Jimdo bakgrundsoskärpa
Enkelt att skapa webbsidor
Varför Findstack är gratis?
Findstack är gratis för användare eftersom leverantörer betalar oss när de får webbtrafik och försäljningsmöjligheter. Findstack kataloger listar alla leverantörer – inte bara de som betalar oss så att du kan fatta ett så välinformerat köpbeslut som möjligt.

Jimdo prisöversikt

Jimdo prisplaner
fri rättegång
Jimdo har 5 prissättning 5 planer, från $9.00 till $39.00. En gratis testversion av Jimdo är också tillgänglig. Titta på olika prisplaner nedan och se vilken nivå och vilka funktioner som uppfyller din budget och dina behov.
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Prisinformation för Jimdo tillhandahålls av programvaruleverantören eller hämtas från offentligt tillgängligt prismaterial. Prisinformationen uppdaterades senast den 18 februari 2024 från säljarens webbplats och kan skilja sig från faktiska. Vänligen bekräfta med säljarens webbplats innan du köper.

Jimdo Prisrecensioner

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Mar 10, 2021
Verifierad granskare
"Fruktansvärd service"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Jimdo?

For building a basic web page, it's "ok". Honestly, that's being kind. They charge more than most competitors for a service which comes nowhere close to competing functionally.

Vad ogillar du med Jimdo?

They don't bother sending renewal invitations and instead just take a full year's subscription from recurring payments. Pricing does state renewable for a year but they quote in monthly fees to appear competitive. Trying to cancel is a nightmare, which means you end up renewing without wanting to and then they quote their cancellation terms when it's too late.

Vilka problem löser Jimdo och hur gynnar det dig?

I'm mainly resolving the problem of having money in a bank account. Their service is worthless. Avoid it.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 16, 2023
Umesh Usti L.
"Mycket föråldrad webbplatsbyggare"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Jimdo?

As a small business owner, I found Jimdo to be a rather disappointing website builder. While the platform does offer some user-friendly features, such as drag-and-drop website building and customizable templates, it falls short in many areas

Vad ogillar du med Jimdo?

Firstly, the number of templates available is limited, and the customization options for these templates are quite basic. This made it difficult for me to create a unique website that stood out from my competitors. Additionally, the pricing structure is not very transparent, with different features and functionality available at different price points, which can make it challenging to know what you're getting for your money. The customer support offered by Jimdo is also lacking, with limited options for getting in touch with their support team and long response times when issues do arise.

Vilka problem löser Jimdo och hur gynnar det dig?

We thought it can help solve the problem of not having a web presence, which can be a significant challenge for businesses that rely on local customers to drive sales.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 12, 2018
Jill C.
Barnboksförfattare och illustratör
"Pålitlig och lätt."
Vad tycker du bäst om med Jimdo?

I am impressed with Jimdos flexibility. It’s ease of use is desirable as well.

Vad ogillar du med Jimdo?

I’d like to be able to do moving banners

Vilka problem löser Jimdo och hur gynnar det dig?

Awesome advertising tool, low cost.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 05, 2018
tina s
Certifierad aromaterapeut
"Bra startwebbplatsdesigner"
Vad tycker du bäst om med Jimdo?

This was easy to use right out of the gate, customizing and arranging things I needed plus had great add-ons that would make it easy for my clients to find what they needed. I liked the integrations and the easy way to set up a shop with ecommerce items and with payment portals. You can buy your domain and hosting through them too for one low yearly price.

Vad ogillar du med Jimdo?

There's really nothing that I don't like about this software.

Vilka problem löser Jimdo och hur gynnar det dig?

This is helping me have a great ecommerce website that also integrates a contact form, a tab for every aspect of my business as well as the ability to link tabs to outside sources so that each client can get precisely what they are coming to the website for.