PandaDoc bakgrundsoskärpa
PandaDoc logotyp
Skapa, hantera och e-signera dokument med lätthet
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PandaDoc recensioner och produktinformation

PandaDoc översikt
Vad är PandaDoc?

Gå med mer än 40,000 1 kunder som gör PandaDoc #XNUMX för förslag, offerter och kontraktshantering.

Vi hjälper dig:
Dela dokument på några minuter
Granska snabbt och säkert
Koppla samman alla delar av ditt företag
Upprätthåll efterlevnad och kontroll

PandaDoc effektiviserar alla dina dokumentarbetsflöden:

Företag PandaDoc
År grundades 2013
Företagsstorlek 501-1000 anställda
Huvudkontoret San Francisco, Kalifornien
Sociala medier
PandaDoc-kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om PandaDoc
Vad är PandaDoc bäst för?
Hur jämför PandaDoc med JungleDocs?
Vilka är för- och nackdelarna med PandaDoc?
PandaDoc Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat, Desktop Chromebook, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Automatisk sparning
Satsvis bearbetning
Anpassningsbar branding
Drag & Drop Editor
elektronisk signatur
Mobil kompatibilitet
Flerspråkigt stöd
Sök och filtrera
PandaDoc Media
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Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 08, 2025
PandaDoc logotyp
2,329 PandaDoc Omdömen
4.7 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 12, 2023
Jacob L. avatar
Jacob L.
"Panda Doc skapar julmagi"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

As a small-time Santa, PandaDoc is the single most invaluable I use to bring Christmas Magic to so many children. PandaDoc has brought Santa into the new technology age and saved me so much stress and headaches getting contracts out, signed, and returned.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Nothing. I love everything about it! I've attempted other services. I will never go back! I love PandaDoc and promote it often to others!

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Turn-around time. A simple service change and take almost a week to get corrected using old methods. Now, if the client wants to tweak something on the proposal before signing, I can do so in a matter of seconds.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 07, 2023
Ester L
"PandaDoc är mycket lätt att använda och bekvämt för HR-relaterade dokument."
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

What we like best about PandaDoc is that it can be used on a mobile, employees are able to access their compliance documents on the go.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

So far nothing, we like everything about Pandadoc

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Employees do not have to print out documents and they can just use their mobile.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 30, 2023
Alfred A.
"Den bästa Pandadoc"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

Pandadoc is very helpful in reviewing the order forms and signatures. It provides accessibility to everybody. Clients, sales, and others.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Nothing as such. I find Pandadoc very helpful.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Provides one solution to all the documents.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 23, 2023
Luke D. avatar
Luke D.
"Bra erfarenhet av att använda PandaDoc!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

It works exactly as it should. It can auto assign text boxes, which saves time per document. I also like how seamlessly it can integrate with Stripe. I use it almost every day to send agreements for my Content Agency. It was extremely simple to set up. I upload the .pdf document, enter their email and name, then auto assign the text boxes. You can also share it via email or a URL link. I like to send the email and then text my clients the URL link. Thanks PandaDoc for making it so simple!

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

I would love to be able to drag my mouse and highlight 4 text boxes, and assign them all at once. This is not a need though, just a want.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Legal Agreements for my clients with my Content Agency

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 21, 2023
Jared L.
"Utmärkt notarieplattform"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

Having full control the meeting, easy usability.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

I wish I could see client's screen to help

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Being able to meet and store conversations

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 14, 2023
Janet V.
"Jag bara älskar det. Det gör mitt jobb så mycket lättare... Tack så mycket"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

how rapid it goes. I get to finish my job and my files so much faster.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Nothing it's perfect I can not find any dislikes

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

I get to finish my applications so quickly.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 13, 2023
Kathy F.
Löne- och personalkoordinator
"PandaDoc var en integrerad del när vi var tvungna att vara 100 % virtuella i början av pandemin."
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

The ease of use, templates, content library, and auto-reminders cuts down the chasing down of document signatures.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Deleting multi-page additions can be tedious.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

PandaDoc has eliminated the need to chase signatures from employment agreements to board of trustee conflict of interest statements. It has streamlined our onboarding process tremendously.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 12, 2023
Brian M.
"Bra plattform med flexibilitet"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

The integration module which connects to our CRM is critical to our business this allows us to pass our data right through to Panda Docs thereby customizing each document without having to data entry a second time..This is priceless

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

We would like to see more real-time PDF edit ability, this is only applicable to legacy documents.. All our new docs we create in Panda Docs thereby allowing real time edits with no friction

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Most of our clients are mobile ...being able to create a link then copy and paste right into their text message has been priceless

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 07, 2023
Robert W.
"Daglig användare - mycket nöjd"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

The ease of use and functionality of the platform far exceeds our prior platform signority. Template options are amazing and save time. Very straightforward platform with many options available for the user. Customer support is very friendly and responds the same day with any issues, usually offering fix options within hours of request. Many options for adding your documents and easy implementation of the product features.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

We have a limited amount of documents that our organization can utilize on the platform.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

contract and compliance document implementation e-signature audit tracking reports

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 07, 2023
Miklos C.
"En ständigt förbättrad viktig programvara"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

I honestly do not think that there is a software out there more essential to finalizing business transactions. Wheter its agreements, marketing material, contracts or just signatures, this software is the glue that many businesses need. The software is continuously improving, which is essential to creating new SOP's for your business to operate around. The software works with multiple types of CRM's, email programs, and dozens of other integrations that businesses use every day. I even built our company tutorials on pandadoc, which shows the versatility of the platform. Whenver there is a problem, or a new feature there are plenty of ways to get the support you need. I personaly use pandadoc everyday, and have put 1000's of hours into building templates which help every facet of my many businesses.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

I would say that some people are not familiar with Pandadoc and it is a constantly changing product which means that you have to upkeep your templates. Some do update automatically but many features require redoing your templates, which just cost time up front.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Integration for speed of creating finalized documents across mutliple businesses.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 02, 2023
Aidan A.
"Bra produkt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

Templates are flexible and user-friendly, team management/admin/ops features are robust, integration with Salesforce is helpful. We use for both external (sales + customer success) as well as internal (HR, operations).

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Nothing that is specific to PandaDoc, just the inevitability of file system organization woes and folder creep...

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Contract signature in sales process (integrated to Salesforce) + internal paper trail for HR for compensation changes, promotions, etc

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 31, 2023
Kesha R.
"Bra sätt att centralisera försäljningsprocessen för småföretag"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

I like the balance of flexibility and consistency at an incredible price. The tool provides the flexibility to make contracts and proposals match our company's brand and look incredibly professional, without the prohibitive expense of hiring an expert to do that for me. I like that it has so many features - many of which I haven't yet made use of but know I will as my business continues to expand. Most of all, I love that all of my contracts and proposals are in one place, and that I can re-use collateral to make sure everything is consistent.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

I wish that there were a tier between Essentials and Business or the ability to add a la carte features. I can't yet afford Business level, but would love to take advantage of CRM integration and limited use of the content library.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

I am terrible at creating and tracking proposals and contracts. Pandadoc allows me to create a tempalte and reuse elements over and over, and tracks the process along the way. I especially love that I can see who has viewed proposals and schedule folow ups.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 28, 2023
Karen D.
"Lätt att använda!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

It is so easy to use both for ourselves and our clients. I love that we are notified when the document has been read and when it is completed. A simple and professional way to obtain digital signatures

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

There is no downside for us using PandaDoc!

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

No need to meet clients in person for signatures

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 28, 2023
Muzzy S.
"Mycket bekvämt och effektivt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

I love the feature that tells me people have viewed my doc, the constant updates.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

I have to explore the product more than doing its basic use, to be able to pick out disliking.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Online documentation and contract signing.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 26, 2023
John S.
Senior Director of Sales
"PandaDocs fungerar utmärkt!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

The workslow through our CRM to PandaDocs works flawlessly. I've never had an issue with any data not coming over correctly or if I've had to edit for some reason, it is clear and easy to do.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

I'm not sure there are any downsides except our own internal file storage methods for employees no longer with the company.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Consistency of license orders throughout the organization.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Oktober 26, 2023
Timi L.
"Ett omfattande tillvägagångssätt för hantering av elektroniska signaturer."
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

I have found the document management process offered by Pandadoc to be very straightforward. I used to make a lot of mistakes that I had to track manually. Now, the dashboard is more professional and systematic. Another outstanding feature is the feedback mechanism, where my clients can make particular comments about each document. Also, the updates are simple and straight forward making it easy for me to know how far a document is. Indeed it’s a life-changer on how I approach my paperwork.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Sometimes, PandaDoc design and interface are not very intuitive compared to Word, which is a standard tool. Another shortcoming I have seen is the redlining function; I wish they will improve on the same based on future user feedback.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Pandadoc has all but eliminated the chaos of document management. This reduces the amount of error leading to good workflow. Communication with clients has become more effective because of dashboard and feedback features which save time and avoid misinterpretations.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 23, 2023
Ryan D.
"Snabbt och effektivt för att skicka offerter och kontrakt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

I like how simple it is to send out Quotes and contracts to customers. This allows me to see when the client has looked at the paperwork.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

The new layout is taking some getting used to.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Panda docs allow me to send out contracts ,follow any updates and analyze what parts of the contract the customer spends time on.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 18, 2023
Jacob C.
"Panda Doc är FANTASTISK!!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

Well the price is great, but it's simple to use and that is my favorite thing about Panda Doc. If I had to use one service for all of my e-sign needs it would be Panda Doc.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

There is really nothing that I dislike about Panda Doc. I have other e-sign services but don't use them as much as Panda Doc. I only use others when I am required to because in my line of work sometimes the groups I work with make me use others in the industry.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

In my industry we have a lot of paperwork that needs to be signed and it's such a benefit to have Panda Doc to make signatures so much easier.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 16, 2023
Alex S.
"Fantastisk integration med HubSpot, lätt att använda och härligt stöd!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

Firstly, the initial process when meeting Valeria was fantastic. She was just straight to the point and answered every question like a champ. Onboarding was a great experience with a lot of useful information. Great integration with HubSpot and we are now sending contracts in a couple of clicks.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Just some minor things that are more tied to how we use it and what info would we need to have there additionally. Nothing too crazy.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

It made the Sales process more streamlined and faster to send the contract to the client. Also, it is idiot friendly so people are finding it very easy to use.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 05, 2023
Tj P.
Implantatplaneringsspecialist och teknisk konsult
"Bekvämt, användarvänligt, prisvärt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

very easy to set up, intuitive, able to easy edit if needed, can assign multiple people to sign and CC others. very customizable. You can add notes, initials, pictures, assign different signature areas to multiple people. Love the certificate of signture at the end.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

If you change the color of the font it set up the new color as a default. The auto generation of the email subject is too long

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Reducing the time needed for sending documents , following up on with signatures and sending coping to all involved

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