20i bakgrundsoskärpa
20i logotyp
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Findstack är gratis för användare eftersom leverantörer betalar oss när de får webbtrafik och försäljningsmöjligheter. Findstack kataloger listar alla leverantörer – inte bara de som betalar oss så att du kan fatta ett så välinformerat köpbeslut som möjligt.
Findstack erbjuder objektiva och omfattande jämförelser för att hjälpa dig hitta den bästa programvaran. Vi kan få en hänvisningsavgift när du besöker en leverantör via våra länkar. LÄR DIG MER

20i recensioner och produktinformation

20i Översikt
Vad är 20i?

Den första webbhotellplattformen du kommer att älska. Och den sista du någonsin kommer att behöva. 20i gör de svåraste delarna av att distribuera och hantera en webbplats enklare - vilket ger designers/utvecklare, företag och byråer mer tid att fokusera på det de är bäst på - att växa sin verksamhet. Vi är angelägna om att leverera prestanda som ligger utanför listorna, skalbarhet du kan lita på och avancerad säkerhet direkt för alla, med vår multi-molnplattform.

Företag 20i begränsad
År grundades 2016
Företagsstorlek 51-200 anställda
Huvudkontoret Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, Storbritannien
Sociala medier
20i Kategorier på Findstack
Crevios logotyp
$ 29.00 / mån
Crevio är en plattform för kreatörer att sälja digitala produkter, tjänster, kurser och tillgång till andra tredje... Lär dig mer om Crevio
Ställ frågor om 20i
Vilken 20i är bäst för?
Hur jämför 20i med dhosting?
Vilka är för- och nackdelarna med 20i?
20i Produktinformation
Litet företag
Mid Market
konfiguration Moln / SaaS / Web-baserat
Support 24/7 (liverepresentant), chatt, e-post/hjälp, vanliga frågor/forum, kunskapsbas, telefonsupport
Utbildning Dokumentation
Språk Engelska
20i funktioner
Säkerhetskopiering och återställning
CDN -integration
Cron jobbschemaläggning
Anpassade felsidor
E Hosting
Hosting för flera domäner
Hjälp om webbplatsmigrering
Uptime garanti
webbplats Builder
20i Media
20i 0
20i 1
20i skärmdumpar
Vår forskning är sammanställd från olika auktoritativa källor och avsedd att ge allmänna råd. Vi garanterar inte att våra förslag kommer att fungera bäst för varje användningsfall, så överväg dina unika behov när du väljer produkter och tjänster. Dela gärna din återkoppling.
Senast uppdaterad: den 07, 2025
20i logotyp
114 20i Omdömen
4.9 ut ur 5
Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Februari 02, 2024
Bill B.
"Värdefull support alltid tillgänglig när du behöver den."
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Detailed instructions available for every step and someone always ready to answer questions that come up. They have AI if you want it but always a human there to help. I moved here from some awful support so it's been great.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

So far I haven't run into anything that's a problem for me.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

I create and host websites for my publishing services and book sales. They make it easy to perform all my tasks and are there if I run into something that I don't clearly understand. An immense difference from where I was before. It was pure luck that I found them but am so glad I did.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 31, 2024
Lisa D.
"Effektivitet och pålitlig"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

The my20i team are alway so efficient when replying to support quires and will to go above and beyong to resolve problems. They best support team around.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

I dislike nothing about my20i, it is a fantastic service!

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

They help us provide secure hosing for our clients. We also love that there is a sustainability focus with the company.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 25, 2024
Tracy H. avatar
Tracy H.
"Rekommenderas starkt"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Not only is the hosting incredibly reliable, but the support is second to none. One of my biggest reasons for using them is they offer green hosting which ticks my business ethos.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Not found any downsides to using 20i. They are a brilliant company to work with.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

My business is very sustainability focussed, and with 20i's green hosting, it ticks that box not just for me, but for my clients. Their control panel is so user friendly, I can see all my clients websites and domains and manage them easily. I can also give my clients (or their IT teams) access to their own control panel.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 17, 2024
Mustafa Y.
"Snabb och vänlig teknisk support"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Stable servers, fast and friendly technical support

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

So far everything is going well, we sincerely appreciate it

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

The problems that the 20i solves are many, but the most important are standard mailbox size, security, reliability, and fast technical support.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 17, 2024
Charlie W.
"20i ger mycket proaktiv och effektiv kundsupport"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Both over the last year, since I signed up to 20i, and in the most recent case the level of support and their responsiveness have impressed me. In the most recent incident Callum responded almost instantly and when we couldn't find an immediate resolution to my enquiry the ticket was escalated and the issue resolved. Any delays in the progress of the ticket were more down to my response times rather than on the part of Callum or 20i. This, I have learnt over the few support tickets I’ve raised, is the norm. I’m very satisfied with my decision to pull my physical servers from my previous data centre and open a reseller account with 20i using their own cloud hosting. The service thus far has been exemplary and the management of their services using the 20i control panel has made management of the 30+ sites that I currently manage a breeze. Being able to set-up customised individual control panels for individual clients where needed has also streamlined my operations and impressed the clients that want that level of control.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

None really. Recent change from unlimited number of sites for one price to a tiered tariff is something of a negative. Though in reality not a great hardship as the costs are still manageable given the allowances within each tier.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

Relieving the need for dedicated server with associated management, software licencing and co-location costs.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Jan 16, 2024
David G.
"Förstklassig support och service"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

They are in my opinion the most advanced hosting & reselling platform out there today. Always adding & improving daily. There support is the best I have came across & fast, The platform is easy to use & intuitive.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Nothing to dislike, all is good with 20i

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

It resolves eveything to do with hosting & emails for our clients.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 31, 2023
Chris C.
"Riktigt bra, men ändå förbättras."
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

20i reliability, ease of use, straightforward user interface. and excellent support team for that weird question I sometimes have, before I make a change I like to make sure. They answer quickly, professionally, and more importantly. accurately. Whats not to admire?

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Setting up hostshop is quir=te easy for resellers, but it still has a little way to go as regards editing. as I spend quite a bit of time trying to figure it out when it should be clear.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

Site URL changes re .htaccess accuracy.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 28, 2023
Chris N.
"Kan inte fel på service eller produkter"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Faith in hosting companies restored! Thank you 20i. The system and interface etc works well, and whenever we have a problem, we can live chat or post a ticket and we get timely and helpful replies quickly and easily.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Can't think of anything negative to be honest.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

An easy place for all our domain names to live, and set up emails if required. We've typically hosted sites elsewhere as an agency, but we're using some of 20i's hosting now too and that's super easy to use.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 15, 2023
Jack I. avatar
Jack I.
Verkställande konsult
"Sammantaget, alltid en smärtfri upplevelse, med bra stöd när det behövs"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Fast and 'actually helpful' support team. Support is always there, even for the simplest of things, they speak to you like you are human, not just another customer. Plenty of features and services to allow me to offer the best hosting out to my customers.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Generally, nothing, but the UI for the Reseller Hosting is still clunky to use, even after much improvement. More needs to be done here to make it faster to navigate through.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

A simple and effective solution to reseller hosting, backed by amazing customer support.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
December 08, 2023
Simon T.
"Den bästa kundtjänst jag någonsin upplevt"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

I like the migration service it's very easy and if there is a problem like there was with my previous host over a DNS issue with the second site I needed to migrate they helped me through the staging process which I'd never done before and they took the lead through the whole process. they are not just generic support staff who answer the phones or divert your ticket to the right department, they are all technically qualified people and give you the assistance right from the get go. I particualy love thier WordPress optimised platform which is great as I develop websites for my clients using this, so no more messing around optimising servers myself with increased memory etc. The built in web application firewall and malware scanner is a big plus also the free SSL, 20i are saving me money every year here, so no more pricey bloaty plugins to install. Their CDN is a massive plus so no more cachhing plugins required either. I can't recommend 20i enough they are packed full of useful features , easy integratins and implementation and Ben G who supported me through the process was absolutely brilliant.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Have't found anything I dislike. I'm not sure there is anything to dislike.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

They are solving my previouse platform issues with heart internet and also solving my previous customer support issues, my previous host left me hanging for nearly 4 days before I got an answer, with 20i it was less than ten minutes.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 30, 2023
Phil B.
"Bra support, super pålitlig och lyhörd"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Great dashboard, products, services and customer support

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Nothing to dislike. Have used them for many years and never had an issue.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

Simplicity of adding domains, hosting and clients.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
November 05, 2023
Gary C. avatar
Gary C.
Grundare & Konsult
"Absolut den bästa värdleverantören"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

I've used 20i for a number of years and I can honestly say, hands-down they're the most responsive and feature-rich hosting provider I've ever used - and I've used lots. Their support team is first-class, responsive and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them for really feature-rich, value-for-money hosting. Absolutely no issues whatsoever.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Nothing. I honestly can't fault their service, features and support.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

Feature-rich, high-performance web and email hosting.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 19, 2023
Lewis E. avatar
Lewis E.
"Innovativ och suverän kundsupport"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

They are 100% trustworthy, reliable, and very innovative. There panel is very easy to use and the customer support is unbeatable - they go above and beyond to help or rectify issues.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Very little. I do find the pricing to be quite steep but that's made up for in terms of customer service and brilliance.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

Customer support is top tier. They are always innovating to be in a class of their own with features such as CDN, WordPress Manager, and acelleration suite.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 17, 2023
Luiz Eduardo M.
"Premium och verkligen obegränsat återförsäljarvärdskap."
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

The fact that 20i reseller hosting is really unlimited is very attractive, performance and support are other fundamental aspects that increase the company's reliability.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

So far everything has been going perfectly well. Occasional issues we had were quickly resolved by the excellent support team. In these practically four years using 20i solutions without any serious incident.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

During this period as a 20i customer, the implementation of the Anycast network and improvements in its own CDN have benefited the company's different users here in our country.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 13, 2023
Joseph Lyn H.
"Oöverträffad för service"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Their service is there when you need them even for the most trivial of queries.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Some of their ad ons are based on how many you host in an all or nothing system which can get expensive

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

They allow me to provide a better hosting service than I ever would be able to on my own.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 09, 2023
Philip D.
"Vilket fantastiskt företag"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

I have been with 20i for well over 5 years now, and as a freelance website developer, I have never encountered a better hosting company. I have worked with many hosting companies, and none were on a par of 20i. I highly recommend them.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

Nothing. It would be good to have phone support if possible, but the ticket system is more than adequate.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

I have many clients all over the world and I love the fact that I can give each of my clients their own hosting control panel

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 08, 2023
Arran P.
"20i har revolutionerat mitt frilansande designföretag!"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Choosing the best thing about 20i is hard, but if pushed: I'd say the Support. Regardless of your technical knowledge, nothing is too much trouble for their team.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

I'm nitpicking, but It is possible to be charged twice for the same domain, once manually and once automatically. The support team was good enough to credit me (as a goodwill gesture) after the error.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

I have had issues with third-party IT companies in the past. 20i has allowed me to take care of my own Web Hosting / Emails etc, even though my background is in design, not IT.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 08, 2023
Chris I.
"Riktigt bra paket till en rimlig kostnad. Som återförsäljare har den allt på ett ställe."
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Ease of use / centralised domain and package management. Great support as well.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

None :). If bein greally picky, the admin area can sometimes seem a little slow but not a massive issue.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

Centralised management for domains and hosting packages. Easy DNS management with the auto-entries for Microsoft 365 etc. Great file manager for hosting packages.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 08, 2023
Gordon H. avatar
Gordon H.
Verkställande direktör
"Fantastiskt värdföretag som bryr sig om att få saker rätt!"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

Price is excellent. I'm on a reseller plan and the costs are perfect. Also, customer service has yet to let me down. I'm probably the typical person in only using 20% of the features, but I get 80% of the benefit. Very happy!

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

I sometimes seem to hit a problem setting up email accounts, even though i've been doing it for years. Especially with apple products, but generally, things work well enough.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

The tech support gives me that extra level of help for my clients, so I never feel I'm alone in dealing with issues.

Small Business (50 eller färre anställda)
Juni 08, 2023
Steve M.
"Framtiden för webbhotell är nu!"
Vad gillar du bäst med 20i?

I've always found 20i support to be very friendly and willing to help even for things which aren't really their issue.

Vad ogillar du med 20i?

There's very little to dislike... Finding where things are on the control panel can be a little challenging but the whole reseller is excellent.

Vilka problem löser 20i och hur gynnar det dig?

20i gives me the solution I need to fulfil my day-to-day job and help me earn a living.

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