veck att stryka ut"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

This tool makes it insanely easy to create a webinar. Even when I've had to teach people who have never done it, they find it intuitive and straightforward. The registration pages and email sequences also make it easy to promote and ensure that people show up live!

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

The only downside is that I have run into a few smaller problems, like my webinar replay being in a funny format. Luckily, they are always quick to help and fix!

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

Webinar Ninja is helping us really beautiful webinars without having to invest a ton of money and a ton of time. Their great customer service helps ensure that everything runs smoothly through the entire process.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 03, 2020
Mercedes E.
"WebinarNinja Review"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

Not provided

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

Not provided

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

Not provided

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 11, 2020
Iñangi L.
"Det har gjort det möjligt för mig att förbättra hela inspelningsprocessen för innehåll på ett ganska enkelt och enkelt sätt"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

Creating content for my webinars in a professional way has never been so easy, after many disappointments when trying other applications that promised many things and delivered so little, I was already losing hope in finding an application that really answered the needs of my company in a simple, easy and practical way until I discovered WebinarNinja, which has allowed me to improve the entire content recording process in a fairly simple, easy, fast way with excellent audio and video quality and with customizations and Quite creative and striking effects (in case they are necessary to use them), in general terms the final product is of very good quality, and if we talk about its interface it turns out to be the easiest and most manageable to accomplish the tasks, however easy or complicated that the task turns out to be, rest assured that with WebinarNinja you can do it in a matter of minutes and without headaches. didos

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

It presents some small problems when making streaming type recordings such as lives, however nothing serious that completely prevents the use of the tool

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

At first I used it as a tool to upload educational videos to my channel and to be able to make my webinars in a much easier and simpler way than I always did, however after using it for a long time I realized that I can also use it to Make advertising videos on my social networks as part of my marketing strategy to increase the number of followers through videos that impact my followers.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 21, 2020
Mike V. avatar
Mike V.
Produktivitetsstrateg, tidshanteringsstrateg, produktivitetsstrateg, skribent, talare
"En plattform som ENDAST fokuserar på webbseminarier..."
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

WebinarNinja is simple to use and makes it easy to get into hosting webinars and there's a big reason for that: it's the only thing they do.They've been focused on building this platform for years and are dedicated to making it the best webinar platform out there. They don't pretend (or want) to be anything outside of that sphere; they want to make presenting webinars accessible in a big way for everyone.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

The lack of discount coupons on paid webinars is something that I'm not a fan of. But I've yet to discover anything else that I dislike.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

I'm using WebinarNinja to spend more time cultivating an audience through webinars. Whether using these webinars for lead generation, fostering my existing membership community, or creating paid webinars as workshops, WebinarNinja has made it simple for me to deliver webinars to my budding audience on an ongoing basis. I'm exploring features like evergreen and recorded webinars to get an even deeper mastery of the platform.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Mar 07, 2019
Darek C.
"Easy Webinar Software"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

I like the ability to see statistics, library, integrations, and registrants all in the dashboard. Zapier integration.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

It would be nice if there was a direct integration into pipedrive and/or autopilot.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

I need to be able to share best practices for my clients, and it is great to hold a webinar, and then share the recording for other clients.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Mar 01, 2022
Oscar A. avatar
Oscar A.
Lösningsrepresentant Dassault Systemes Partner
"Allt i en webinarplattform, inte för krävande användare"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

Excellent customer support, they assist on how to configure the environment. The platform is simply and covers all the webinar workflow. At the starter price it provides more tools than the competitors.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

In the functionality of on-demand webinars you cant edit the recorded file. If you have technical problems us we had, the platform does not allow you to cut out or upload a new corrected session.

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

We could cover end-to-end webinars management. We could cover all the workflow, but we reached the platform's roof quickly. I think that webinar ninja is growing. Maybe in the future, they can give more advanced options.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 24, 2022
Andrew G. avatar
Andrew G.
Sony Artisan Of Imagery
"Sämsta service, kundservice och plattform jag någonsin använt. STAY AWAY!!"
Vad gillar du bäst med WebinarNinja?

The interface would be nice... if it worked.

Vad ogillar du med WebinarNinja?

Everything. They decided to perform server maintenance 2 days before a webinar I had been planning for 2 months with 600+ registrants. Their servers failed, sent out 4000+ emails to my registrants and caused my email to be blocked and labeled as spam thanks to their incompentency. During the webinar I wasn't able to go live with video either, I had and only could rely on using YouTube videos. At the end of my presentation, I sent everyone a link to YouTube Live so we could continue the webinar there because nearly 400+ people couldn't log in to WebinarNinja's servers. Their analytics are also off in many cases. I have data showing that over 3000+ people tried to register for my webinar but due to their registration software only 20% were actually able to register. Many got errors saying their @gmail, @Me, @hotmail accounts wouldn't register. Their customer service is an absolute joke. Don't buy into their "In under 5 minutes you get a response" BS they put out on their site. It would take them 15-24 hours to even 'SEE' the message. All of their customer service reps have and use canned responses too. "Oh, we're sorry for the trouble. We're working hard to fix it. Have a good day." Meanwhile, none of their services are working, the whole site is crashing, you're getting hundreds of emails from angry customers whose inboxes are being filled with dozens of random emails from you... Their whole service is an absolute joke. STAY AWAY!!!

Vilka problem löser WebinarNinja och hur gynnar det dig?

The only problem I'm solving is understanding what a horrible company they are and to stay away from them.

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