SugarCRM bakgrundsoskärpa
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SugarCRM prisöversikt

SugarCRM prissättningsplaner
SugarCRM har 4 prissättning 4 planer, från $49.00 till $1000.00. Titta på olika prisplaner nedan och se vilken nivå och vilka funktioner som uppfyller din budget och dina behov.
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SugarCRM prisrecensioner

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 17, 2021
Ruby G.
Senior innehållsförfattare
"Automatisera och optimera dina kundsupportprocesser"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

Its service console has all the information needed to resolve a support case in one panel. It has helped a lot in reducing time to provide resolution, improve customer satisfaction, and support experience. Sugar Serve displays the best actions to take based on SLA, contact information, account activity history, and case details. There is no need to search or navigate. It also offers intelligent work prioritization; route, assign, and escalate cases; calculate follow updates, and send notifications.

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

There is nothing much to dislike about this software but it can offer more integrations and features at this price.

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Sugar server offers case prioritization so that service agents don't have to worry about identifying cases that need immediate attention. Agents can respond faster to customers with high priority and feel valued. It also helps in reassigning and escalating the cases.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 15, 2013
David F.
"SugarCRM har den bästa kombinationen av funktioner, alternativ och kostnad"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

My "Big 3" of things I like best include the breadth of deployment options (Sugar Cloud, Private Cloud, or in-house server), flexibility and customizability (extensive tools available as well as open source), and cost (Costs start at $35/user/month, and that's a version that has more than most comparable CRMs).

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

Native Outlook integration could be improved, but rumor has it this will be addressed in the next version. In addition, there are add-ons that fill in the gaps.

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Not provided

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Augusti 29, 2018
Chris B. avatar
Chris B.
"BRA basfunktioner för marknadsföringsautomatisering STORT stöd"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

Platform is relatively easy to use and navigate. It provides the core functionality for marketing automation and allowed us to expand beyond basic email marketing with lead scoring, event management, landing pages, etc. Also liked their business model a lot. Other vendors we evaluated were looking to charge per user (marketing and sales users) which would have limited our adoption and use of the product. Salesfusion unlimited user price model allowed us to get the functionality we needed and have the freedom to scale it throughout the company as we grew. New folks who come from using other solutions are always surprised that we can 'just add a user' when needed. During our initial evaluation, their native CRM integrations were a big plus as well. Other vendors were relying on 3rd party solutions or had limited access to the underlying CRM data. Connecting our marketing data to CRM was key for us to be effective and allows for easy targeting based on our full set of CRM data. CRM connection is clearly an area of investment for them as they continue to improve with dynamic lists and the upcoming campaign object support which will further allow us to leverage CRM data to drive our campaigns and effectively measure ROI. Finally, the item that has been the biggest positive for us is the support the Salesfusion team provides. The program is not without its issues and learning curve, but having the support team there to help makes us confident we can solve our problems quickly. Everyone I have interacted with in support has always been courteous and out to help us solve our issues as fast as possible. The support model and team Salesfusion has is definitely a huge asset for them.

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

They are in the middle of updating the platform which leads to some UI inconsistencies and confusion on which version of a feature to use when. They are cleaning things up steadily and the new capabilities are much improved just hope the transition will be completed soon. Also, wish Salesfusion integrated with more 3rd party platforms and services. We can and have worked around this through custom API connections (with their support teams help) but sponsored/managed integrations would be very helpful. We need to capture a holistic view of our customers and prospects. For our marketing automation system to be the true hub of that data we need to be able to collect and interact with all our customer touchpoints effectively. They recently updated their API which I am told will open things up for continued integration.

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

We wanted an easy to use scalable platform that we could grow with. Our previous solution was solely email marketing focused and we wanted to move beyond that to encompass the full customer journey which Salesfusion helps us do through its capabilities and CRM integration. Using Salesfusion we have seen increases in leads, better conversion rates due to nurturing programs and effective segmentation as well as reduced manual labor and improved quality as we were able to automate significant portions of our lead entry process using built in lead routing and assignment functions in the tool.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 30, 2021
Sandro Roberto L. avatar
Sandro Roberto L.
Administrativ assistent
"Kraftfullt verktyg för marknadsföringsautomatisering"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

Our organization needed a tool for marketing automation and Sugar Market was the ideal solution. The possibility of sending automatic emails allows us a much greater reach of our products and services, dissemination and information about all the work carried out by our organization. Very easy to use, the interface is user-friendly and anyone without any familiarity with the tool can work very well. Advertising campaigns have become more reliable and practical, in addition to being able to directly reach our client

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

So far there is nothing to discredit the use of the tool by our organization, given the time we have been using it

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

We managed to greatly improve the image of our products, in addition to automating our marketing, which was manual and did not have an immediate effect. Now we can really show all our products in a real way, how to attract the customer and know what he really wants and needs. Costs have dropped, sales have improved exponentially and our trend is to be able to expand our business even further. Furthermore, the price is very interesting and the return is fast and satisfactory.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 15, 2021
Verifierad granskare
"Komplex, inte intuitivt, svårt att använda och navigera"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

Advanced analytics are included in the platform at no additional cost. They have a feature that allows you to format the first name field inserted into emails. It allows you to preview emails in different email clients

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

Sugar Market pricing is based upon the size of your database vs. the number of contacts you email each month. There are too many email/template creation options and they are not clearly labeled. Sugar has pieced together an old legacy system with a new system, which creates confusion and impacts usability. If you go to Create>Template>Email, you are creating a template with the legacy email builder and it cannot be accessed later for use in a Nurture 2.0. If you create a template using email builder 2.0, you can never delete or edit the template once you save it as a template. It will clutter your system forever. If you create an email template with email builder 2.0, you do not have the option to allow sales to use that template within the CRM iframe. You can only edit emails created in email builder 2.0 via code if you add the code widget, and then you can only work with code. There is no email signature widget. You cannot upload a suppression list because of a defect that has been documented since December 1, 2020 and has not been fixed as of April 15, 2021. Until the defect is fixed, you need to individually enter each email domain you'd like to suppress. To email a list you have to create a report that requires training to understand. The more I use Sugar Market, the more issues I run into. Overall, Sugar Market is complex and not intuitive. For me, any benefits of Sugar Market do not come close to making up for how difficult the system is to use.

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

So far, I have not seen any benefits.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 05, 2021
Sanchit K. avatar
Sanchit K.
"Reliable Sugar Serve Review"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

Easy to use. Navigation is super easy. User interface is nice. The support team is very amazing. Dashboard user expreience is good. Customer support becomes easy.

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

The plugins doesn't work well. Not working well with third party apps. Initial cost is higher. It is not so customizable, although it has lot of features. It is sometimes very laggy or takes time to load. Lack of integration with other tool. We had tried to integrate it, but we had to face many issues, even the support team isn't much effective. Support seems to be slow, but they try to resolve the issue.

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Sugar Serve is a tool that has helped us to automate our customer support process for our clients. We are able to scale up very quickly and improve our efficiency, thus making better relationship with our clients. It's very cost effective overall and helped us to reach more customers within the specific time frame.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 04, 2021
Sanchit K. avatar
Sanchit K.
"Automatisera marknadsföring enkelt med Sugar Market"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

Single email builder is a great functionality. It increases efficiency and reduces the overall cost. Strong user community and members are very helpful within the community. Web tracker and alerts are very helpful for our marketing team. Strong services expertise by sugar Team. It has provided us with Financial/organizational viability and KPI for all users. Database management is super easy and now we are able to manage lot of our users.

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

Documentation should be imporved, although implementation was seamless. But a proper documentation will help new users to understand it. Very steep learning curve in starting as the product has too many features. More integrations can be added, thus making it more effective. Some coding knowledge i.e, HTML and CSS is needed, thus one needs to spend some time in learning it beforehand. Cost is comparatively high compared to its competitors. Telephone support should be added for solving issues fastly.

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

We are able to send mass emails to the users. We are able to reach a lot of our clients and candidates regularly with tracking benefits. We utilize the analytics to see who has opened and clicked links to see who is a potential lead. The work is now mostly automated and we need less workforce. We are now able to manage all our clients and are able to provide them with reports on daily basis. It helps us to increase our business and improve our relationship with our clients.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 24, 2018
Verifierad granskare
"Perfekt för små till medelstora företag"
Vad gillar du bäst med SugarCRM?

It is fairly intuitive to use and the pricing is not to prohibitive. Some of the features are a bit clunky and as of late we have been having issues with email sends. Overall though, the platform offers everything you would want. The email setup is simple, creating forms/landing pages is easy and reporting could be improved on their end.

Vad ogillar du med SugarCRM?

I dislike that our emails have been having issues sending as of late, even test emails are having trouble. The support though is for the most part on top of it and helpful but at times can seem like they just escalate things to get them off their plate but nothing gets done. Creating a report could be an easier process and really creating anything new could be easier.

Vilka problem löser SugarCRM och hur gynnar det dig?

It provides a platform that can be connected with many CRMs and allows for customization in that sense. It has allowed our very custom CRM to work pretty well with the email platform.