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Podcast-värd förenklat
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Libsyn recensioner & produktdetaljer

Libsyn Översikt
Vad är Libsyn?

Libsyn är en världsledande podcast-värdplattform som har utrustat kreatörer med värd-, distributions- och intäktstjänster sedan 2004. Detta arv synkroniserar med vår grundande vision att tillhandahålla den mest avancerade podcast-värdplattformen och ekosystemet för podcasters att skapa, distribuera och tjäna pengar på innehåll över hela världen. År 2021 var Libsyn värd för miljontals mediefiler från 75,000 XNUMX+ podcasts, vilket levererade miljarder nedladdningar. Libsyns varumärkesfamilj inkluderar Libsyn, Libsyn Glow, Libsyn Studio, Pair Networks och Libsyns Advertisecast Marketplace, branschens ledande när det gäller att koppla annonsörer till podcasters. Dessa varumärken arbetar tillsammans för att ge podcasters en omfattande verktygslåda för att dela sin passion, berätta sina historier och förändra världen.

Företag Liberated Syndication Inc.
År grundades 2004
Företagsstorlek 51-200 anställda
Huvudkontoret Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Sociala medier
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Hur står sig Libsyn i jämförelse med Podbean?
Vilka är för- och nackdelarna med Libsyn?
Libsyn Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / webbaserad, mobil Android, mobil iPad, mobil iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Libsyn funktioner
Analytics Dashboard
Audience Insights
Verktyg för ljudredigering
Automatiserad publicering
Samarbetande teamledning
Säkerhetskopiering av innehåll
Support för anpassad domän
Anpassningsbar podcastspelare
Distribution till Podcast-kataloger
Ladda ner statistik
Inbäddad spelare
Schemaläggning av avsnitt
Verktyg för engagemang för lyssnare
Återkoppling från lyssnaren
Live streaming
Support för mobilappar
Alternativ för intäktsgenerering
Flerspråkig Support
Flera värdar
Privata podcaster
Generering av RSS-flöde
SEO Optimering
Delning av sociala medier
Sponsor Marketplace
Obegränsat lagringsutrymme
Libsyn Media
Libsyn 0
Libsyn 1
Libsyn 2
Libsyn 3
Libsyn skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: September 07, 2024
Libsyn logotyp
23 Libsyn Omdömen
4.5 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 11, 2023
Vincent L.
Marketing Specialist
"Strömlinjeformade vår podcast och sparade tid för oss"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

It is very user-friendly and intuitive to use. Upload your files and set it up once, then libsyn does the rest by distributing it to all the podcast networks including Spotify/Apple.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

The UI is continuing to be updated and getting better like the modern apps. I don't doubt that libsyn will eventually get to a point where it is super streamlined.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

Libsyn saves time and is very simple to use. The pricing structure is also fair and very beginner friendly. This makes it very easy to start a podcast and get onto all the major networks.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 28, 2023
Audrey W.
"Enkelt verktyg för nya poddsändare!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

Libsyn was very user-friendly for new podcasters who aren't super tech savvy. It also included helpful analytics every month even on the lowest/cheapest tier as well as a decent amount of audio storage.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

The landing site didn't always link properly and I would have liked more storage per tier, but it was a good deal overall.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

Hosting podcast audio with relative ease and low cost. We haven't recorded an episode in over a year, but I maintain my membership to continue to keep the old episodes hosted. I would like to verify that I can cancel without losing my work.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 08, 2022
Julien E. avatar
Julien E.
Executive Assistant
"Traditionell men enkel och användbar"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

It's super easy to upload, edit, and schedule my client's podcast materials on Libsyn. I also love that it's able to provide us with the statistics that we need to measure the growth and success of the podcast.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

It doesn't provide us with the complete demographics of the audience that listens to my client's podcast. It would be helpful to know their gender, age, as well as the time they listen for us to gauge and systematize our growth efforts.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

The overall distribution of the client's podcast materials to different players has been solved by Libsyn. With its simple features, with just a few clicks and we're able to publish the episode in one go.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 28, 2021
Ken O. avatar
Ken O.
Motiverande huvudtalare och virtuell talare för konferenser och företag
"Den svåra delen av podcasting på ett enkelt sätt"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

It's very easyto host your podcast with Libsyn. The process is simple. It's also easy to distribute your podcast to various podcasting services. I've found customer service to be very responsive.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

While it's excellent Libsyn updates its platform from time to time, it can take a little while to adjust to changes. This is a little picky, as I'm glad they're keeping the platform up to date. Usually, there are webinars to go over changes.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

I needed a place to host and distribute my podcast. I have limited technical skills and found the Libsyn to be relatively easy, like uploading a video on YouTube.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 17, 2021
Alex T. avatar
Alex T.
"Den bästa podcastvärden!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

Easy to use and get started. Lots of cool features.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

It could be a little cheaper, perhaps, though overall still good value.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

It's a great podcasting host for bringing my show to the world.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
December 05, 2019
Sarah S. avatar
Sarah S.
Global marknadschef
"Enkelt och okomplicerat"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

Libsyn is super straightforward - no extra or clunky bells and whistles. Customer support is on point as well.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

Some of the billing tiers are confusing but otherwise no complaints.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

I am able to organize all my podcast shows, feeds, etc in one place, saving time in the process.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 18, 2019
Sharon S.
"mycket lätt för mig att använda och ladda upp poddavsnitt till."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

episodes get sent to all major players so podcast is very easily accessible

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

I haven't had any complaints about libsyn

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

ease of use, easily able to track stats. podcast hosted on this site so easy to store

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 24, 2019
Pat H. avatar
Pat H.
Teknisk startkonsult, affärscoach, podcastvärd
"Solid ekonomisk medievärdtjänst"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

Easy to use and extremely reliable. Never had an issue uploading or using the system. I have a weekly podcast, Only upload 4 episodes (30 minute on average) per week. After that past episodes are archived for all time. Great service.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

Metrics reports used to be better, moved to a new reports that are harder to read. Miss the bar chart monthly totals. Dislike they lost all the previous data before November 2017. I believe there are metrics about where downloads originate by geography. I don't care about that. All I want are nice looking reports to share with prospective sponsors

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

I use it to host my podcast. Have been a client for 5 years and have over 270 episodes published. Never had a listener express any issues downloading or listening the the podcast. Great stuff.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 25, 2023
James E. avatar
James E.
Gallup® Certified Strengths Coach
"Enkelt och lätt att använda"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

The stats functionality for seeing podcast listens, location globally of listeners. Plus the simplicity of using this to upload and manage podcasts. We have used this for more than one podcast also, so are pleased with it.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

Perhaps the only minor gripe is that the subscription is in US Dollars so the amount we are paying every month can fluctuate based on the currency exchange rates. But other than that I wouldn't say I have something to dislike about it.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

Uploading a podcast, thumbnail and core text to one location, for the system to then push this out across all podcasting platforms is great functionality and value for us. I appreciate that some other platforms may have similar features, but we have had no reason to want to change system.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 23, 2023
Sharon L.
"En bra lösning för poddsändare"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

The ease of use, by far, is what I enjoyed the most. You're never left wondering how to use it so you can make the best of hosting your podcast and create the impact you want. Libsyn is for serious Podcasters in my mind.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

As much as the Libsyn platform has all the bells and whistles that a Podcaster would need if you are working on a passion project and low on funds, I would say the fee might be a bit steep.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

I needed to use Libsyn for my podcast hosting

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 12, 2021
Vondrae M.
Data Analyst
"Ett enkelt verktyg för podcasthantering och publicering"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

Libsyn makes setting up and updating your show's RSS feed very easy. It connects to most major podcast networks, which is very convenient when launching a show for the first time.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

Managing multiple shows with one account can be difficult and require multiple sign-ons. Also, it would be nice if the basic plan came with the ability to export analyitcs.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

Our agency manages podcasts for our clients (some of which have multiple shows). We use Libsyn to schedule episodes, managing RSS feeds, and create new shows easily.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 03, 2019
Dana R.
"Ett bra verktyg för poddsändare!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

I like that Libsyn gives detailed and insightful statistics about downloads and the ability to download a spreadsheet of the data too!

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

The only thing I dislike about Libsyn is that there is no option to join the sponsorship program unless you have 20k downloads per month.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

Libsyn has created a central place to monitor my podcast, and an easy way to distribute to iTunes, Spotify and more! It’s a great place to go to see how my show is doing, broken down into episodes too.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 14, 2019
Tara B. avatar
Tara B.
"Libsyn - en sådan komplett programvara för att lägga ut poddar"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

I love that Libsyn ,once you learn what you need to upload, is great for getting your podcasts out to so many places to listen. I also like that you can schedule when you wasn’t to publish.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

I still don’t fully understand all the features and it’s not always obvious where to get the help to learn.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

It has allowed me to have a podcast out that is growing my brand. The benefits of syndication to many online listening resources is getting my message out to more people potentially!

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 20, 2021
Dominik D.
"Utmärkt alternativ för podcasthosting och distribution"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

We've used Libsyn for years to host and distribute our podcast. It's very easy and straightforward to use and allows us to release the podcast on all major platforms simultaneously.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

I'm not sure that the listener metrics are super accurate, so I'd love more information about that data and more detailed data.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

We use this to distribute the podcast - it's the easiest way we've found to do so.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 25, 2023
Eric RB avatar
Erik RB
Chief Product Officer
"Solid Podcast Hosting and Tools"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

In the early days of podcasting, Libsyn was a great all-in-one solution for the podcasting individual. With hosting, analytics, and some light options for monetization, it was a killer solution a while back, with pricing that also worked well for solopreneurs.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

Ultimately, a lot of other options came out that did a better job of user experience design than Libsyn. They lost their edge on pricing as the price went up, but not a lot was added to the mix of features.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

For a podcaster, Libsyn can be the main tool used to host a podcast, get reporting on it, and even get some light monetization into the mix. For that purpose, Libsyn does a solid job of supporting its users. Recent changes didn't keep me on the platform, but I hope they continue to make progress.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 24, 2022
Verifierad granskare
"Enkelt och lätt att använda"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

For a podcast with a very professional look, Libsyn is easy to use. The platform also makes it very easy to publish podcast episodes automatically to multiple platforms and integrates well with WordPress for embedding on a website. Libsyn provides easy-to-digest stats for podcast episodes and is very reliable overall.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

No real complaints. Occasionally the artwork I load into my show files as thumbnails shows up rotated 90 degrees to the left. It's a weird quirk and hard to tell if the issue is with the original art or with Libsyn. I have to tweak the art file and re-upload it.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

It's simple and reliable, which is very important for a professional podcast. Our audience expects a weekly episode. Libsyn is easy to use and gives the podcast a professional appearance. It's easy to publish podcast episodes from the main dashboard to multiple platforms.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 29, 2021
Verifierad granskare
"Den bästa lättviktsvärdplattformen för podcast"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

I like the ability to bookmark podcasts on mobile, from pages where a quick-to-load player is not available, like Spotify.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

I dislike the size of the Podcast Album Cover, it should be prioritized to be larger.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

I am solving the problem of hyperlinking my podcast in a way that is accessible at a fast speed internationally

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 21, 2019
Verifierad granskare
"Bästa värdprogramvara för podcast"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

Everything I need is all right there! It's all easy to access, and see how my podcast is performing. And It's super easy to upload and edit my podcast after the fact if need be. Highly recommend.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

The UX is a little clunky and very late aughts looking. But other than that minor cosmetic flaw that's all the "problems" I have had.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

Hosting my podcast.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 09, 2021
Verifierad granskare
"Ganska lätt även för en luddite som jag!"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

This is a user friendly program that allowed me to launch a podcast for a nonprofit quickly and easily.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

Perhaps not a Libsyn issue, but the specifications for each podcats platform are different, so it's a lot of images and info to upload.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

One stop shop for launching a podcast across multiple platforms!

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 27, 2021
Verifierad granskare
"En bra poddvärd för nybörjare"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Libsyn?

It's easy to use and has great tools for sharing your podcast on your website.

Vad ogillar du med Libsyn?

The price is reasonable but I wish it were cheaper to host a group of podcasts.

Vilka problem löser Libsyn och hur gynnar det dig?

Easy and affordable starter podcast hosting.