Agil CRM-bakgrundsoskärpa
Agile CRM-logotyp
Agile CRM
Sälj och marknadsför som Fortune 500
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Agile CRM-recensioner och produktdetaljer

Agil CRM-översikt
Vad är Agile CRM?

Agile CRM är en populär kundrelationsplattform som byggdes för små till medelstora organisationer. Mjukvaran är mest känd för sin förmåga att sömlöst integrera försäljning, service, marknadsföring, sociala medier och andra engagemangskanaler för att erbjuda ett centraliserat, molnbaserat nav som levererar kundrapporter, analyser och marknadsföringsinsikter. Tillgängligt i olika prisnivåer, erbjuder Agile CRM en premium gratistjänst och går upp till prissatta planer som stöder upp till 10 användare, till tjänster på företagsnivå utformade för över 50 integrationer och plugin-funktioner.

Företag Agilt CRM
År grundades 2013
Företagsstorlek 51-200 anställda
Huvudkontoret Plano, Texas, USA
Sociala medier
Agila CRM-kategorier på Findstack
Ställ frågor om Agile CRM
Vad är Agile CRM bäst för?
Hur jämför Agile CRM med Act!?
Vilka är fördelarna och nackdelarna med Agile CRM?
Agile CRM-produktdetaljer
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / webbaserad, mobil Android, mobil iPad, mobil iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
Agilt CRM-för- och nackdelar
  • Gratis plan för upp till 10 användare
  • Molnbaserad miljö för snabb skalning
  • Chattfönster med flera moln
  • Arbetsflödesautomatisering och enkel datainmatning
  • Omfattande kundsupport
  • Endast tillgängligt på engelska
  • Inte lämplig för lokal distribution
Agila CRM-funktioner
Hantering av kundfeedback
Kundtjänst biljettförsäljning
Anpassningsbara instrumentpaneler
Dataimport / export
lead Management
Marketing Automation
Mobil åtkomst
Rapportering och analys
Rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll
Försäljning Pipeline Management
Integrering av sociala medier
Agila CRM Media
Agil CRM 0
Agil CRM 1
Agil CRM 2
Agil CRM 3
Agil CRM 4
Agile CRM-skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: September 02, 2024
Agile CRM-logotyp
344 Agile CRM Omdömen
4.1 ut ur 5
Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
November 09, 2023
Prasanth V.
"Användarvänlig CRM!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

With Agile CRM, it is easy to manage campaigns, databases and other customer service operations. They are open to suggestions, ready to create and implement a tailor made solution as per our needs.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

They are progressive so far, and it's affordable.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Email tracking is essential for all our campaigns and it's doing a great job so far. And maintaining the deal is much easier in each stage of the cycle.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
September 18, 2023
Erwin D.
"En mycket användarvänlig applikation"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

Easily to search the product and all related items

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

For now I don't have any issue with agile since its one of my top list

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

I'm not familiar with the problem solving but based on my experience it can agile can assist engineers on product item list reviews

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Juli 26, 2023
William B. avatar
William B.
Teamledare för marknadsföring
"Agil CRM - mitt perspektiv: funktioner i överflöd!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

Agile CRM offers a wealth of features—email and leads management, plus customers data organization—all in one place. Keeping everything under control is a breeze, and staying updated with customer information is effortless. The insights gained from this data have significantly enhanced our customer relations.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

This product has no cons. It's straightforward and incredibly user-friendly.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Agile CRM's significance in my daily operations is unmatched, as it continuously fuels success and steers our business forward.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juli 03, 2023
Andy S. avatar
Andy s
"Agil CRM erbjuder användarvänlig tillgänglighet för alla."
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

When it comes to CRMs, the user interface reigns supreme, and that's precisely why Agile CRM stands out from the crowd. It's the top choice for many, thanks to its remarkable UI. Boasting an array of features, Agile CRM lets us seamlessly integrate third-party software, effortlessly generate insightful reports, and harness the power of lead automation. It's no wonder Agile CRM is simply the best.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

I harbor no dislike towards this software. It's remarkably easy to use and has become a crucial aspect of our business operations.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Agile CRM's unrivaled user interface, diverse feature set, and critical lead automation functionality solidify its position as the ultimate CRM solution, leaving competitors in the dust.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 27, 2023
Joel A. avatar
Joel A.
Account Executive
"En funktionsrik CRM-app med extra fördelar"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

The impact of AgileCRM on our sales and marketing procedures is truly revolutionary. Its CRM platform is both efficient and powerful, while remaining user-friendly. I now have the ability to easily maintain contact with all my colleagues, transactions, and ventures, right at my fingertips. AgileCRM has empowered us to enhance our sales, service, and marketing functions, equipping us with the necessary resources for seamless daily customer interactions.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

Drawing from my personal experience, I can confidently state that I have nothing but positive feedback for this tool as it has consistently outperformed my expectations, offering an immensely satisfactory service that brings me genuine joy, leaving no room for any complaints.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

The use of AgileCRM has made my sales management much simpler, allowing me to effortlessly monitor my sales activities, assess my progress, and prepare for the future. As a result, I have experienced a boost in revenue and witnessed enhanced customer service. The introduction of automated reminders has truly revolutionized my workflow, lightening my workload and allowing me to concentrate on sales. All in all, AgileCRM stands out as an outstanding solution that has profoundly revolutionized the way I conduct business, elevating efficiency and productivity."

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 05, 2023
Brian T. avatar
Brian T.
Sales Representative
"Förbättra kundinteraktioner med en enda, effektiv plattform."
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

My experience with AgileCRM has been nothing short of revolutionary. It has completely revamped how I structure, monitor, and handle our sales and marketing procedures. The CRM platform is not only powerful but also incredibly intuitive and efficient. With just a few taps on my fingertips, I can effortlessly maintain contact with all my associates, track transactions, and manage various ventures. AgileCRM has truly empowered us to optimize our sales, service, and marketing functions, enabling us to interact with our customers seamlessly on a daily basis.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

It may initially pose a challenge to get the hang of everything, but once you become familiar with all the features and start using them effectively, it's truly amazing! Furthermore, the presence of customer support ensures that any issues can be promptly resolved.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Having access to a range of business modules within a CRM tool transforms it into something more than a simple CRM, in my opinion.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 01, 2023
Brenda S. avatar
Brenda S.
Senior dataanalytiker
"Släpp lös affärspotential: höja kundservicen och optimera projektledning"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

Personally, I find AgileCRM to be a highly reliable tool that empowers me to leverage its easy-to-use features and efficient tools to their fullest potential. Moreover, seamless integration with other tools greatly enhances overall productivity. It excels in responsiveness when engaging with customers. AgileCRM enables me to effortlessly maintain sales cycles and deliver excellent ongoing customer service, thereby providing additional care to our clients. Additionally, the user interface stands out for its simplicity and manageability compared to other similar tools.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

There isn't a single fault I can find in this app; it perfectly meets our needs and surpasses our expectations.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

As a business, we have found AgileCRM to be incredibly beneficial in enhancing our marketplace and improving our customer services. The wide range of services they offer has allowed us to successfully engage with our clients in a more reliable manner. Moreover, I have personally utilized this tool for project management tasks.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Maj 29, 2023
Harold S. avatar
Harold S.
Marketing Associate
"Sömlös och lättanvänd plattform för uppgiftshantering"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

What I cherish the most about AgileCRM is how it meticulously structures projects and facilitates seamless access to vital information. Our reliance on AgileCRM extends to project management, timelines, and the constant tracking of project statuses.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

In my view, this application is without flaws; it offers an exceptional service. The user interface is designed for easy navigation, and the customer support stands out for its excellence.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Since I transitioned to AgileCRM, I have experienced a remarkable level of organization, making it incredibly easy to access the desired information. It serves as our go-to tool for project management, providing the convenience of having all project steps consolidated on a single page.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Maj 24, 2023
Fredrik W. avatar
Fredrik W.
"En funktionsrik CRM-plattform"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

In my experience, AgileCRM has proven to be a robust solution that consolidates all our customer records. It streamlines database management and seamlessly integrates with other essential tools. Moreover, this CRM tool is remarkably user-friendly.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

Without a doubt, this software has been a reliable companion for me, always offering the necessary functions without any failures. As someone with a hectic schedule, I greatly appreciate how it streamlines my tasks and helps me save money. I confidently suggest it to anyone in search of a trustworthy and intuitive app.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Personally, AgileCRM has been instrumental in empowering our organization with sales enablement capabilities and offering a versatile platform for seamlessly managing all our clients' accounts and carrying out essential account-related tasks. It plays a vital role in helping us accomplish our organizational goals.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Maj 23, 2023
Chelsea K. avatar
Chelsea K.
Framåt utplacerad ingenjör
"Effektiv kundhantering med agilt CRM"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

Agile CRM has revolutionized the way I manage customer information. With all contact data, contracts, and documents in one place, it's a breeze to stay organized. The automation feature is a game-changer, allowing me to schedule targeted offers, boost customer confidence, and attract new clients. Truly invaluable!

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

I have no complaints about it whatsoever. The product is loaded with features, and the customer support provided is outstanding.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Throughout the year, my experience with Agile CRM has been truly wonderful, providing invaluable support to our sales and marketing team in effectively managing leads and acquiring new clients.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Maj 18, 2023
Taras H. avatar
Taras H.
Software Developer
"Enkel och lättanvänd CRM"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

AgileCRM excels in contact management, making it a breeze to handle our contacts and sales leads. Additionally, it greatly aids us in efficiently managing our daily tasks.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

This solution is flawless in meeting our needs without any disadvantages. It successfully executes the tasks it was developed for.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

With AgileCRM, I have a centralized database to store customer data and sales-related information, enabling me to easily access and analyze data on customer interactions, deals, and sales performance.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Maj 08, 2023
lisa f. avatar
Lisa F.
"En kostnadseffektiv CRM-lösning som fungerar bäst för vårt företag"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

I'm pleased to say that this tool is both affordable and incredibly easy to set up and use. I was able to implement it quickly with minimal assistance thanks to its intuitive interface. The custom fields feature works exceptionally well, and I've found the relationship between company, deal, and people records to be far better than other CRM platforms I've tried. I also appreciate the ability to conduct simple bulk personalized marketing email campaigns directly from the product. The addition of multiple sales cycles has been a fantastic upgrade, and while we haven't yet utilized the task assignment functionality, it could be a helpful feature in the future. I've also been impressed by the platform's strong reporting capabilities, which can be reconfigured with ease. Regular product updates demonstrate a real commitment to improvement. I highly recommend this tool.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

I cannot think of anything that I dislike about this app as a customer who has been using it for some time now. It has met all my expectations and has even exceeded them in some cases.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

I love AgileCRM because it's not only affordable, but also incredibly easy to set up and use. The custom field feature is top-notch and the relationship management between the company and deals is the best part.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Maj 01, 2023
Isai C. avatar
Isai C.
"Optimalt verktyg för att hantera försäljning genom hela cykeln."
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

I've found that using AgileCRM's combination of a strong CRM and a customizable marketing module has been incredibly helpful in identifying and reaching out to customers. AgileCRM has empowered our marketing team to create and deploy campaigns without needing IT, which has saved us a lot of time and effort.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

I have no negative comments to make. There is no negative feedback from my perspective.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Thanks to AgileCRM, I can communicate and track communications with our clients more effectively.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
April 04, 2023
Lucian C. avatar
Lucian C.
"Det mest prisvärda och effektiva alternativet!"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

AgileCRM is an impressive system that encompasses multiple aspects of our business into one comprehensive solution. Rather than subscribing to several online packages for CRM, invoicing, HR, etc., we now have all of these capabilities in one system.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

I have been using this app for a while now, and it has exceeded my expectations. I can't find any flaws with it, and it is still my preferred choice over other similar apps.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

All things considered, AgileCRM is still a remarkable system, and the customer service has been outstanding. The ability to consolidate all of our operational systems into a single solution and tailor it to our unique business requirements is still a fantastic feat.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
April 03, 2023
Georg D. avatar
Georg D.
Senior kundtjänstmedarbetare
"Exceptionellt värde och effektivitet tillhandahålls av CRM-plattformen och tjänsterna."
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

Agile CRM is an excellent choice for businesses that want to get up and running with a CRM system quickly and easily. Its onboarding process is straightforward, so there's no long learning curve to worry about. Any business can benefit from using this user-friendly CRM, which offers a clear and concise interface for the tasks it's designed for. Importing contacts is a breeze, and email templates are ideal for developing effective business strategies. Agile's customer support team is also responsive and helpful, making it a great investment for any company looking to move forward.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

Honestly, I haven't encountered any complexities. Everything is uncomplicated and easy to grasp.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Overall, Agile is a fantastic choice for businesses looking for a quick and easy CRM with a short learning curve. It's straightforward, user-friendly, and clear in its task management, making it an ideal investment for any company.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
April 03, 2023
Angelo B. avatar
Angelo B.
"Denna CRM är utmärkt för företag som kräver avslutande av affärer."
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

What I find most appealing about it is the visualization feature. It offers an easy-to-understand representation of your funnel and how you're progressing towards your goals, which can be incredibly motivating. Moreover, it has integrations with several other services and comes with an Android app that's perfect for people who are always on the go. The Gmail integration is particularly noteworthy as it helps you keep track of both the company and potential contacts.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

There's nothing to dislike about this app. It's an incredible tool that saves me both time and money, and it has all the features I require. It's user-friendly, making it a great fit for any business.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

AgileCRM is one of the finest CRM software I have ever used, and I have experimented with several others. It is affordable, user-friendly, and robust, making it an excellent tool for businesses of all sizes. It assists me in overseeing my sales pipeline and keeping track of my clients, potential clients, and business prospects. Additionally, it is perfect for scheduling my content calendar and keeping track of all my concepts, projects, and drafts.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Mar 21, 2023
Brad M. avatar
Brad M.
"Det mest effektiva verktyget för att hålla kontakten med din kundbas"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

One of the things that sets AgileCRM apart from other customer relationship management (CRM) tools is its excellent visual dashboard. I can easily navigate through all the different types of data I require, including customer information, sales data, and marketing metrics. The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of my business, allowing me to make informed decisions quickly and easily.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

The reliability of this app has been unmatched in my experience, and I've always been able to find the necessary features without any difficulty. Being constantly on the go, it has become an invaluable asset that has saved me a great deal of time and money. Without hesitation, I would recommend it to anyone seeking a dependable and easy-to-use app.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

AgileCRM is one of the top-rated CRM software programs that I've used, and I've tried many. Its cost-effective, user-friendly, and highly functional features make it the perfect solution for businesses of any size. With AgileCRM, I can easily keep track of my sales pipeline, monitor my customers, prospects, and business opportunities. Moreover, it's an excellent tool for organizing my content calendar and managing all my projects, drafts, and ideas.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Mar 21, 2023
Greg N. avatar
Greg N.
"Ett allomfattande tillvägagångssätt för att hantera kundrelationer"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

The thing that stood out to me the most about Agile CRM was its capacity to consolidate all the necessary functions for managing customer relationships in one centralized solution. This includes managing marketing automation, sales, customer service, and analytics. Additionally, the interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, enabling users to access all the crucial features quickly and efficiently. What's more, Agile CRM offers great flexibility and customization, making it possible to tailor the solution to suit each business's specific requirements. In summary, I highly recommend Agile CRM as a comprehensive and effective customer relationship management solution for any business looking to boost its efficiency in this area.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

I have nothing negative to say about the software; it is straightforward to use and suits my purposes.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Overall, Agile CRM is an exceptional solution for managing customer relationships, offering an all-in-one solution that integrates marketing automation, sales management, customer service management, and analytics management.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Mar 13, 2023
Drake W. avatar
Drake W.
Biträdande chef
"Öka ditt företags produktivitet med detta robusta verktyg"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

Building trusting relationships with clients and prioritizing customer-centricity is at the core of this tool's purpose. Its CRM functions are exceptional, automatically triggering tasks and updating CRM records. Additionally, it provides uninterrupted access to customer data, offering a 360-degree view of their interests and preferences. Based on these insights, tailored CRM solutions can be developed to suit each client's specific requirements.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

If there were additional woocommerce integrations, like Square Space and PrestaShop, it would be great. This would provide users with more options for creating their online stores.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

AgileCRM is an all-in-one solution that combines flexibility, customization, and ease of use to deliver excellent customer relationship management. As someone who specializes in automation, I highly recommend this tool to streamline and minimize manual customer-level efforts.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 06, 2023
Prasad K. avatar
Prasad K.
Digital marknadsföringsstrateg
"Bra support och prisvärt för nya användare"
Vad gillar du bäst med Agile CRM?

I've met over in Zoom with Peter several times for issues with workflow creation. He's been very helpful, and patient in helping me learn the workflow creation of Agile CRM. Thanks, Peter - very patient and you gave me clear instructions and guidance. I will be staying now with AgileCRM and learning to use the CRM fully. Agile CRM is an All-in-One. An affordable platform for marketing agencies and marketing heads.

Vad ogillar du med Agile CRM?

There is nothing to negative comments from my side.

Vilka problem löser Agile CRM och hur gynnar det dig?

Mainly I am using Agile CRM for Email marketing, And Landing pages purpose, It is very helpful to my business. With Agile CRM I have increased the quality of my leads. And also have very affordable prices compared with other CRMs.