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Driftrecensioner och produktdetaljer

Vad är Drift?

Drift är en molnbaserad livechatt, meddelandehantering i appen och e-posthanteringsplattform som konsoliderar viktiga funktioner för sälj- och marknadsföringsteam. Plattformen erbjuder anpassningsbara livechattwidgets, e-postuppföljningar för övergivna chattar, konversationshistorik, automatisering av e-postkampanjer och en AI-driven chatbot. Bland dess nyckelfunktioner inkluderar Drifts meddelanden i appen som riktar sig till sina kunder med helsidesövertaganden och reglagemeddelandensages. Användare kan också skapa automatiska e-postkampanjer med en rad triggers, för kundintroduktion, förebyggande av churn och mer.

Företag Drift.com, Inc.
År grundades 2015
Företagsstorlek 201-500 anställda
Huvudkontoret Boston, MA, USA
Sociala medier
Driftkategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om Drift
Vad Drift är bäst för?
Hur jämför Drift med ActiveCampaign for Marketing?
Vilka är för- och nackdelarna med Drift?
Drift Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / webbaserad, mobil Android, mobil iPad, mobil iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
24 / 7 kundsupport
A / B-test
AI-drivna chatbots
Automatiserade svar
Bot-to-Human Handoff
CRM Integration
Chat Routing
Anpassat skript
Anpassade arbetsflöden
Insamling av kundfeedback
Anpassningsbart chatt-gränssnitt
Integration med e-postmarknadsföring
Lead kvalifikation
Lead Scoring
Flerkanalig kommunikation
Flerspråkigt stöd
Naturlig språkbehandling (NLP)
Personliga meddelanden
Proaktiv chatt
Försäljning Pipeline Management
Schemaläggning av möten
Spårning av användarnas beteende
Drift Media
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Drift Skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 06, 2025
Drift Logotyp
1,081 Drift Omdömen
4.4 ut ur 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Februari 09, 2024
Sarah T.
"Drift har varit väldigt lätt att förstå och använda. De sparade svaren är till stor hjälp."
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

The saved replies/being able to easily invite other teammates.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Sometimes it takes a long time for my chats to load and then I miss the chat.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

It makes a clear path for where the customer needs to go and lets me focus on other tasks at hand.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Februari 06, 2024
Leonardo R. avatar
Leonardo R.
Account Manager
"Användbar och stressfri"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

That is fully integrated with my calendar and links can be used multiple times, moreover makes easier to coordinate with clients all across the globe

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Sometimes the integration with outlook had some issues

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?


Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Februari 01, 2024
Cameron W.
"Enkel bokning"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

Helps maintain the easy of booking appointments with me

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Nothing. Comes to mind. Don't know where I would be about Drift.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Time management

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 30, 2024
Kai Lun C. avatar
Kai Lun C.
"Recension för Drift"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

Hassle free on my end. Easy for customer to book meetings with us

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Nothing much. All is good. Happy with the functions

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

It helps to repond to customers 24/7

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Jan 28, 2024
Dalton L.
"Hjälper mig att starta upps och tjäna pengar"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

It allows me to see who is active and where they are at. Prospecting has been great while using this product based on the insight that I receive from Drift I am given a leg up when it comes to finding targets to go after. It has helped me so much since I just started in my new role.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

The only issue that I have had so far is the integration between my calendar and Drift. This was easily fixed when I spoke with the representative at our most recent sales kickoff.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

It is helping me receive insight from our website activity that otherwise I would be left in the dark about. It helps me understand and get a leg up on who to target and when.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 25, 2024
Andrew M.
"Lätt att distribuera, bra kundteam, lätt att använda"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

I am a big fan of Drift, my account team and customer support. My account team is always providing insights and recommendations on what we can do to improve our playbooks. They are very responsive and address questions promptly. They also do a very good job onboarding new users. The support team is great and proactively communicates when issues occur. The user interface is very easy to use, with performance reports and I like how it integrates with other tools. For instance, 6sense segments.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

From a practitioner's perspective, having an easy way to edit playbooks would be good. Some of the playbooks we use are extensive, and making changes requires raw data export with lots of formatting. I would recommend having a text editor built-in in the platform so I can make changes on the go.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

We are using Drift for multiple purposes and it helps us by routing site visitors to the right contacts.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 24, 2024
Connie X.
"de automatiska uppmaningarna är snabba, vilket gör det enkelt att kvalificera potentiella kunder"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

the timely notifications and the fact that theres an option to opt in and out of having email notifications

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

sometimes when the notifications come in batches (ie when the chat bot is speaking with the client) it gets a bit overwhelming but I understand that is something that comes with the notifications.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Drift is helping ask preliminary questions to clients and qualifying leads

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 23, 2024
Brenda A.
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

The live updates of when my accounts are on our website.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Sometimes I get messages directed to me that are not my account.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

It is helping me identify what clients I can reach out to on a day to day basis.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 23, 2024
Arnold C.
"Mycket intuitivt och lätt att använda"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

The ability to schedule meetings from chat

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

I wish it could email me customer activity in real time

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

It helps me schedule meetings faster from the chat

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 12, 2024
Jaime B.
"Glad över att jobba med Drift!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

Drift provides us access to an immediate response to someone who chooses to chat about what they see on our website. It allows us to immediately connect and start building relationships with people interested in the solutions we offer. It is convenient and effective to communicate through chat and efficiently bring in appropriate team members.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Absolutely nothing to dislike about Drift.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

We noticed that we were losing engagement with a lot of people seeking information when it came to filling out our website forms. Drift gives us another great avenue to vet and interact with those seeking our solutions and creates so much more engagement.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
December 01, 2023
Jonas A.
Business Rep
"Drift är den bästa appen för att få kontakt med kunder och potentiella kunder i realtid!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

What I love is that is very simple and easy-to-use interface that allows me to customize the chat widget, create playbooks, and manage conversations. I can also integrate Drift.com with other tools I use, such as email, CRM, and analytics.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

I've noticed a delay when I have to cancel a meeting but the app sometimes sends reminders for a call that no longer exists.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

It provides reports and analytics that help me measure and improve my performance. I can see how many conversations, meetings, and leads I have generated, and how they affect my revenue.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
November 30, 2023
Ben B. avatar
Ben B.
Direktör, digital marknadsföring
"Det bästa sättet att engagera sig just nu"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

For our team, Drift allows a seamless communication method for direct engagement with site users. Since moving to Drift our prospect engagement has improved. The ability to connect with specific people or book meetings in chat is huge. The team uses it daily. Implementation was easy and straightforward. Our Customer Support team does a great job with regular updates and best practices. Lastly, combining Drift with 6Sense and other tools like MutinyHQ, we can effectively target segments with a truly unique experience.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

To be transparent, we don't have any Drift dislikes. It's a substantial tool that offers great features that we didn't previously have.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Direct engagement with the prospect. Ability to set meetings easily. Faster customer data acquisition.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
November 22, 2023
Shahid M. avatar
Shahid M.
"Bra verktyg, bra insikter!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

I like the functionality to see live website viewer traffic, being able to communicate via a chat function directly to them and having an easy app function for both mobile & desktop application. Seamless to use and very powerful. Connectivity with CRM Tools and effectively keeps record with all chats/data.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

I have not found any currently, but my team have been using for quite some time now.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Keeping on top of all customers who would like to speak to a representative of my company directly and at any stage of our website. It has a handy section where it displays the page the client wanted to discuss with a chat box / rep from my company. makes the conversation more seamless and insighftful. As a big organisation, it can be slightly tricky to contact a person directly, and the chat function allows us to serve our customers instantaneously.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
November 15, 2023
Benjamin L. avatar
Benjamin L.
Direktör för e-handel
"Om du inte har en stor budget eller team, då är Drift en livräddare"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

Drift is easy to use and makes an immediate impact. Whether you choose to build a fully automated bot, or one with live reps on the other end, the bot playbooks are simple to setup, connecting to your or your reps' Outlook/Google calendars is a quick process, and you can be running in a few hours. The support team is experienced, helpful and very supportive, and everyone I've worked with from my account team to the C-level folks I've met are passionate, engaging and all about improving user experiences to help your business grow.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

I've hit some limitations here and there, and made enhancement requests for their product. The good thing is in most cases, there are workarounds. Reporting is adequate, especially if you're used to more advanced dashboards from Tableau, Adobe and Google. They have made improvements over the past few years though, and if you tag things properly, you can get the data you need in SFDC.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

I don't have a large team, so I'm using Drift help visitors get to where they want to be as seamlessly as possible and to filter visitors into prospects, buyers and customers to give them different experiences. For customers, I've automated the top FAQ's so they can get answers quickly. For buyers, I'm splitting between direct purchases and those that need to chat with a sales rep for a quote or demo. Logic and routing built into the bots qualify and send leads to reps in the appropriate region, and we've seen pipeline go from 0 to 7 figures in just a few months. Benefits are significantly increased conversion on form pages, consistently in the 70% range to convert an engagement to a lead, while the standard form converts around 20%. We're just getting our enterprise reps onto live chat, so the form is completely eliminated when a bot can connect a qualified hot prospect directly to a rep, or better yet, the rep is notified when a target account is on the site and they can proactively intercept and help that visitor instead of waiting for the visitor to request a quote. This has increased our quantity of leads and shortened time to converted opportunity significantly.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
November 02, 2023
Jay B.
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

I love how effiecient it is to schedule a meeting and how easy it is to talk with clients. The implementation is easy. When I have a question customer support is very simple to chat with and my company alows us to have a frequency of use of Drift. There is a strong ease of integration as I use it with my calendar. The number of features is crazy, there are a lot of things to do and accomplish. 10/10

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Right now, I have only used Drift for about a week. I guess I would say, I wish I could chat in with clients.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Drift provides HOT leads to my calendar.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 19, 2023
Katy H.
"STOR upplevelse, rekommenderas varmt!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

love that i can see in real time who's on my website, and what companies have the highest engagement

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

haven't found anything yet, i've been using it for about 2 months now

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

making it easy to see customer engagement which helps me strike while the iron is hot

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 09, 2023
Maxwell W.
"Bästa konversationsverktyget runt"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

Easily chat with prospects or clients as they are live on your website.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

At times, notifications can be faulty. However, when Drift was made aware of this issue - they fixed it quite quickly and its been resolved ever since.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Connecting with prospects frictionlessly

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Oktober 03, 2023
Rich P.
Vp, Konsultgrupp
"Otroligt användbart för att hjälpa till att engagera sig med besökare och försöka identifiera dem"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

Identifying site visitors Ease of clicking to web site and social media Useful to see traffic after hours

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

sometimes what Drift idenitfies as the location of where the visitor is from is suspect

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Realtime intel on web traffic

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
September 25, 2023
Haliny L.
"Lätt att navigera, gör jobbet för mig att boka möten"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

Drift shows what companies are on our website, helps book meetings for those who are interested, and so much more. It's so user-friendly as well.

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

Nothing so far, sometimes drift video is a little slow to load but that might be my wifi.

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

Booking meetings with those on the website in real time

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
September 21, 2023
David H. avatar
David H.
Global Marketing Operations Manager
"Ett av de enklaste användargränssnitten"
Vad gillar du bäst med Drift?

- Extremely intuitive environment and UI - Regular updates and visible changes - Communication of updates

Vad ogillar du med Drift?

- Sometimes having even too many choices - Routing options are overwhelming and need a lot of trial and error or assistance from experienced consultant

Vilka problem löser Drift och hur gynnar det dig?

It's a small, condensed version of our website where we can guide the journey of the dialogue.