SiteGround bakgrundsskärpa
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Pålitliga webbhotelllösningar
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SiteGround Recensioner & produktdetaljer

SiteGround Översikt
Vad är SiteGround?

SiteGround är det största oberoende webbhotellföretaget som betros av över 2.8 miljoner domäner runt om i världen. Plattformen är mest känd för sitt starka fokus på webbhastighet och säkerhet. SiteGrounds värdtjänst täcker kraftfulla verktyg för webbplatshantering och egenutvecklade interna lösningar som gör att de kan köra webbplatser snabbare och säkrare. Allt detta erbjuds med fantastisk kundservice som gör SiteGround ett populärt val bland frilansare och småföretagare. Det är också en rekommenderad värdleverantör av WordPress.

Företag SiteGround Hosting Ltd.
År grundades 2004
Företagsstorlek 201-500 anställda
Huvudkontoret Sofia, Bulgarien
Sociala medier
SiteGround Kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om SiteGround
Vad SiteGround är bäst för?
Hur fungerar SiteGround jämföra med dhosting?
Vad är fördelarna och nackdelarna med SiteGround?
SiteGround Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
SiteGround För-och nackdelar
  • Snabba serversvarstider
  • Flera datacenter över fyra innehåll
  • Pålitlig drifttid
  • Bra kundsupport, inklusive telefonsupport dygnet runt
  • Gratis webbplatsmigreringstjänst
  • Mycket dyrt förnyelsepris
SiteGround Utmärkelser
Findstack 2024 Allmänt märke
SiteGround Egenskaper
Säkerhetskopiering och återställning
CDN -integration
Cron jobbschemaläggning
Anpassade felsidor
E Hosting
Hosting för flera domäner
Hjälp om webbplatsmigrering
Uptime garanti
webbplats Builder
SiteGround Media
SiteGround 0
SiteGround 1
SiteGround 2
SiteGround 3
SiteGround 4
SiteGround Skärmbilder
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 07, 2025
SiteGround Logotyp
256 SiteGround Omdömen
4.3 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 15, 2021
Jennifer H
"Siteground går utöver"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

The customer service was instantaneous and I was having an issue with my renewal. After explaining my situation, they were able to figure out a solution that worked for my business.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

I did not dislike anything about using SiteGround

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I am hosting various WordPress sites for friends, family, and my business

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 10, 2021
Anthony Z.
"Pålitlig och effektiv värdlösning"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

I never have to worry about my website being down or any other issues with my website. It just works 24/7.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

Nothing. Never have had one complaint with Siteground.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

They host my website, and the primary benefit is that I never have to worry about anything that has to do with my site.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 21, 2021
Cari T. avatar
Kari T.
"Siteground är en bra lösning!"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

So many functions available and cost is good in comparison with many out there.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

I'm not a techy person. Their customer service is wonderful. They are very friendly and quick to respond. They don't assist too much with technical questions.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Being in the hemp CBD space, there services give you what is needed.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 11, 2021
Fernando S.
"Det bästa värdskapet för WordPress, Woocommerce & fantastiskt supportteam"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

The support team is very good and they answer very fast, easy to use, and BackUps

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

Prices are high compared to other hosting platforms.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Have the fastest hosting for WordPress and a more professional and fastest support team.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 10, 2021
Andrew P. avatar
Andrew P.
"Snabb, lätt att använda, bra kundsupport"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

I'm most impressed with their customer support. They're very knowledgeable, helpful, responsive, and friendly. They've helped me troubleshoot and fix malware issues with assistance from Sucuri. I have a Go Geek hosting plan with a number of personal and client sites hosted on the plan. I used to use GoDaddy but switched to Siteground after becoming unsatisfied with the site load times. I don't have site speed issues due to hosting since switching to Siteground. I also like how easy the backend is to navigate. Siteground keeps the interface clean and simple and doesn't constantly push products and services onto me. With GoDaddy, they are always trying to sell me something. It's like walking into a car dealership every time I visit the website.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

I haven't had a single unpleasant experience with Siteground.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I need to easily host and manage multiple websites and I need them to all load quickly. Siteground makes this easy.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 10, 2021
Kevin M.
"Bara ett enastående webbhotell"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

This is a low-cost, very well-support website host. It's fast, it has security features like automatic backups and 2FA authentication, there is a lot to love.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

Nothing much, honestly. The built-in Wordpress plugins could be better?

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

We needed a fast cloud-hosting provider. This gets us to our goal, WAY under budget.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 10, 2021
Peter G. avatar
peter g
"Bra värd till överkomliga priser"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

The most wonderful thing about SiteGround is their customer service. They have friendly reps that are willing to help you fix your WordPress issues.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

I wish that their prices were a little bit cheaper but they are still quite affordable when compared to other web hosting companies.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

SiteGround is a great web host for your website. They have great services that complement each other like email and spam protection. They can be your one-stop-shop for all of your website-related needs.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 02, 2021
Robb A.
"Robb recensioner SiteGround"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

SiteGround does not try to be all things to all people. They are a WordPress/WooCommerce host and they are very, very good at that. They give you a concise selection of hosting options where they have a considerable amount of hardware and software expertise. Their support is excellent and getting hold of someone is relatively quick and painless.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

Nothing really. They know who they are and again, they are very, very good at it.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Site speed and dependability. Increased happiness from clients and increased sales for my online store.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 13, 2021
Joey P. avatar
Joey P.
Medgrundare/Managing Partner
"Prisvärd hantering WordPress värd och bra delad värd"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

Pricing is very competitive and affordable and includes email through their cpanel integration. Their technical support has always been very responsive and solved issues very quickly. Their uptime and site speed have also been up to par with other premium managed WordPress hosts as well. Their shared hosting is perfect for people looking for a budget host with premium support.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

They've always been very helpful, so I couldn't think of any situation that I didn't like however I found SiteGround felt more like a shared host with shared support over a premium managed WordPress host with a dedicated account representative which is what I was used to with premium managed WordPress services. Their standard shared web hosting is fantastic as well.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Managed Wordpress is traditionally expensive and doesn't include email services however SiteGround gives you managed capabilities at the prices of shared hosting along with email services. This was great for my micro small business clients on a tight budget that didn't want to pay extra for included email services.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 06, 2020
Mark M. avatar
Mark M.
Medgrundare, innovations- och organisationsstrategi
"Robust service, bra pris, expertkundservice"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

I don't think I have ever waited more than a minute or so to get on chat with tech support. The tech support doesn't just advise you, most times they go into your backend and fix the issue themselves. My other favorite things are free ssl, affordable pricing, and hosting a bunch of websites for the price of one.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

I would like it to be easier to have a reseller account where your client can use it as a payment gateway. They do have a reseller account, but I think you need to bill independently.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I love hosting multiple websites for one fee. Since the pricing is based on server specs, I can put many websites on one account.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 05, 2020
Richard M. avatar
Richard M.
"Bra värd med tillägg"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

They offer free add ons like CDN, SSL, security and speed settings for your hosting. Customer service is quick and helpful. They now offer a simplified interface instead of just cpanel. This makes getting settings set or changed easier and more intuitive for the non-cpanel expert. This also protects websites as they are not all tied together in one cpanel - so if one site gets infected, they all do not get infected. The speed with or without the CDN is good. Better with the CDN.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

Inodes are restricted, limiting the number of sites you can put on 1 hosting account.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Can host and control several websites with one hosting package very easily. The benefits are one step access to many features that others charge for or you need seperate account for.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
September 30, 2020
Andrea A. avatar
Andrea A
"Ett fantastiskt webbhotell"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

It provides you a 30-day cash-back guarantee. It assists you with daily automatic backups & restores with Automatic WordPress installation. It gives you the organized WordPress hosting on every plan. It has inventive speed technologies (PHP7, SSD, NGINX + more). Free of charge SSL certificate & Cloudflare CDNAnother straight advantage is that it has a very speedy server response period. The server response time is a calculation of how time-consuming it is for the server to transport all of the rudiments of your website to users, browsers.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

One of the main negative points for SiteGround is its limited storage disk space which could make it difficult for users to manage storage. They are not much good when in the case of technical difficulties. It has limited data storage that may cause user’s data to be lost or the user has to put manual efforts to save data on other servers which may cost him time. Another big deal is that this software has no unlimited subscription.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Fast speeds and loads of additional features that are ideal for both beginners and professional users make SiteGround an admirable web host. SiteGround has put a fresh industry standard when it comes to high-performance collective hosting and WordPress hosting services. at the same time as they get compressed on price and add-on bonuses by competitors like Bluehost, SiteGround does a great deal better when it comes to performance, speed, security, and core hosting options. If the site speed rate and safety matter are more to you, then you should pay more and use SiteGround.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 28, 2020
Daniel T. avatar
Daniel T.
Webbplatsdesigner & utvecklare
"Blaxsnabb delad värd och mer"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

The UX is easy to understand, the pricing is competitive, and the speeds are blazing fast compared to other hosts.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

There's nothing I'm aware of here. The software is great!

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I transferred hosting from another provided to SiteGround. What an AMAZING difference with customer support, ease of use layout, great customer support, and competitive pricing.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 26, 2020
Jeremy C.
"Snabb och pålitlig hosting för ditt företag"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

SiteGround uses the latest technology and has an amazing support team who is there to help 24/7.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

The price is a bit high. They are switching to their own in-house hosting management control panel, which looks amazing, but they have been really slow at rolling it out to their existing clients. I've been waiting for over a year.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

SiteGround is quick to load my websites to the world and has had little to now downtime over the past 2 years that I've been using them. I host all of my web design clients with them and have seen great results.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 09, 2020
Matt D. avatar
Matt D.
Det direktör
"SiteGround hosting ger säkerhet till våra WordPress webbplatser"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

SiteGround is a low cost but secure hosting for WordPress enabled websites. It provides easy navigation through eh CPanel interface to manage websites files and the databases. SiteGournd Backup and restore service has been very useful to us at crucial times.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

We are satisfied with the hosting provided by SiteGound for the websites yet. Its easy to use service to manage a website hosing. FTP can be created and new subdomains are aded easily from the SiteGround control panel.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

We are hosting our company website as well as a few client websites on our SiteGround hosting account. We have seen the websites never go down and stay secure always.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Mar 27, 2020
Fabio Z.
"en av de bästa värdarna"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

the integration with word press is excellent, the service is perfect, and the cost, especially with offers and promotions such as black friday, is very convenient

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

in my experience, there is nothing wrong

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

host a wordpress site

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 09, 2019
Yvonne F.
Content Manager
"SiteGround har allt jag behöver för flera webbplatser jag är värd för"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

The pricing for most of the plans are better than many of the popular web hosting solutions with similar features such as GoDaddy and Bluehost. The technical support staff at SiteGround has been helpful when it comes to installing new WordPress websites or having database connection problems. Many other web hosts won't bother with helping me with those type of issues since they're considered to be coding and development issues that is the responsibility of the account holder.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

It's mostly been all smiles and sunshine with SiteGround. The cost effectiveness and quality of the service from both the web server and support team has been excellent. I can't pick out anything to dislike.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Our websites and landing pages are primarily hosted on SiteGround. We use the shared hosting plan and can get superb web page loading times that are far better than the industry standard. Even compared to higher priced plans at other hosting companies, our SiteGround hosting plan has exceeded performance expectations. Our website visitors get an optimal web viewing experience.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 19, 2019
Helena B. avatar
Helena B.
Kontors Administratör
"Det bästa webbhotellet om du bor i Kanada!! :) speciellt för .ca-tillägget"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

I love that they have an amazing customer service, they also offer a variety of extensions, their pricing is good as well. The way they helped me every time I had an issue with something was amazing. Their staff really knows what they are doing and are extremely knowledgable and helpful

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

I dislike that they might not tell you all the prices up front, there were few things I regret I didn't look into better to expect what exact price I will going to pay. It can be a little confusing.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I am using them as my hosting provider for my wordpress site, the benefits are that my site loads fast and if I ever have issues with anything they are very quick to solve them

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 19, 2019
Jennifer L. avatar
Jennifer L.
"Ny användare opartisk recension"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

Siteground is super user friendly. The interface is nice to navigate through and I can figure out exactly where I need to go on their menu. The entire experience is fun actually.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

The price is higher than my previous hosting but you do get a lot for the money and although it’s priced higher it’s still not unaffordable, in my opinion.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I need reliable fast hosting with an ssl certificate so that’s how Siteground is helping me. I’ve tried many hosts and my experience with Siteground so far has been the best.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 11, 2019
Michael M.
"Siteground är det mest solida, funktionsspäckade och stabila webbhotell jag har använt"
Vad tycker du bäst om SiteGround?

Siteground's support is incredible and fast. They must have won some awards for it i'm sure. The speed boost my sites have received once moved to their environment has been incredible and makes a difference in load times which impact every aspect of my business.

Vad ogillar du med SiteGround?

The Cpanel is a bit old school looking which isn't a bad thing, but could be modernized/made more user friendly for novices who host on their own.

Vad är problem SiteGround lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

the speed boosts and optimizations have allowed me to upsell hosting to clients.

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