Keap bakgrundsskärpa
Keap Logotyp
(Tidigare Infusionsoft)
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Keap Recensioner & produktdetaljer

Keap Översikt
Vad är Keap?

Tidigare känd som InfusionSoft, Keap är ett allt-i-ett, molnbaserat försäljnings- och marknadsföringsprogram som erbjuder kundrelationshantering (CRM), verktyg för marknadsföringsautomatisering och e-handelsfunktioner. Keap är den föredragna plattformen för småföretag som förlitar sig på plattformen för att effektivisera försäljningen och hantera kundupplevelser i en enda svit. Använder sig av Keap, kan användare segmentera kontakt, hantera och spåra kundinteraktion, skicka e-post och skapa skräddarsydda kampanjer med personliga kommunikationstriggers. Användare kan också använda Keap för att hantera e-handel med lagerhanteringsfunktioner, betalningsgateways och inköpsfunktioner.

Företag Keap
År grundades 2001
Företagsstorlek 201-500 anställda
Huvudkontoret Chandler, Arizona, USA
Sociala medier
Hanteras av:
Khalid Mohamed
UX/UI webbdesign
Keap Kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om Keap
Vad Keap är bäst för?
Hur fungerar Keap jämför med Act!?
Vad är fördelarna och nackdelarna med Keap?
Keap Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / webbaserad, mobil Android, mobil iPad, mobil iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Keap Egenskaper
Hantering av kundfeedback
Kundtjänst biljettförsäljning
Anpassningsbara instrumentpaneler
Dataimport / export
lead Management
Marketing Automation
Mobil åtkomst
Rapportering och analys
Rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll
Försäljning Pipeline Management
Integrering av sociala medier
Keap Media
Keap 0
Keap 1
Keap 2
Keap 3
Keap 4
Keap 5
Keap 6
Keap Skärmbilder
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 04, 2025
Keap Logotyp
1,468 Keap Omdömen
4.3 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 16, 2022
Trina J.
"Keap gör allt jag behöver!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

it keeps my contacts & my biz all in 1 place

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

It's a little bit hard to learn at first

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

It keeps me easily connected to my clients, its quite easy to make funnels to add new clients, the landing page templates are beautiful & easy to make! It is a CRM on steroids

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 16, 2022
Tonya Y.
"Det bästa för alla på ett ställe"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Keap is wonderful because it consolidated so many different applications for me. Now I have them all in one place with only one learning curve. It actually also came out cheaper for me than all my other software combined.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

Learning the automations is definitely a learning curve. Trying to understand how everything works together and how to set it up has been a challenge. But Keap also has a wonderful training site that you get access too and they are constantly putting on webinars and trainings to help all of us get a better grasp on how to use it best.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Keap helps my entire marketing and front-end piece roll smoothly while also giving a great client experience that we are known for. I don't have to manually do all the things anymore which has freed me up to be able to wake up in the morning to a new client meeting I never expected. It is freeing in that way alone.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 16, 2022
Yamil M.
"Fantastiskt CRM-verktyg för företag"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Easy to schedule calls and organize your day and tasks priorities and fill up your pipeline with new leads and move them easily from one stage to another on your pipeline with easy and automated triggers.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

I wish they have more options to trigger goals on the campaign builder based on specific fields being updated and a better and easy-to-use page builder. Also, I would love to have a native integration with Keap and FB CAPI.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Easy way to send invoices and to schedule calls with my clients, they can always schedule calls in a really easy way and I can track all conversations and history of calls made in Keap.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 02, 2022
Jim F.
"Keap är ett exceptionellt värde!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

It is a robust CRM with exceptional support.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

They are missing a few automation triggers.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Keap CRM allows me to provide customized communication and follow up with all the different segments of my market.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 29, 2022
Stuart B. avatar
Stuart B.
"Bra CRM för nya företag."
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

It is very simple to use and helps automate lots of stuff small businesses do.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

Nothing as it is perfectly suitable for those in the target user group.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I can easily automate the booking of appointments and automate my business processes.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 21, 2022
Jack W.
"Keep har gynnat mig på så många sätt. Keap gav mig en tränare och omfattande utbildning utan kostnad."
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Keep assigned me a personal success coach. They also gave me access to top level training modules. They software actually does everything it promises to do.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

I can't think of anything that's missing.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

It saves me time and give me important data points plus sales and marketing tools to scale my business.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 03, 2022
Fred N.
"Enastående produkt"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Once you learn how to use the Keap system it is so easy to generate email campaigns. I love the ability to make calls and send texts through the app on my cell phone. This way clients, and future clients, get a phone number that is not your personal cell number but you get the phone calls on your personal cell number. When a client calls it will bring up them through the Keap app and you get all their info right away.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

The only dislike is that it takes a little time to learn how to set up the proper email sequences. Once you do the system is great.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

It is solving the problem of being able to communicate with all my clients, and leads I get, in a simple manner. The benefit to this is it keeps me in front of those that did not purchase, right now, for future business

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 29, 2022
Tiffany L. avatar
Tiffany L.
Senior kroppsspråksexperttränare
"Small Business Essential!!!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

The ability to do so many things from one application. I love the scheduler and email set up!

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

Hoping recurring payments will come soon

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

No problems so far that aren’t user related. Automations, landing pages, all in one. I’m obsessed truly.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 19, 2022
Andrew A. avatar
Andrew A.
Advokat, klientadvokat och småföretagare
"Den bästa CRM som finns"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

It has so many features - probably more than you will ever need. It saves me a lot of time on a daily basis by taking care of the follow up I need for my clients.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

It has a steep learning curve - but once you've got it down, it's amazing. I also wish the mobile app was a little more robust and similar to the web interface - it would be really helpful to be able to do more with campaigns and get analytics and results in the mobile app.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I use it to keep in touch with my clients. The ability to craft different campaigns also helps me broadcast newsletters to my clients and help capture leads on my website. I can maintain different mailing lists and client lists and make sure that I am nurturing the new leads that come in through my website or through other sources.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 31, 2022
Shawn V.
"Keap är nyckeln till vår tillväxt och framgång"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

I finally have the data I need to run my business. I know what my leads are doing and how my audience is interacting with our business and we can create a predictable customer journey for all of our leads and customers.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

It is a very robust platform, and it does take some specific knowledge to get started and to navigate, but, as the owner of the business, my limited understanding of the platform forced me to delegate the maintenance of the platform to my team, which gives me my time back. There's not much I dislike about Keap.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

We know exactly how to improve our products and because of the reporting, we know what new products and services to create. The benefits are it's super easy to have the data I need to run my business, and I love seeing what's working and what's not. We never had that ability before we switched to Keap.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 31, 2022
Mona M.
Människor och verksamhet Ninja
"Fantastiska funktioner, användarvänlighet och snabb kundsupport gör detta till en enkel sak."
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

So far, for all of our business needs we have been able to keep everything within the Keap system, only having to use webhoooks to connect to our training vault and using a 3rd party doc signing program.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

There are a few features/options we tried to make work, but they don't exist yet. That being said, we have been able to add them to the "future work list" for future developments.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Automation, automation, automation! We are using this as a tool to more systematically recruit and hire new people for our team. Being able to automate the process of licensing as well as having multiple touchpoints throughout the pre and post-hiring process makes it feasible to ensure proper care along the way. We also then use it for follow-up onboarding and training. We also use it to track activity for our recruiters and the performance of our different leads.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 30, 2022
Hunter G. avatar
Hunter G.
Chief Operating Officer
"Jag älskar Keap"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

I like being able to set up a landing page or send a quote easily.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

I wish the invoices could have fractional amounts of hours in Keap Pro, but other than that, it's perfect.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Setting up sales pipelines for clients and seeing them reach sales goals is cool.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 23, 2022
Barbara B.
"Keap är ett enastående CRM!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

If used properly, Keap can take much of the grunt work off the desk of your Sales Team allowing you to focus on growing your sales and profits. I also just attended my first Conference and realized how much I didn't know. The vendors at this conference provided many tools that will also enhance my business. I'm grateful for your product, the support you provide and for showing us additional services that will help my business continue to grow and prosper.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

I have no complaints about this product. I just wish I had realized the capabilities sooner. Our campaigns are extremely elementary and as a result, my sales team is bogged down with processes that should be automated.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Keap is all about creating TOMA - top of mind awareness for our prospects so when they are ready to invest in the services or products we offer - they think of us first. Keap is also automating many of the tasks that bog down my sales team. In addition, Keap has exceptional value to follow-up, nurture and provide more sales opportunities to our current clients.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 21, 2022
Mike D.
"Keap Tillgodoser alla mina behov"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

What I like best about Keap is the robust feature set and frequent updates from the Keap product team. I've also had excellent experiences with both sales and support. I recently had to migrate from an existing platform to a new one and the process was smooth. I also like the campaign builder. I appreaciate the dedication to upgrading and improving it that I've seen in recent years since the start of the monthly updates. I haven't thought about switching platforms since that time. It seemed like a couple of years ago the team got a lot more serious about customer satisfaction and it shows!

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

Similar to learning a new operating system, Keap is complicated and takes time to get used to. But by now, I've been using it long enough for it to feel familiar. The downsides of using Keap are the broken upsell functionality and lack of order form options that competitors have. But I believe these are in the process of being addressed. It would also be nice for ALL features to exist in Keap Max Classic - I believe this is already in the works too. I do worry that Keap Max Classic's UI will change and I'll have to relearn where things are when I don't really have time for that.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I'm solving the problems of marketing and email automation, keeping track of customer data, outreach to my audience, and leveraging an online content library solution (CustomerHub). Keap is pretty much the crux of my business and I do all my business intelligence with it. I have used Keap to create courses, drip-fed content delivery, invoicing, quotes, and email campaigns.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Maj 06, 2022
Michael W. avatar
Michael W.
Frihet inom | Grundare
"Mångårig mycket nöjd kund"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Ease of use and the quality of customer service

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

I am finding it difficult to think of anything that I dislike about the service

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

My primary challenge is recruiting new customers for a very challenging product - the radical transformation of individual and collective consciousness in order for humanity to - wake up and acknowledge the existential threat of rapid climate change if we continue as we are; - come together unite as One; - reverse, capture, and store carbon emissions; - radically transform our individual and collective consciousness; and - radically transform our lifestyles and our relationships with each other and with the planet.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
April 28, 2022
Cody H.
Marketing Associate
"Keap gör mycket!"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Keap automates many different marketing tasks that are extremely valuable for business, particularly marketing and client outreach. I can set up countless email-related tasks from both the public and backend administrative ends to collect, archive and label data. We can use the data in numerous ways to optimize marketing campaigns and business planning activities. The people and Keap are professional and have an excellent understanding of how we can get the most out of their software.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

The initial setting up period can take a while and involve loads of errors, but over time, we were able to get a hang of how things work and continually get a better understanding of how to make the Keap account work best for us and our contacts.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

We've leveraged the automated tools in Keap to get more leads, contacts and other information without having to lift a finger. Sure, it might've taken us some time to set things up, but much of the data collection and messaging activities occur without a human touching anything. We can streamline our outreach activities and boost promotions, news and other information more quickly with Keap.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 26, 2022
Sue G.
"Bra sätt att få och hålla ordning"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

The dashboard that shows what is due today

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

The recurring feature is a bit challenging when changing dates or completing

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Big benefit is staying on top of contacts made and both my followup to them and their followup due me. Keeping projects moving smoothly with all the parts happening as planned. Staying organized with so many clients and new opportunities.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 24, 2022
Asentiv C.
"En motor för tillväxt av kundrelationer med en poäng"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Its a much simpler way to design your Campaigns and broadcast to your customers.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

It has to be a slightly simple way of building campaigns visually.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

I am a community builder and have to be in touch with my community actively. Benefits are I am on top of the entrepreneurs mind.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
April 19, 2022
Jennifer H
"Vi älskar Keap"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

The marketing automation in Keap is the best on the market, in my opinion. Keap makes building automation and campaigns very easy and accessible.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

To quote a colleague, its biggest strength is also its biggest weakness. It can definitely be overwhelming and cause you to have decision paralysis.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Marketing automation - this is just the best solution for our business for smart marketing automation.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 18, 2022
Neshon P.
"Ägare - Miriams skattkista"
Vad tycker du bäst om Keap?

Navigation of system and convenience of documents accessibility.

Vad ogillar du med Keap?

Currently, there is nothing I dislike. The system has been exceptional.

Vad är problem Keap lösa och hur gynnar det dig?

Storing my contacts, and being able to provide invoicing and pricing to clients easily. It has allowed me to get started in the right direction with my business.

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