Omnisend bakgrundsoskärpa
Programvara för e-postmarknadsföring för e-handel
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Omnisend recensioner och produktinformation

Omnisend översikt
Vad är Omnisend?

Omnisend är en omfattande e-postmarknadsföringsplattform som erbjuder ett brett utbud av funktioner som hjälper dig att växa ditt e-handelsvarumärke. Plattformen är populär för sina personaliseringsfunktioner, skräddarsydda automatiseringsflöden och omfattande spårning och rapportering. Plattformen erbjuder stort värde för pengarna, särskilt med tanke på dess omfattande integrationer med plattformar som Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, och mer. Omnisends urval av funktioner inkluderar även automationsverktyg kombinerat med fantastisk kundservice.

Företag Omnisend
År grundades 2014
Företagsstorlek 51-200 anställda
Huvudkontoret London, Storbritannien
Sociala medier
Omnisend Kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om Omnisend
Vad är Omnisend bäst för?
Hur jämför Omnisend med Mailmodo?
Vilka är för- och nackdelarna med Omnisend?
Omnisend produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Omnisend För- och nackdelar
  • Imponerande "produktväljare"-funktion
  • Många automationsfunktioner
  • Enkel registrering och strömlinjeformat användargränssnitt
  • Stöder inbyggda integrationer med de bästa e-handelsplattformarna
  • Bra kundservice
  • E-postdesignalternativ är begränsade
  • Manuell inmatning av data varje gång användare lanserar en social mediakampanj
A / B-test
Automatiserade svar
Kontaktlista Import/Export
Anpassade fält
Anpassningsbara mallar
Dynamiskt innehåll
Händelseutlöst e-postmeddelande
Spårning av geolokalisering
Integration med CRM
Mobiloptimerade e-postmeddelanden
Multi-channel Marketing
Integrering av sociala medier
Avsluta prenumeration Hantering
Omnisend Media
Omnisend 0
Omnisend 1
Omnisend 2
Omnisend 3
Omnisend 4
Omnisend skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 01, 2025
846 Omnisend Omdömen
4.6 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 15, 2024
Lindsey Z.
"arvingens kundservice var FANTASTISK"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Needed help the first day & their customer service was AMAZING. She was patient and knowledgable, walked me through what I needed to do in order to end my emails. Explained why too! Love all the presets & even their YouTube channel has been very helpful. I am a visual learner so videos are my preferred way to learn new things. It integrated seamlessly with my Shopify store as well. I still have a great deal to learn about email marketing but I really do feel Omnisend has all the tools I need to be successful with emails. I made money off my first email & made enough to pay for my pro membership the first week.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

I haven't fund anything I don't like so far.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

The templates and set flows are very helpful as I learn the tricks to be successful with email marleting. I have been savign enails for years & did nothig with them until now.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 06, 2024
Ronnel O.
"Fantastisk service och support"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

The best thing about Omnisend is the Customer Support, they handled every issue with professionalism and they really solve the issue within 5 minutes, and kudos to Beran for giving a wonderful service.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Nothing. Omnisend will always be our email marketing platform

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

To reach out clients that registered with us before, we are a Real Estate company and this industry specially in Dubai is non-stop in terms of launching new properties. Omnisend help us to reach out existing clients for us to promote newly launch projects in Dubai Real Estate Market.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 06, 2024
Sander L. avatar
Sander L.
Ägare / VD
"En av de enklaste och mest intuitiva apparna för e-postmarknadsföring"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Omnisend has an intiutive interface and made it easy for me to set up exactly what I need for my Shopify store. And when I did run into some trouble, the customer support was ready to help me within minutes (by which time I had already figured out the solution on my own). Would recommend 100%

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

N/A If there are any issues, then I have not encountered them yet.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

E-mail marketing

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 18, 2024
Trevor M.
"Bra kundserviceupplevelse"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

I've found that not only is Omnisend a little more flexible in the design of email campaigns, the customer service is FAST and Fantastic! Customer Support Agustin and their team, helped me sort through a small issue in absolutely no time at all. Super fast and friendly. I felt they put the emphasis on making their customers have the easiest and best experience they can.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

I have not really found anything as of yet that I truly dislike about Omnisend at this time. I'm sure at some point there might be something minor, but I'm sure if it's a big enough issue and were contacted about it, they would be happy to assist in any way they can.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Omnisend makes it easy to create and build sleek email campaigns that help us introduce new products to our customers, inform them of sales and other promotions as well.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 11, 2024
Dominique B. avatar
Dominic B.
"Jag älskar Omnisend!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

The most helpful aspects is the ability to format different templates.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Nothing! I truly enjoy every aspect of omnisend!

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Omnisend helps me create emails, automations, forms etc which benefit my business and generate income.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 08, 2024
Martin E. avatar
Martin E.
"Lätt att installera"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

It was very easy to set up the welcome automation and using the email marketing is also very simple. The customer service was always quick with responses, helpful and very friendly. I use the email marketing about once a week.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

The pop up window to urge my customers to sign up for email marketing keeps poping up even if customers do not want to see it. Customers click the X but it keeps coming back even if they have already signed up.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

They help me doing my email marketing and also help me with customers signing up for the newsletter

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 28, 2023
Stella S. avatar
Stella S.
Grafisk designkonstnär
"Bra funktioner, prissättning och kundservice"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

I like the possibility of sending emails, SMS, and push notifications. I had experience with friendly customer support, especially Maria helped me set up a new automation.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

I don't know, how much it will cost, when I would have more than 2500 subscribers.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

I send a freebie to my potential customers and inform them about my product in a welcome email series. After that, they visit my website and buy.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 05, 2023
Ahmad M.
"Omnisend supportteam | Karine"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Great Customer Support. I like the service, the ease of use, the modern look and the intuitive user experience.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

I do not dislike anything about Omnisend.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Email automation

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 24, 2023
Katrin Anne C.
Virtuell assistent
"På punkt svar"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Their support team replies with on point answers and they will truely do their best to help you.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Sometimes, answers to inquiries may take some time because those inquiries will be forwarded to their tech team. But it is still good because they will really give you accurate answers.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Automations flows and campaign marketing. It is beneficial so we can market our business with ease.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 09, 2023
Charles S.
"Agustin var mycket hjälpsam och snabb på att lösa mitt problem."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Friendly interface, integrates perfect with e-commerce, in my case is Woocommerce. Agustin helped me out identifying why my flow was not working properly in a promptly manner.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Nothing yet. I just signed a couple of weeks ago, but my experience has been pretty good.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

It is helping me with automations to get more subscribers. So they can receive product information, offers, discounts. And the benefit of using it? It is one time setup and they will be doing the rest automatically for me. All process load resides on their end, not overloading my site and/or my hosting service. Dedicated support for a very specific marketing task.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 06, 2023
Raja B. avatar
Raja B.
"Rekommenderad programvara för e-postmarknadsföring för e-handelsbutiker"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Intuitive dashboard. Connecting WooCommerce store with Omnisend account through Omnisend WordPress plugin works like a charm. Initial tasks like setting first subscriber form, welcome email to new subscribers, abandoned cart email are set seamlessly. The free version (500 contacts) has all the features of paid plans.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Cannot point out anything right now. However, there is always a room for improvement.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

For our WordPress websites that use WooCommerce plugin for e-commerce, we find Omnisend very handy. Being especially made for e-commerce stores, Omnisend will most likely already have features and templates for any business/use case. Readymade templates for emails, transactional emails, SMS messages together with exhaustive reporting.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 25, 2023
Alessio P.
"Bra plattform och kundservice"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

It is simple to use and has advanced features. Customer support is great. Salma helped us solve many issues.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Some features are missing, hopefully they will be integrated in the future.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Creating a customer base and keeping them updated on all our brand's news

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 15, 2023
Anna S. avatar
Anna S.
"Bra sätt att skapa kampanjer för företag"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

It is very easy to use . I love you can make a reoccurring campaign easily and effortlessly. I love being able to also send email blast out to customers . It is the cream of the crop of products

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

There is nothing to dislike at all. No everything works well. No everything has a proper solution. Nope it is exactly perfect. No improvements needed.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

This program helps me to create a tailor made campaign for my individual customers . This double my productivity and increased my sales . Yes my business has increased tremendously

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 28, 2023
Ruta M.
"Mycket bra chatt med Salma"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

The support is amazing! Salma helped with my problem, where I was stuck.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Right now I can't say something bad about it.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Omnisend solving email marketing issue.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 26, 2023
Brian J. avatar
Brian J.
Operations Director
"Ett av de bästa verktygen för e-postmarknadsföring vi har använt!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Besides the ease of drag and drop Email building, the most helpful thing about Omnisend is there constant improvements to the platform. They continue to listen to their customers and add new features that help us market our products and services to our customers.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

What we dislike about Omnisend is their Content section. There’s no way to organize all of your pictures into folders. This would make adding content easier and quicker and more organized. Instead of typing the picture name or scrolling to you find it, it would be so much easier to have content placed into folders we can create and manage.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

We are sending car abandonment, emails, product recommendation emails, transactional emails, and marketing emails. We are also using a list builder to continue to grow our reach as well as the SMS features to send direct marketing messages to our customers. All of this is being done on the on the same platform.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 25, 2023
Ken P.
"Utmärkt produkt och support!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

User friendly intuitive software fully supported 24/7 - Karine in support especially helpful

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Nothing whatsoever - perhaps if it could cook dinner that would be perfect

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Collection of prospective client email and SMS

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 13, 2023
Anna P. avatar
Anna P.
Mellan e-postmarknadsförare
"Bra ESP för e-postmarknadsföraren, rimliga priser, mycket vänlig och användbar support"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

I like Omnisend because it's quite simple, but all best practices for e-commerce are available there. The prices are reasonable, the integration with Shopify works great, and the customer support works excellent. I am especially greatful to Maria from customer support, she helps me to find the best solutions in a moment :) Maria, thank you so much. I like the built-in email editor, the main automations include all best practices. I see that the team improve the product. For example, the reports were updated a bit ago and new ones are better that the previous version. Good job, Omnisend! Strongly recommend.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Honestly Klaviyo is slightly more powerful in terms of functionality, but also much more expensive. Also I had some small dificulties building segments, but finally it was just a small logical task :)

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

The main issue Omnisend helps solving is reactivation of users and increasing LTV of clients. My own case is +180% of GMV of e-store on Shopify for niche e-commerce in EU.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 11, 2023
Faisal V. avatar
Faisal V.
"Nästa nivå Support"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Support is always diligent in solving issues. Karine ensured that we got to the bottom of an AC Automation query that I needed for a specific collection. Support is consistently good.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Support experience on a Sunday differs to the normal days of the week,but its not a train smash.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Omnisend ensures that no money is left on the table with a suite of Automation's on offer.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 01, 2023
Sandra T.
"Allt vi har letat efter"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

Signed up for the FREE account about 7 to 10 days ago. Set up the automation workflows which is easily done with their drag-and-drop builder. As of this writing, we're up just over $700 in revenue, from just the free email automations we set up. We just signed up for the paid plan and are looking forward to even more sales after starting to run promo campaigns. Their capabilities to set up so many different segments will allow us to target promos to different niches within our customer base. We're an online women's clothing store, so being able to target contacts based on interests is huge. This whole experience so far is fantastic, not to mention the thorough and quick support on the Chat whenever we need it, 24/7. Highly recommend!

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

Honestly, not a thing so far. Of course, it's tedious to sometimes work through any technical challenges through Chat, but we've had each one resolved quickly. There is an option for an Account Manager to work with each client, but we aren't there yet, so Chat it is.

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

We've not been with them long enough to give feedback on that.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 01, 2023
Florida Shroom K.
"Bästa priser/funktioner för nystartade företag"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Omnisend?

I built up an email list before starting a mailing service, first i used mailchimp, then after researching which would be best for my needs as email services differ in how they bill, per contact/per email, ect. The templates Omnisends provides are pretty professional looking and easy to customize, one thing that also really captured my interest in its integration with websites like shopify. It provides forms for email capture as well as a small non-invasive teaser discount bubble on the bottom.

Vad ogillar du med Omnisend?

I feel the anaulitics arnt as easy to read as mailchimp, but they all provide basicly the same information so in my experince its a matter of adujsting. I do wish the teaser discount percent was more customizable, it only allows 5%, 10%, 15%

Vilka problem löser Omnisend och hur gynnar det dig?

Its allowing me to let customers know of new products, and when sells end. It also is providing a very low bounce rate, so this is increaseing the effectiveness of the campaign by a meaningful percentage in my opinion.

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