PandaDoc bakgrundsoskärpa
PandaDoc logotyp
Skapa, hantera och e-signera dokument med lätthet
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PandaDoc prisöversikt

PandaDoc prisplaner
Gratis plan
PandaDoc har 3 prissättning 3 planer, från $0.00 till $219.00. Titta på olika prisplaner nedan och se vilken nivå och vilka funktioner som uppfyller din budget och dina behov.
Gratis eSign
Gratis plan
per plats/månad
per plats/månad
Prisinformation för PandaDoc tillhandahålls av programvaruleverantören eller hämtas från offentligt tillgängligt prismaterial. Prisinformationen uppdaterades senast den 18 februari 2024 från säljarens webbplats och kan skilja sig från faktiska. Vänligen bekräfta med säljarens webbplats innan du köper.

PandaDoc prisrecensioner

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 12, 2023
Verifierad granskare
"PandaDoc är ett snyggt, kostnadseffektivt alternativ"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

PandaDoc is extremely easy to use. I found it to be a better solution than some of the pricier options on the market. I also like the ability to colorize and customize it with branding.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Less powerful than some other platforms with furthered capabilities and integrations, add-ons add up, bulk doc sends can be pricey, quoting tool is a work in progress.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

The catalog tool on PandaDoc is helping us scale and systemize our pricing through SKUs. It allows multiple salespeople in our organization to pull these SKUs and place them in the quoting tool to standardize rates and pricing for our market research.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 03, 2018
Nathalie N.
Directrice Des Communications Et Artiste De Cirque
"Enklaste och snabbaste sättet att skicka och spåra offerter"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

The interface : it is easy to use, design friendly, the library and templates are amazing to save time. My collegues and I are use the same templates and library so we are sure we say the same thing to clients. The price tables are great with check box, our clients love them.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Some of my quotations arrive as a spam, so my futurs clients never receive them. There are bug with the typography (the size of the text change for no reason, the bold appears or disappear for no reason, etc). The fact we can't add discounts (only one is permitted, I'd like to add a second discount category on my prices tables). Also some of my clients do not understand they can download or forward the document (it is not clear enough). It would be great if we can translate the buttons in french (some of our clients doesn't speak english).

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Before it was harder and longer to send quotations. Now, we sell easily our products because we can insert easily pictures and videos which is very important for our business. It's also easier to work with collegues because they use the pre-made templates. So, to resume, we save time and close deals faster

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 04, 2023
Alex C.
"PandaDoc är en fantastisk plattform"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

PandaDoc is an amazing platform that has transformed the way our business handles contracts and other important documents. The software is incredibly easy to use, and the intuitive interface and customizable templates make it simple to create professional-looking documents in no time.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

May not be the most cost-effective option for all businesses. While PandaDoc offers competitive pricing, some businesses may find that the fees associated with the platform are higher than those of other document management providers.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

PandaDoc's automation features help us to save time and reduce errors by automating manual tasks like document creation, sending, tracking, etc.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 17, 2020
Luke P.
"Bra lösning för allt från e-signaturer till en fullständig offertupplevelse med feedback."
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

For our business, the best feature is the ability to see when our customers have opened their quote and then get a notification each time they open the quote. We can then drill down into the quote document and see where they are spending their time and this allows us to contact the customer at the right time and ensures we discuss elements of the deal that is relevant to them. We utilise the catalog, variables, templates and the content library to allow our sales team to create professional quotes with less data entry errors more efficiently than our previous methods. The e-signature abilities are a little bit secondary for our business as the time period from proposal to signing is quite long. However in a previous business I worked at, it was vital as it allowed their very mobile customer base to sign off on their order wherever they were.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

Sometimes the emails are filtered by the clients spam filters where a normal email would not do this. There are workarounds but they are inconvenient. We signed up after the introduction of Editor 2.0. This left us with no choice to use the old editor. Whilst it has some great new features, some very important features have been taken away. The main ones we need are images in the pricing table as well as costs and margins in the pricing table. When I search for these on the website support pages, they just state that they are not available yet. We have been signed up since July and I am starting to get frustrated at the lack of news. Finally, I would like to see PandaDoc allow sent quotes to be linked back to deals in Hubspot as our sales guys often forget to link it prior to sending the document.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

As mentioned above, our quotes are very technical and we often quote the same used machine to multiple customers. With the utilisation of templates, the catalog and the content library, we are getting less errors on quotes. We also use the feedback from the customers through the system (e.g. when opened, page analytics, etc) to make relevant sales calls and we also adjust our templates to make the quotes more relevant.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 13, 2022
Manny A.
Grundare & VD
"Bra system, bra övning, bra människor"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

Starting a business can be challenging with the number of systems needed and their fees. PandaDoc works as it should, and fees are as they should be. From a branding perspective, I love the personalization for businesses, and from pricing, I love how they charge for what it is not by "let's take advantage and charge for service but also for every signature done." Simply great w/ unlimited signature docs or sheets and the ability to upgrade for integrations; simply an awesome system and people behind it.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

The only flaw I find is the time zones. It would be great if the system could send signatures based on their time zone, not from PandaDoc HQ zone. Aside from that, simply fantastic.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

We focus in sending docs, and they make it effortless.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 18, 2020
Ryan JC
"Överdrivna prisökningar från år till år"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

The platform is really nice. It makes creating quotes very easy. The template editor provides a lot of flexibility and the embedded calculator works very well.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

They were fantastic in early years. We have been a clients since near the beginning and lived through the early growing stages. Last year was a pretty extensive price increase, but I was understanding given the advancements in the platform. This year was another big shock as they are taking away functionality we have used for years and charging more fees. Back to back 20%+ increases has me now looking for new options. Great product - just can't trust the excessive prices increases year after year.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Our objective was to make it easy for sales to quickly put a professional quote in customers hands. Pandadoc checks all the boxes - it has worked reliably for years.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 15, 2021
Verifierad granskare
"Lätt, dynamiskt, modernt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

What I like best is the ability to edit on the prospect's end. It feels like a real relationship knowing the building of a proposal is genuinely collaborative, and the prospect can change their mind about what they want and toggle things on and off to find a price that works for their budget.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

It's a new software for me, so it doesn't feel super intuitive yet with making nuanced edits, but the live chat/support is fantastic!

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

Easy to build, easy to send, easy to share proposals that feel like they are firmly in the 21st century.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 16, 2023
Verifierad granskare
"Gratisversionen är perfekt för dem som behöver begränsa affärskostnaderna"
Vad tycker du bäst om med PandaDoc?

With a little work (e.g., pre-making pdfs to load in), PandaDoc can create all the forms I need as a private practice psychologist, even with letterhead. The result looks professional and is HIPAA-compliant, which is key. I haven't found another service like it without significant cost. If I use a costly service, that is passed on to my clients, obviously, and I do what I can to limit extra costs to make therapy affordable. Highly recommend for telehealth professionals.

Vad ogillar du med PandaDoc?

The only thing I dislike is the expiration on the free service - if the recipient does not respond fast enough, you need to re-do the whole form.

Vilka problem löser PandaDoc och hur gynnar det dig?

I need a flexible, HIPAA-compliant online form generator to collect signatures on legal forms (policies and procedures, informed consent).