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Enkel e-postmarknadsföring
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Moosend Prisöversikt

Moosend Prissättning planer
fri rättegång
Moosend har 2 prissättning 2 planer, från $9.00 till $9.00. En gratis provperiod på Moosend finns också tillgänglig. Titta på olika prisplaner nedan och se vilken nivå och vilka funktioner som uppfyller din budget och dina behov.
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Moosend Prisrecensioner

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 31, 2017
Panagiotis K.
Investment Management
"Snabb, pålitlig, effektiv i en prisvärd e-postmarknadsföringsplattform."
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

Real-time, deep analytics, great A/B testing, fast, robust and reliable deliverability in an excellent price-to-value ratio. Their support team is one of the best. No "ticketing" and waiting, plain real-time chat.

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

Templates and editor are here. 3rd party integrations are a bit limited yet the team is dedicated to confront these as soon as possible.

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I was looking for an email marketing platform tha was simpler to use, affordable and robust. Switched to moosend and never looked back.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 18, 2020
Melanie M. avatar
Melanie M
Marknadsföring Och Grafisk Design
"Ett kostnadseffektivt val som levererar!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

Having already tried the well-known marketing platforms that are available, our company was looking for a solution for our small business. Moosend was a treasure to find: it offers all the bells and whistles that we were accustomed to, but at a fraction of the price! As time goes on, Moosend just keeps getting better and better: new features are being released all the time! Their quick response time to any questions has been appreciated, and their interface is simple and easy to use. I can't say enough good things about Moosend!

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

I have no complaints: Moosend offers everything the big, well-known marketing platforms offer at a fraction of the cost. The only thing I would like to see is an actual monetary measurement of what orders our emails bring in. If a customer clicks a link in an email and completes an order from that click, it would be great to see that in a report. However, other marketing platforms do not have this feature either.

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Since we've switched to Moosend, we've saved thousands of dollars on monthly fees. We've been able to continue our marketing campaigns without a hitch!

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 30, 2020
Scott B. avatar
Scott B.
Btec Next Generation Examinator
"Bra support, låg kostnad och enkel att använda."
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

The plaform has fresh look with a great range of feature which are easy to configure and use. All support questions are answered quickly and the range of packages are very cost effective. Templates are easy to customise and the build in graphics library is a welcome addition. One of the most useful features is the ability to see exactly where a user has clicked withing your email as well as seeing whether they used a desktop or mobile client. Where some other systems charge for the number of subscribers in your list, Moosend only charges per email sent and the abilty to check if your email will be classed as spam is very useful indeed. The heat map of where in the world the emails have been opened is useful as well as the ability to use A/B testing.

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

Nothing really but would like to have the ability to stagger the delivery at 10 minute intervals etc. It would be useful to have a limited access to a few landing pages to be able to try that feature out, perhaps with limited functionality of them.

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Moosend gives me the option of creating high energy campaigns which I have used in a business and personal setting to publicise my novel 'Next of Kin' to my newsletter subscribers. On the business side of things, the costs are clear and very competative for the amount of emails you can send in each package.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Mar 04, 2023
Howard B.
"En kostnadseffektiv lösning för e-postkampanjer för en liten e-handelshandlare med begränsade behov"
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

I have only one promotional email campaign each year during the Christmas season. Moosend provides me with the tools I need to easily construct a campaign that is measurably effective and at a cost this small etailer can afford. My 2022 campaign delivered nearly $12,000 in sales from my investment of about $150. What little customer support I required has been delivered in a timely, capable and personable manner.

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

I wish that I could subscribe for the month I need the service and immediately cancel the subscription while retaining access during that month. That said, after forgetting to cancel at month's end and being charged for the additional month that I did not need or use, they graciously refunded to me the the additional month's charges.

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Enabling me to communicate with existing customers to drive follow-on salejs.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 17, 2020
Verifierad granskare
"En överraskande lovande spelare."
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

The cost per value itself should be enough to give this service a try with its forever free plan. And even if you decide to proceed with a free plan down the line, you're gonna be surprised. The price is way more affordable in comparison with competitors, and the support team is trying to help you, not just reply fast and send you to some techy manual. This may not look like a big deal, but when you are facing some technical question, a real human support usually helps to resolve your issue way faster than an automatic reply. Especially if you a in a hurry. Good job, guys and gals! And a word about 'how' and 'why'. You see, today's email marketing providers market is already saturated. And the 'big boys' which names you probably know may don't have such a good support, but smaller companies like Moosend do. And they try to provide you with juicier options, better pricing plans, and even real-human support team. And this is my personal benefit of Mooosend. Oh, and yeap, they deliver your emails on schedule too :)

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

The user interface may be a bit outdated, but still user-friendly.

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I consider myself a seasoned email marketer, and this service helps me to set up my own email marketing campaigns as well as educated my clients who are just starting their email marketing path. Both of us can benefit from Moosend with easy campaign creation and more proficient settings which are also available.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 06, 2020
📈 Bill F. avatar
📈 Bill F.
Senior Director of Marketing and Outreach, Graduate Business
"Fullständigt verktyg med fantastisk kundsupport som INTE kommer att knäcka banken."
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

Packed full of useful features packaged in a UI that doesn't overwhelm. The price is outstanding for what you get. It blows away the competition in terms of value. I was meticulously looking for an email service provider that offered a full set of features right out of the gate without having to upgrade. The pricing is such as I grow Moosend makes more money - I really appreciate that. They are aligned with my success.

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

What do I dislike? Writing this review - I would prefer keeping Moosend to myself. Crossing my fingers they stay humble and aligned with the goals of their customers. I've seen their competitors get fat on revenue, stop advancing, and start overcharging. One area of improvement is how Campaigns, Editor and Automations are set-up. I feel like I have to go through a lot of steps and it isn't clear which comes first. BUT their customer service and help section are outstanding.

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

- Email Automation (so many possibilities with Moosend) - Drip email - Cart Abandonment - Newsletter - Light CRM - Upsells, related products - Reminders to customers

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 31, 2020
Dave P. avatar
Dave P.
Tjäna onlineinkomst
"Fullständig e-postmarknadsföring till ett mycket konkurrenskraftigt pris"
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

Email marketing with Automation, Segmentation, A/B split testing, reporting and analytics, transactional emails all included in even the lowest paid membership.... all these features are premium features in all the top competitors! I know I researched dozens of them! I know I've even left some features out, so check it out if you want complete email marketing at the best possible price.

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

Probably the fact that Moosend isn't known well enough for more companies integrating them in their own program.... but then Moosend would charge more for being more famous :-)

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I'm just starting out but I needed transaction email for no extra cost and I needed A/B split testing to see which campaigns were more successful this combination alone would cost me at least double the price.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 26, 2020
Jenn Z.
Ägare, kreativ affärsstrateg
"Ett bra team som har skapat en fantastisk produkt!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Moosend?

I switched to Moosend from another email marketing service and I was a little apprehensive at first. I'd gotten very comfortable with my old service, but the stellar customer service at Moosend put me at ease very quickly! I've had several instances where I needed a quick answer and the Moosend team was RIGHT on it. They're not only personable, but they know what they're doing and if they don't have an immediate answer, they'll dig until they find one. Customer service is one of my make-or-break metrics for whether I'll stick with a SAAS service and Moosend nails that.

Vad ogillar du med Moosend?

There were a couple things that my old email marketing service had (conditional content and tags) that Moosend didn't have when I joined. However, with their public roadmap, it's easy to see when things are coming up and they just launched conditional content, with tags on the way! Tags are the last thing I personally need in order to feel that Moosend fully meets my needs, but I know they're on top of it. I had a couple of issues with deliverability when I first added the DKIM/SMTP settings for my domain email address. However, when I brought this up with the Moosend support team, they were able to address it and help me find ways to improve the deliverability. The fact that they have a built-in spam test tool is pretty great because, while not infallible, it can help you figure out how to improve your deliverability.

Vad är problem Moosend lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

The value Moosend provides is phenomenal. I work with creative entrepreneurs (artists, photographers, etc.) and I feel fully confident in recommending Moosend to them because it's easy to use. They have top-notch features, especially for eCommerce, and their team goes above and beyond. I've been able to reduce my monthly and annual cost for email marketing and I'm still getting the same (or more!) value from the emails I send as I did before I switched to Moosend. I highly recommend them!