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Chemicloud recensioner och produktinformation

Chemicloud översikt
Vad är Chemicloud?

Branschledande drifttid med 24/7 serverhantering, 24/7 support och konkurrenskraftig skalbarhet.

Företag Kemikloud
År grundades 2016
Företagsstorlek Jag bara anställda
Huvudkontoret Delaware, USA
Sociala medier
Chemicloud-kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om Chemicloud
Vad är Chemicloud bäst för?
Hur jämför Chemicloud med Bluehost?
Vilka är fördelarna och nackdelarna med Chemicloud?
Chemicloud Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Chemicloud funktioner
24 / 7 kundsupport
99.9% garanterad driftsäkerhet
Automatiserade säkerhetskopior
Anpassad ISO-montering
Anpassningsbara konfigurationer
Hög tillgänglighet
Omedelbar försörjning
Live migrationer
Managed Services
Flera IP-adresser
Flera OS-alternativ
Applikationsinstallation med ett klick
Ögonblicksbild och kloning
Ometerad bandbredd
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 02, 2025
Chemicloud logotyp
23 Chemicloud Omdömen
4.9 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 09, 2024
Irwin A. avatar
Irwin A.
"högsta nivå av lyhördhet och service"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

In all the years I have had websites and done them for clients I have never had the responsiveness and technical level of expertise I have received from chemicloud. I would recommend them to anyone. Especially if your webhost has gone down hill or jacked up your rates while providing no improvement of service.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I have no dislikes. I am annoyed that I have to type something into this field for G2 which I would give a negative to because if I don't have criticism then I should be allowed to leve the field blank.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

There is a war which AI will only increase in trying to push spam through. Chemicloud migrated my sites with no issues. I did somehow get an email forwarder, but since nothing I send in emails is anything I wouldn't yell out the window, I consider that a none issue. I removed the forwarder when I started getting odd bounce messages. Chemicloud helped me find that issue and resolve it quickly.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 02, 2024
Lizabeth W. avatar
Lizabeth W.
Grundare & VD
"Bästa kundtjänst i branschen"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

They make it easy to get info, support, and guidance.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I have found no downsides. Their support is excellent.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

Excellent customer service and assistance with various tech issues that stem from integrations like HubSpot

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 31, 2023
Mike T.
"ChemiCloud är verkligen riktigt bra! Supersnabb (nästan omedelbar) support från MYCKET kompetenta tekniker. A+!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

I've only been with ChemiCloud for a few days but so far the server is very snappy, the admin panel and cpanel are well designed and fast and the part that is the most impressive is their incredible tech support. Super fast, almost instantanious. The techs are very sharp and not just using a "cheat sheet" like I think many other operations do. I don't have the time or patience to wait around, I have work to do and when I need an answer or some help I need and want it asap and that's what I have gotten with these guys. In the past, my BP would double trying to deal with other provider's support but I find myself actually LOL dealing with these guys. In 30 plus years I have never had support service like this. Very Impressive! I've paid more and got a LOT less over the years. I think I just might move all my services to ChemiCloud.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

So far, nothing! I'm fairly new to ChemiCloud but so far, good prices, Super fast and competent support and a snappy server.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

I've had many server accounts with countless vendors over the years and so far this is the best By Far. My other providers have slow and often horrible support, slow overloaded servers and I'm almost always frustrated with the service I'm getting for the money I'm paying. I actually find myself LOL dealing with their support. I keep thinking there must be a catch. But so far I'm one happy tech since moving my first account to ChemiCloud.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 07, 2023
Razvan C. avatar
Razvan C.
Product Owner
"Den bästa servicen och kundupplevelsen jag har sett på marknaden!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

Their immediate support and great care for clients' needs and issues. Flexible plans and a wide range of professional services that they offer!

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

Nothing I can say so far, and I've been using their services for the past 4 years.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

For me Chemicloud is a trusted hosting provider, which has helped me navigate this complex ecosystem with ease, mostly thanks to their excellent support, but also their highly intuitive and easy to use client dashboard, which makes my admin life so much easier. It's also great for non-technical people who want to have control over their domains, and also know that someone is there to help if they get stuck.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 01, 2023
Larisa Maria P. avatar
Larisa Maria P.
Marketing Specialist
"De har ett väldigt snabbt och professionellt team"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

It's one of the most professional teams I've worked with in the industry. Their service support is excellent

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I have nothing to say. I worked very simply and quickly with them.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

I think the most important thing for me was that they taught me a lot about what goes on behind my website. They were patient to make me understand all their work.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 31, 2023
Rui V.
"Bra service och support!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

ChemiCloud helped me migrate my accounts to their servers and provided outstanding support resolving some difficult issues. They are technical experts with awesome customer service skills.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I haven't experienced any downsides to being a customer of ChemiCloud. They have been great for my business so far and I plan on staying a loyal customer for the foreseeable future,

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

Time and cost savings.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 31, 2023
Shamim H.
Professionell frilansare
"Bästa kundservice 24/7"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

I have been serving my few customers with Chemicloud reseller hosting , which is really good and has 100% uptime. Also, Chemicloud customer service is just Great!!!

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

No anything to blame. everything is great to me, even their payment system is clean and very easy.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

Any customer complain for my reseller hosting, Chemicloud serves the fastest solutions

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 26, 2023
Ram P.
"Bästa webbhotellleverantör som någonsin använts"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

The best things I liked about ChemiCloud are Reliability, Features, and 24/7 Live Chat Support.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

To date, I haven't found any reasons to dislike ChemiCloud. Their services are far behind the expectation.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

Before switching to ChemiCloud Reseller hosting I tried Many Reseller hosting services with several providers that claimed they are the best. But none of them are good as ChemiCloud. My previous providers were poor in Uptime, Traffic handling, Support, etc. All these things were fixed by Switching to ChemiCloud.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 26, 2023
Antonio T.
"Tillgänglighet för tjänster och snabb support"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

For us, high availability is important and in the face of any observation we have had, there is always support that gives us quick results, which we highly value.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

They do not have services with Windows operating system.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

Bounced emails, MariaDB crashes, SSL configuration. In all cases the attention times were good.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juli 23, 2023
Leena M.
"Den bästa värdleverantören jag har hittat"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

ChemiCloud are always available on live chat and have people who actually know what they're talking about. They go above and beyond for all my clients and myself, to the point that I now only recommend them for hosting. They have extremely quick hosting, even on the smaller packages for WordPress.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I haven't found a thing to dislike about them yet. So far over the past three years I've used them they have never ever failed me.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

ChemiCloud have good rates which makes them affordable for small businesses in the UK. The biggest problem they solve is when I get stuck. I've never come across a provider who has been so willing to help every single time. No hit and miss, depending on who you speak to. Every single time I need help I get it there and then.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 06, 2023
Brusten F.
"Fantastiskt! ChemiCloud da Best."
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

Well I can't say less more than that the support is the best. They are 24/7 there for you and you can ask a specific person even if he isn't working. I think the fact that everything goes automatically and that fast, it's easy to setup and so fast. They even will help you with the setup. So ye. 5/5

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I have nothing. It's perfect, the support, the easy setup, and they are 24/7 available.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

All my problems, xD. I'm literally out of mind but ye they have helped me setup my whole website... Amazing, no worths for.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Mar 22, 2023
Patrick C.
"Absolut bästa värd där ute"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

If you have a question, they will find the answer! I've worked with other host in the past ...and there is no comparison! They are friendly and knowledgeable and fast to respond! I will never use another hosting company!

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

There is nothing to dislike won't be disappointed with ChemiCloud!

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

They can help with anything, but I had an issue where one of my clients wasn't receiveing my emails. They didn't stop working on it until it was fixed! I'm pretty positive most hosting companies wouldn't mess with email problems.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Mar 08, 2023
Joe G.
"Enastående kundsupport"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

Working with Chemicloud has been a pleasure from day one. They are responsive, helpful, and knowledgeable where it matters. I've been with them for a few years, and my experience with their customer support team has always been exceptional. This company appears to be staffed with well-trained people who care about customer support. I couldn't ask for more.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I don't have anything negative or constructive to suggest for improvement. Chemicloud is a top-notch company.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

The most significant value that Chemicloud provides is in helping identify and resolve potential server vulnerabilities so that I can remain PCI compliant. Their upper-level tech support is second-to-none.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Augusti 24, 2022
Abizer I. avatar
Abizer I.
Frilansande teknisk innehållsskribent
"Oöverträffad hastighet och tillförlitlighet"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

Unmatched speed and flexibility is what I like the most compared to other shared hosting providers.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

Couldn't find anything that makes me complain about their platform.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

Starting at a very low rate, the ChemiCloud provides blazing-fast speed that helps site load faster.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Mar 29, 2022
Phil C.
"Utmärkt 5* företag - en kredit till deras bransch"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

Customer support is 2nd to none matched with the Litespeed Server, CloudLinux OS and cPanel it's a cutting edge experience.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

Nothing! We are very happy with the server setup and performance.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

HQ hosting for busy medium-sized businesses.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 17, 2021
Bogdan C.
Frisör På Min Egen Salong
"kundservice över förväntan"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

The support they offer is amazing! They are simply there every time you need them. Even if everything works great, I still need them from time to time because I'm not tech-savvy, I'm a hairdresser and I need help with FTP or e-mail.. but they are always there.

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

There is not much I can say, there is nothing bad here... weird to say this, but I'm suing their service for 12+ months now and I had absolutely no issue so far...

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

1. uptime 2. website speed 3. e-mails going to inbox 4. spam filters 5. malware protection in this exact order. I'm not tech-savvy but I've learned all these 5 aspects on the hard way with my old provider....

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 16, 2021
Costin B.
"det bästa webbhotellet någonsin"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

The best things I like about them are their support and quality of service. They really offer what they say they do. I'm an Apple products fan, and they are like an Apple Product, their service simply works!! no worries, no problems... I can focus on my business!

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

There is nothing I dislike, but is there is something I must pick, is let's say the fact they don't offer support in Romanian, which is my native language

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

website speed and support speed. this is something I never had with other providers... here support is instant, also if a website is slow, I only have to open a ticket and they tell me what to do... also uptime is 100% for the lay 6 months... this is amazing.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 16, 2021
Neamtu B.
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

We're Palibo, a small bakery business from Romania, Iasi. We've been using ChemiCloud services for about 2 years now and so far it's one of the most professional experience we've had. Before ChemiCloud we tried many other we hosting companies, but none of them like ChemiCloud is. 5 stars for everything from support to service quality!!! Thanks much to Dragos and the entire team, they were always here to help us when needed, 24/7 no matter if was xmas, or easter :) literally 24/7/365 !!! Keep it up guys, Palibo counts on you !!! I totally recommend CHemiCloud for everyone that has a small business and needs a trustable, serious and dedicated partener, ChemiCloud is the one! You will not regret it!

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?


Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

well first of all they host my online store: and they help me keeping that online and properly working, otherwise, I will not be able to get orders. As well since I host witch chemicloud, I don't have issues with e-mails, all my emails are sent to inbox, no issues with blacklisting anymore... website speed as well is awesome.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 29, 2023
Prakash R. avatar
Prakash R.
Senior chef
"En trevlig webbhotelllösning att använda för småföretag"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

This is a simple tool for web based hosting and very good and effective for the small businesses. The best thing about this is it provides much simple process to start with

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

The customizations are not that much good and we wish that it were provided large set of and improvedcustomizations and that would make it a better solution in the market

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

It benefited us to host our property based solution on the web. This gave a nice user interface resulting in more leads and that resulted more productivity and cost saving

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
September 11, 2023
Verifierad granskare
"Fantastisk service och produkt"
Vad gillar du bäst med Chemicloud?

I'm not a coder and ChemiCloud have been amazing with their support, nothing is too much trouble. Also very happy with my website speed and managed to get used to cPanel in no time!

Vad ogillar du med Chemicloud?

I don't dislike anything but as I was new to cPanel it got a bit of getting used to. I'm fine with it now.

Vilka problem löser Chemicloud och hur gynnar det dig?

Cloning a website, configured Litespeed cache to speed up my website, email config, migrating my websites - they have helped me with everything